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"YES!" Ella exclaimed and her two little sisters looked at her confused
"Woah.." Colby shook his head "No no" he said "That's not how that works, you talk about it, we talk about it as a family.. it effects all of us" he said
"Fine all in favor of Me going back raise your hand" she said as she raised her hand and Ella raised her hand which her caused her sister to copy "We took a vote, you're overruled"
"Family meeting" He said shaking his head once more
"We already voted!" Ella exclaimed
"I said family meeting.." he said sternly and Ella rolled her eyes
"Well we're all here, start talking" Rebecca said
"With your mom here?" he asked looking over at Annette
"She's part of this family too" Ella said "Plus she can be the referee when you two start fighting"
"We don't fight" they said in unison
"Fine, Disagree.. whatever" Ella said annoyed as she sat on the bed and the Ava and Olivia climbed up to sit next to her and Annette sat in the chair next to Rebecca's closet

Rebecca and Colby stared at one another in silence before he spoke up first
"Why?" He asked "because the whole issue with you a few years ago was you wanted to be a mom full time because you couldn't split yourself"
"You and I both know it was only a matter of time before I came back in someway" she said
"We have three kids now, one of which is in this prestigious school that you fought so hard with me to allow her to go to"
"I can go back to homeschool, I'm cool with that" Ella said
"You love that school" Colby said and the little girl nodded
"I do but I like Mama being happy more" she said and Rebecca reached out for her daughter's hand with a smile
"Seriously Rebecca.. how are we going to do this?"
"What about your freaking bus idea?" she asked
"What bus idea?" Annette questioned
"When I found out I was pregnant with the girls he said we could get a bus to take us from town to town so he wouldn't miss out on anything"
"That was then, I was talking about starting that when they were babies so they would grow up in it like Ella did.. now you're going to completely pull them from their routine"
"Girls.." Rebecca looked to the twins "Stay here and have fun or travel around the world with me and daddy?"
"World" Ava said
"Twavel" Olivia nodded
"See" she pointed to them "They want to do it"
"They don't know anything.. they've never been in this world, they don't go to many shows, they have no idea what is even going on"
"Well we're gonna change that" she said with a nod and he shook his head "Is there a bigger reason you don't want me back?" she asked "Is there something you don't want me to see.. or someone" she said
"Seriously?" he asked "Are you listening to yourself? Like I would dare to risk everything I have over someone else"
"Why else are you against this?"
"You haven't been in a ring in over three years Rebecca, the news we just got at the doctor today.. your emotions are all over the place right now"
"I'm not one of your kids asking for permission Colby" she shook her head "I'm doing this with or without your support" she shrugged "If you wanna take over and be stay at home dad while I'm out doing this then go ahead.. but she mentioned my kids, our kids.. she made it personal"
"You're going back to wrestle one chick.. seriously?" he asked
"I'm signing a contract, I'm the champion, I'm going back where I belong and I'm going to face whoever I have to.." she said with a nod "and for the record, I'm not going back to wrestle her" she shook her head "I'm going back to kick her ass"
"Oh yeah" Ella nodded with a small smirk "Mama's back"

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