Chapter One

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POV Alec 

Alec Lightwood never would have thought that they would leave New York one day. He and his family had been living there for almost eighteen years now and he couldn't imagine that it could be possible for him to feel home somewhere else. New York was the city he grew up in, the city he had seen everyday from then on. He was used to living there. He was used to hearing the noises of the traffic outside when he tried to sleep. He was used to living in a big city full of different people and he didn't want anything to change. Alec didn't like change cause even though he wasn’t exactly shy it often was rather difficult for him to open up to other people and new things. But from now on everything was going to change and Alec couldn't stop it. 

After the divorce of his parents his mother wanted to make a fresh start; she wanted to start new life and she couldn't do that in New York because Robert was there as well. You would think that a city as big as New York should have enough space for both of Alec’s parents but apparently that wasn't the case. That's why they were leaving today: Alec, his sister Isabelle, his two brothers Jace and Max and their mother of course. 

They all were sitting in the car together and Alec looked out of the window, watching how they left the huge buildings of New York behind. For a moment he felt like he couldn't breathe. He wasn't ready for this. Not at all. He felt like he was falling into a big emptiness and there was nobody who could help him. He wasn't sure how his siblings felt about their move - apart from the very obvious fact that they weren't exactly happy about it either - but he suspected that they didn't feel as helpless as he did. They were different than he was, at least Izzy and Jace. They were popular and very confident so it wouldn't be hard for them to fit in and find new friends. Max was a little bit more like Alec was but he was probably too young to really understand the way Alec was feeling right now. 

Alec sighed. He knew that he was probably exaggerating but he just couldn't help it. He’d always been like that. 

Maybe he wouldn't have been that nervous if they were moving to another big city like New York was and not into a small village in the middle of nowhere where no more than approximately 500 people were living cause there they’d definitely be in the center of attention after their arrival. 

Alec’s knowledge about villages like the one they were moving to was mainly based on movies and TV series but he expected it not to be that much different in real life. People would be talking about them, would ask curious questions. In a big city like New York it had been relatively easy to just disappear into the crowd but in a small village this definitely wouldn't be possible anymore and that's what was making Alec nervous. He definitely prefered not being in the center of attention and that was way easier when there were more people around him. He also wondered how Izzy and Jace were going to deal with their new living situation cause he highly doubted that there would be any big shopping centers or clubs for partying in Maysfield like the ones his siblings had usually been going to. Probably there would be just one grocery store in the whole area and everybody would know the other ones name and where they were living. 

Alec was lost in thoughts until he heard his sisters voice next to him. “Hey are you okay?” Izzy asked quietly. 

Alec nodded. “Sure” he said and smiled but he was almost certain that it didn't look very convincing. 

Even Max seemed to realize that he was lying. “Do you want a cookie?” he asked. “It always makes me feel better when I eat them.” 

“Thank you” Alec said and accepted the offer. Max was right: eating cookies always was a good solution for everything. 

They had been driving for a few hours now and the navigation system told them that they would arrive at their new house in about five minutes. 

Alec couldn't deny that he liked how Maysfield looked so far. There were small trees at the side of the road and all the houses looked beautiful. It looked peaceful and quiet, like a perfect place to live probably, but still he secretly wished that his mother would change her mind and immediately drive back again. This place somehow looked too perfect to him. Too unreal. It was almost suspicious. 

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