Chapter 27 - Bonding with Stark

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(Your POV):
"God, now there are two of you," Happy muttered as he watched Stark and I pacing outside of the operating room. "Please just sit down, you're not going to make it go any faster. Kid, are you going to need a change of clothes? That might distract you for a bit."

I shook my head, not even bothering to look at my bloodstained clothes, "I'm not going any further away from him, I need to know that I will be here the minute he finishes up surgery."

The worry that Peter would not make it through the night kept building on itself, growing larger in my gut. I hesitated at the door, tempted to just open it and barge inside. I wish I had healing powers instead of destructive ones, I wish I could do more than just pace outside while the man I loved could die on the operating table.

The thought of him dying broke the dam I had on my emotions and I sunk down to my knees, losing all of my strength to keep me supported. The tears came out in sobs, never having felt this broken since Harry's death. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked up, just barely managing to make out Tony Stark's face through my blurry vision.

"I-I'm sorry," I tried to apologize through the sobs. "I-I don't know what came over me, it's just-I'm afraid, Mr. Stark. Pete-Pete's been my rock this past year, I-I can't lose him. He's just so incredible and-"

"I know, I know," he muttered, wrapping his arms around me. "When I first met Pete, he had just come back from dumpster diving because he and May didn't have the money to get up to date technology. I had figured out that he was Spider-Man and I felt an urge to become a mentor to him. I wasn't expecting this tiny, stuttering 15 year old to be the same train-stopping superhero that I had seen in the video. I encouraged him to continue using his powers, I made him his suit. Now I'm wondering if that was the worst thing I could have done, I feel responsible for what has happened to him."

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined seeing Tony Stark with tears in his eyes, close to breaking down in fear that Peter wasn't going to survive. I held him closer to me, leaning into the bond that was being created between us. A few months ago I was willing to sacrifice this man, along with the rest of the Avengers, in order to save Peter. But now I wasn't so sure I could. I really needed to stop seeing the humanity in those who should be my enemy.

We finally broke apart and sat down next to Happy on the bench. He seemed relieved by our actions and I realized how much our nervous pacing was stressing him out. We remained on the bench, trying to pass the time idly chatting until finally the surgery was done. It had only taken a couple of hours, but it had felt like an eternity had passed.

"The surgery was successful and we expect him to make a full recovery. However, he is still unconscious, so there is always a concern that he won't pull through," Doctor Palmer gave us the update when she emerged from behind the closed doors. "You may, however, go in and see him now."

Tony and I had both leaped up as she appeared and now we rushed into the room together, eager to see how Peter was doing. All of his wounds were patched up and, although he was still looking quite pale, at least he was no longer covered in blood. Which was more than I could say about myself.

Tony and I stayed up with him throughout the night, which was already mostly passed. The only thing that tore my gaze from the boy in front of me was when my phone buzzed with a text alert. As I glanced down, I realized how early it was getting and that I would need to get to school soon.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath as I saw the text from my father which read why are you at the Avengers Tower?

Tony perked up, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just realized that I'm going to have to leave for school soon. I don't want to have to leave him, I want to be there for when he wakes up. But my parents will kill me if I miss a day when I'm not actively dying."

"Pete's told me that your parents are quite strict, you should go to school. Besides, you've got to keep up those grades to get into MIT!"

"Yeah, I suppose," I muttered, distracted as I texted my father back. It's a long story, but I'm trying to get closer to the Avengers, learn their weaknesses, and strike when they least expect it.

"You obviously can't go to school like that, you look as though you've murdered someone. Happy, can you bring her upstairs? I'm sure that Pep, Nat, or Wanda will probably have something that will fit you and while you're up there you can wash off the blood."

I shook my head, "you are too generous, Mr. Stark. I can just go back to my apartment and change there."

"I insist. None of them will mind, you are basically family because you're dating Pete. Except for maybe Natasha, I would maybe refrain from asking her. Oh and please call me Tony. I don't understand why you two insist on calling me Mr. Stark all of the time. It makes me feel old and reminds me of my father, so just stick with Tony."

I rose from my seat to follow Happy and replied, "yes, Mr. Sta- I mean Tony. Thank you for everything that you are doing for Pete."

"Of course. Do you want to leave your number with Happy? That way we can alert you if anything changes in his condition."

I nodded, "thank you, that would be much appreciated."

With that, I finally left the room and Happy lead me to Pepper's room first, figuring that she was more likely to be up. She graciously let me in to see her closet, but I quickly realized that we did not share the same taste in clothing. She noticed my hesitation and directed me to Wanda's room, which she believed would match me more.

Wanda seemed to have just woken up, but let me peruse the clothing that she had and I finally found an outfit that would suit me. I then stepped into a shower and washed the dried blood from my skin and got rid of the grease that was starting to weigh down my hair. Feeling rather refreshed from my shower, despite the nagging worry that Peter wouldn't actually make it through, I realized that I might survive the day at school without him, as long as I just didn't think too much about his condition.

Before leaving, Happy allowed me to make some coffee, which I took black, probably due to my bitter upbringing devoid of any sweetness. Happy offered to drive me to school, which I graciously accepted, hoping that Peter didn't wake while I was at school, wanting to be by his side when he regained consciousness.


(A/N): Do you think that you'll be able to explain yourself to your parents without them getting suspicious? Also just ignore me planting some seeds of a friendship between you and Tony, definitely won't be using that later on.

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