Chapter 10 - Delivering the Message

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(Your POV):
Jayden opened the door to his studio, a bulge already forming in his pants. I gave him a teasing smile as I entered the room, allowing the full length of my exposed leg to be seen by him. As he closed the door, his mouth was already on mine and he pushed me up against the wall. His rough hands tightly gripped my hips, but I fought the urge to force him away from me.

I gasped for breath as his lips finally left mine, trailing down my neck, "I thought you promised me some champagne?"

"Mmm, that I did," he replied, kissing me a little longer before finally leaving my side to fetch the alcohol.

I took the bottle from him when he returned, "let me do the honors, darling. You can spend your time more wisely getting the ridiculous suit jacket off of your body."

As he began to undress, I poured the champagne into two flutes, dropping the GHB I carried into his. I enjoyed knowing that it was this a drug used on so many unsuspecting women to get them to have sex yet now I could use it on a man to get out of having sex. Making sure that the powder was no longer visible, I turned back to Jayden and handed it over to him.

"Isn't everything more fun with a bit of alcohol?" I asked as I downed my flute in one gulp. He followed in suit, a large smile spreading across his lips. He brought his lips down to meet mine, reaching back to behind me to place his empty flute back on the table with the bottle.

Knowing that the drugs would soon kick in, I indulged him, meeting the kiss fervently and passionately. With a wicked smile breaking out on my face when we pulled apart, I pushed him back on his bed, a small cry of surprise escaping his lips. He broke out into a large grin as he looked up at me as I climbed on top of him, my hands finding the buttons of his shirt. As I worked on removing the garment, I rocked my body over the bulge in his pants, annoyed by how much time the drugs were taking it knock him out.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, he went limp beneath me and I rolled off of him, disgusted. I tied his hands to the headboard in case he woke up then found his iPad and used his fingerprint to open it. This was the moment that the entire evening had been leading up to and I was starting now to get a little nervous that I would fail in my mission, I had never been the most amicable person and now I had to seduce this man's father into funding an organization that most would consider run by Nazis.

Taking a deep breath, I activated my suit and made sure that my mask was secure to my head before starting the video chat. It did not take him long to pick up the call, his confused expression turning into one of fear as soon as I appeared on his screen. His body language grew defensive as he demanded, "who are you and what have you done with my son?"

"Oh, my apologies, have you not heard of me? Silly me, here I was thinking that I had grown infamous enough to be recognized across New York," I replied, electing to ignore his second question for now so that his thoughts would not be put at ease.

"You're the one that you call the Void," he stated, trying his best not to seem afraid of me but I could tell that he was almost shaking. "What do you want with me?"

"I am here to deliver a message."

"So, get on with it."

"There is an organization, one that has remained secret for years. Its secrecy allows it to do what it wants, to run experiments that would never be approved by the FDA. What I want to offer you is a chance to run this company, in addition to your own, and conduct whatever experiments that you desire. I know that you wish to replicate your grandfather's super-soldier serum, but it is hard to do so when you own a company as respectable as yours."

"As much as I appreciate the compliment," he interrupted me, his eyes glistening with the thought of what I was promising him. "I know that there must be a downside to this."

"You are correct, of course. We were previously partnered with Oscorp, Norman Osborn was the one who created H.A.M.M.E.R. in the first place. Unfortunately, his foolish son decided to give up on his father's dream and we have been left without a real donor for a while. Your company would simply be funding ours and you would have all of our labs and scientists at your disposal."

"And how would I know that your scientists are any good?"

"Jacob, who do you think created the Void? Surely you know I possess many abilities that are abnormal for a typical human. Telekenesis. Increased eyesight and hearing. Super strength. Electricity. All of these have been given to me by the scientists at H.A.M.M.E.R., or it's predecessor, H.Y.D.R.A."

"And so that's it? I pay for this H.A.M.M.E.R. and get to run whatever experiments I want?"

"Of course that is not all. In addition, you would have me at your disposal. I can do a great many things for you from stealing or destroying ideas of competing companies, going undercover to infiltrate those companies, or even killing political or scientific enemies. Oh and I forgot to mention, I won't harm a hair on your son's body should you accept my proposal." I angled the camera so that he could see his son's body tied up to his bed.

I could see the shock in his face but it dissipated before he replied, "you can give him a good beating for all I care, he deserves to be punished for all of his gallivantings, but I can assure you that I will carefully consider your proposal and you will be hearing from me soon, if you could leave me a way to reach you."

"You will not be sorting this out with me, but instead with the current leader of H.A.M.M.E.R.," I informed him, removing the slip of paper with my father's contact info from my clutch and holding it up to the camera. "However, I will warn you that he will be quite disappointed if you say no. And if you breathe a word of this to anyone, I will be forced to turn against you and Nextin Pharmaceuticals will be the one in need of a new leader."

I ended the call with Erksine on that note, knowing that he would be left to think about my threat as he weighed his options. Before I left Jayden's apartment, I removed his clothing so that he would assume that we had actually had sex. I then used his fingerprint to get into his phone and delete my name from his contacts, disappearing like a ghost into the night.

Once I arrived back at my apartment, I changed out of the dress I was forced to wear the entire night and into a pair of sweats and a large t-shirt. Before leaving to go to Peter's apartment, I saw that I had a text from him on my phone, Don't bother coming by to explain your actions to me, I think it would just be better if we took a break


(A/N): Uh-oh Pete's not very happy with you! Do you think that you'll be able to weasel your way out of it without letting him know who you are?

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