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July 30th  - 16 Weeks

"I'm so glad I volunteered to do this" Joe complained as he carried another brown cardboard box into Colby's home with the redhead following closely behind "Hey Joe, Would you like the next four days off after smackdown tapings on Friday to have some down time?" he questioned and Colby rolled his eyes as he walked down the stairs "Yeah Vince that'd be fantastic!" he repeated the conversation "Fast forward and here I am not at home with my family, I'm helping You move into his place"
"You agreed to it" Colby shrugged as he watched Joe sit the box down on the floor
"This is your girlfriend" he pointed to Colby "So why isn't he helping?" he looked to Rebecca
"He is helping" Rebecca nodded "He's clearing his stuff out of the closet upstairs" she said and Colby stuck his tongue out at his friend
"Ya know, somebody else could be doing this heavy lifting besides me" Ashley walked in carrying two more boxes
"I can come help you" Rebecca offered and her best friend walked over to her as she shook her head and patted the tiny bump
"You're carrying enough" she said and Rebecca rolled her eyes and looked to Colby
"Let her carry the stuff that's not that heavy" he said "She's going insane in here" he added and Rebecca happily walked out the door towards the moving truck
"Are you sure about this?" Joe asked "Because I can put it all right back on this truck and send the drivers back to L.A" he said and Colby shook his head
"You answer that and I swear to god" Ashley glared and Colby held his hands up
"It was him!" he pointed to Joe "I'm perfectly content with this" he smiled "It was my idea"
"I still can't believe she's leaving the beautiful house she just bought" Joe shook his head
"She's still keeping it" Colby nodded "We're going to stay there when we are out that way" he explained

Two hours later, Ashley and Joe left for the airport after unloading all of the boxes from the moving company's vehicle. This left Colby and Rebecca alone for the first time in what was now their home officially.

Colby had to go to the academy and check in on the class that was being held that night, he wanted Rebecca to go with him but she adamantly refused. She said she wanted to focus on getting all of her things unpacked and he understood.

He came back into his home a few hours after leaving with food in his hand, and saw standing in the foyer exactly where he had left her almost three hours prior.
"What are you staring at?" he asked and she turned to face him and his eyes widened "Are you crying?" he asked and she shook her head with a sniffle and he placed the food on the table next to the door "Why are you crying?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her and she shrugged
"I don't know where any of this goes" she said in a defeated tone and he laughed "It's not funny" she shook her head
"Sorry" he apologized "I understand this is very important business that needs to be taken care of right away" he said and she looked up at him
"Stop making fun of me" she said and he kissed her head
"I'm not making fun of you" he said shaking his head "I think it's cute that you're so concerned about messing stuff up but let me tell you something" he let her go and she turned to face him "Everything in this house was placed in it's spot by my mother because she was the one who decorated while I was gone, I don't really care where anything goes" he said with a shrug
"That doesn't help" she complained and he rolled his eyes
"Alright fine" he walked over to the boxes and opened one "Fluffy throw pillows and blankets" he said grabbing the pillows and walking to the living room, he threw them on the couch "There" he said "Perfect" he smiled "What's next?" he questioned as she watched him move to a different box

This process of opening boxes and throwing things around the house continued for close to an hour before all of the boxes were broken down and in the garage.

"One more problem" she said as they walked into their bedroom and her clothes laid on the bed
"What's the problem?" he asked and she motioned to the clothes "You have the entire closet"
"but I don't want all of it" she shook her head
"Seriously?" he questioned and she nodded "Fine" he said walking out of the room

He soon returned with the clothes he had hung up in the closet that was in the guest room and placed them on one side, he grabbed hers and placed them on the opposite side and looked back at her
"Happy now?" he asked and she nodded with a smile as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him "Welcome home" he said before placing a gentle kiss on her lips

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