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Waking up the next morning felt normal, Rebecca felt normal, Colby felt normal.. nothing was out of the ordinary and if you didn't see the collection of pregnancy tests sitting on the bathroom counter you wouldn't be any the wiser.

Rebecca got a shower, Colby talked to Ella for the day as she got ready for the day at school.

They were picking the girls up from Annette later that afternoon and having dinner with her before coming home.

First they had a gym to check out, Rebecca's old wrestling school, the one where she first trained.. she was offered a job training the new students which she was happy to do but now, she had to figure out how to train without actually wrestling.

Walking into the gym, it was familiar.. she had been back a few times in the last few years but every time she walked through the door it would take her back to that 15 year old girl who had no idea what she was doing but fell in love instantly.

"Paul!" she said with a smile as the man wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug
"It's been too long dear" he said as he held her there for a moment before pulling away and shaking Colby's hand "How long has it been since you've been in a ring?" he asked
"three years.." she said "A little over three years now" she nodded
"I'm sure you've still got it, Once you know it you never really forget it" he stated and she nodded and Colby cleared his throat and she looked over at him with a nod
"Actually Paul.. I don't know how much I'm going to actually be able to train, I can still do a few of the moves but rolls and bumps.." she shook her head
"Are you hurt?" he asked
"Pregnant actually" she said and his eyes widened
"I never thought I'd see the day you had more than three children" he shook his head
"Yeah" she nodded "This was.. not planned" she said
"Well I've seen your other kids, and judging off of that I'd say this new baby is in amazing hands with you, the two of you now" he said looking to Colby with a smile
"How am I supposed to train?" she asked "I was the hands on learner in the classes and I wouldn't feel okay with training by just telling them" she shrugged
"Becky.." he shook his head "You can still train, you can show them how to do holds, it's just the strenuous things that you can't do" he said and she nodded "I'll be here running the office if you need somebody to get in there and show them" he said "It's going to be a team effort" he said and she smiled "First class is next week" he said wrapping his arm around her

After talking to Paul for another hour and going over scheduling with him, they made their way to Annette's house.

Walking into her mother's home, Rebecca was met by two tiny girls attaching themselves to her legs
"Mommy!" the yelled in unison and she smiled down at them as she bent down to be eye level with them
"My babies.." she said placing a kiss on their cheeks "Were you good for Nan?" she asked and the two nodded
"Show you.." Ava said as she and her sister pulled Rebecca's hands and led her further into the living room
"Wow!" Rebecca said "You made a fort!" she said as she got down on the ground and crawled into the pillow fort "This is cool"
"We sleep here" Olivia said
"You slept in here?" Rebecca's jaw dropped and the little girl nodded
"Hey!" Colby said as he bent down and looked in at the girls who were huddled against their mother "I wanna see what it looks like" he said
"No!" Ava stuck her little hand out
"No boys!" Olivia said shaking her little head
"No no!" Ava said and Rebecca looked at him and his face dropped
"Aw girls, you've made him sad.." she said and the two girls looked at each other, sharing what Rebecca would always say were their thoughts without speaking, she swore the two girls had the twin connection that they could know what the other was thinking with just one look
"Come on Daddy" Ava said waving her little hand and Colby smiled as he happily crawled into the fort and sat next to Rebecca and placing Olivia on his lap

The four looked around and the fort and the girls babbled all about their night with their grandmother before Annette walked into the living room and bent down and looked into the fort
"Oh look!" she said "I knew it was only a matter of time before the big kids got into the fort" she said and the two girls laughed
"Hi mom" Rebecca smiled
"Hi Love" she said "Dinner is ready" she said
"Tell me there is your special Mac and cheese on that table" Rebecca said as she climbed out of the blankets and pillows
"Would it be dinner at your Mama's if it wasn't on the table?" Annette questioned and she saw her daughter raise her hands in victory as she walked, more like ran into the kitchen
"This freaking mac and cheese gets more love than I do sometimes" Colby shook his head and Annette patted his arm
"She's always been like that dear, It's the one thing that would make everything she thought was wrong in her little life growing up, better" she explained and he smiled
"Which is why she makes it for Ella every time she comes home upset over something" he said and Annette nodded

Rebecca was the one to break the news to her mother, she told her in private while Colby was getting the girls plates ready and making sure they were content at their little table before he made his way over to his seat next to his wife.

Annette was thrilled with the news, she even offered to take the girls more than she already did, she was excited to finally be able to be next to her daughter during this process. There were lots of discussions as far as feelings and plans and names had during that dinner.

"I saw on the news the other day that this woman had twins naturally without fertility treatment so they were a surprise and then she and her husband wanted one more baby and she got pregnant again with twins" Annette stated and Rebecca glared at her husband
"I will kill you" she said "I swear to god.. you will never make it to the birth if I'm pregnant with twins again"
"No no no no" he shook his head ferociously " I love my girls but I can't do twins again" he said
"You can't do it again? You can't? Poor you, I forgot all of the hard work and dedication you put into growing them for 37 weeks"
"and you did it amazingly" he said "I could never do what you do" he said "I love you" he placed a kiss on her head "You're beautiful" he said and she shook her head
"If I'm having twins again, no amount of compliments is going to save you"

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