Chapter 1 - Better Than Star Wars

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(Your POV):
"Hey Pete," I greeted as he emerged from his room, surprised to see me already sprawled across his couch. I had been spending most of my time at his apartment nowadays, with school being out and my parents constantly at work.

After our less than ideal reunion, I had been making more of an effort in our relationship and pushing myself further than I felt entirely comfortable. Most of that included planning our dates myself even though I had no clue what I was doing and allowing myself to feel at home at his apartment. It was only a month into our vacation and I had already spent more time with Peter than I think I had the entire school year prior. Now I just worried that he was going to get sick of me always hanging around.

"Peter, you really should be ready for your girlfriend when she arrives," May scolded him lightly, handing me the bowl of popcorn that she had insisted on making for us.

"Yeah, Peter," I teased, a large smile growing across my face as I tossed a piece of popcorn at him, which he gracefully caught it in his mouth.

He collapsed on the couch next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him, "well then maybe you should stop being early to everything."

"I have to head out to work, you two behave while I'm gone," May called out to us as she grabbed her bag and keys to the apartment.

"Of course, May," Peter replied, grabbing the remote so that he could start the movie. Before leaving, she came over and kissed the top of Peter's head, causing his cheeks to grow pink in embarrassment.

"May," he muttered in annoyance.

She gave me a wink in response then replied, "have fun you two and call me if you need anything."

After she left, Peter started the movie and I curled up in his arms, enjoying the reassuring feeling of being in his embrace. I still didn't understand why he had accepted me back after I had broken up with him. I had clearly broken his heart, yet neither of us could go through the pain of being apart. However, he did make me promise that if I started to even think about breaking up with him again, we needed to have a full conversation before things officially ended.

Peter was entranced by the movie throughout its entirety, despite having seen it a million times before. His love for Star Wars never ceased to make me fall more in love with him, he was such a fucking nerd. As a result, I found myself watching him for most of the movie and missing out on what was happening.

Towards the end of the movie Peter looked over at me and I felt color rise up to my cheeks, averting my gaze. He untangled himself slightly so that he could reach the remote and paused the screen, making me look back up at him with a quizzical expression on my face.

"You're not even watching, are you?" He asked, looking slightly upset. "The biggest reveal in the history of cinema is about to happen and you're going to miss it."

"Sorry," I muttered, taking his hand in mine. "But you are just so adorable."

"Adorable? I feel like that's not the word of choice that people use to describe their boyfriends," he replied, but his dorky smile spread across his lips regardless.

"You love Star Wars so much and I can't help but watch you soak it all in for the millionth time. I don't understand how I ever got so lucky that I get to be the one in your arms while you watch some space movie that you love so much."

"Hey, the Empire Strikes Back is probably the greatest movie ever, don't you dare insult it by saying that it's just some space movie," he protested, pulling me closer to him.

I ran my fingers through his gorgeous curls as I replied, "what are you going to do about me disrespecting your precious Star Wars?"

"See now you have me torn because Star Wars is kinda my life, but I still have to pretend like you mean something to me too," he teased, placing a fleeting kiss upon my lips.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, removing my hand from his curls and slapping his arm lightly. "Here I was thinking that we actually had something."

"Well we did until you decided to disrespect the greatest film franchise of all time."

I merely hummed in response, closing the gap between our lips. The kiss deepened and I danced my tongue around his, pulling myself on top of his lap for a more comfortable angle. His hands found my waist, as though to make sure that I didn't fall off, and mine returned to his hair, loving the feeling of his curls between my fingers. He let out a soft moan of pleasure before I pulled away, smiling down at him.

"Can Star Wars kiss you like that?" I asked him, sitting up on his lap.

"I might need another kiss before I answer that question," he replied, pulling me back towards him and capturing my lips in another kiss.

In my position, I could feel him hardening beneath me and my heart began to beat faster. A strange feeling of desire was welling up inside of me, but at the same time so was fear. I had no idea what I was doing, I had no idea if I was ready to go all of the way. I mean, I really liked Peter, there was no doubt about it, but I wasn't quite sure I was ready yet.

However, the night that he requested that we have open communication popped back into my head, remembering what he had said about bases. Perhaps we could take it one step at a time and I could see how far I felt comfortable with and not just jumping right into the deep end. Baby steps, that's what Peter had promised me, I just needed to be willing to take them.

Parting my lips from Peter's briefly to catch my breath, I looked him right in his gorgeous brown eyes and told him, "two."

Confusion washed over him, "what?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to go all the way, but we can start with second base, test it out," I replied, feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

"You sure? I just want to make sure that you are comfortable-" he began to check in with me before I placed my lips back on his.

Tentatively, he moved his hands down to my waist, slipping his hands underneath my shirt. However he kept them on my waist and seemed too uncertain to move them anymore. Not wanting to pressure him if he didn't want to go any further, but still wanting to invite him to do so, I pulled my shirt over my head, thankful that I had covered my scars and bruises with makeup before leaving my apartment.

At my invitation, he moved his hands up a bit more so that they rested now on my ribs. I was thankful that his hands were warm, not shocking me with a cold temperature against my warm skin. His hands traveled upwards still, finding the clasp of my bra and hesitantly working to remove it. Unsure of it he was just wondering if he was going too far or if he didn't feel comfortable, I pulled away again.

"Pete, are you ok with this, because if you're not, we don't have to do this," I checked in with him, cupping his cheek in my hand.

"No, I do, I just-I've never done this before and I-I don't know, maybe I'm just afraid of messing up?"

"I don't know what I'm doing either, but I know it will be perfect because it is with you," I responded, reaching behind me and unfastening my bra for him. His gaze fixed on me, he wandered to my now exposed breasts. I inhaled sharply as his hands made contact with the tender skin, moving my lips back down to his. He met the kiss eagerly, still massaging my breasts as we kissed. His member pressed harder into me and, while I was still a bit nervous, I was happy to know that I could elicit such a reaction out of him. But he was doing the same to me, my underwear dampening as he continued to play with my breasts and kiss me with more passion than I had ever experienced before.

After continuing to make out for a bit, Peter and I finally broke apart. He held me in his arms with his dorky smile plastered on his face, "yeah, you're definitely better than Star Wars."


(A/N): Guys when I was writing this my phone autocorrected hardening to gardening and then I had to take a break from writing because I couldn't stop thinking about them making out while Peter is just gardening idk I'm really tired atm and I'm just procrastinating work I need to do. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter of this sequel!

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