Chapter 25 - Halloween Surprise

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(Your POV):
After school, the four of us went to Peter's apartment to see how much candy we could get trick or treating and then watch a Halloween movie once people started turning us away for being too old. Ned and Peter were the most effected by that, believing that no one was too old for free candy. But we watched a movie to cheer them up, taking advantage of May having to work a late shift so we could be as loud as we wanted without fear of waking her up.

MJ, who knew horror films far better than the rest of us, chose the movie while the rest of us got popcorn and other snacks together. Knowing that Peter was a wimp when it came to horror, I chose to sit essentially on his lap with my arms around him so that I could provide a bit of comfort throughout the film. The bowl of popcorn we had rested atop my lap, but I made sure to keep a hand on it so that it would not spill if either of us jumped.

As expected, Peter was the most vocal of the group, though Ned came in at a close second. MJ frowned at the two of them and commented, "that wasn't even that scary, why did you scream?"

"Just because you're not afraid of anything doesn't mean that the rest are immune too," Ned commented, hugging his bowl of popcorn to his chest.

"Hey, I'm scared of things - just reasonable things, not people jumping out on screen. Now if they were jumping out of the screen then I might be mildly concerned," MJ replied, turned her attention back to the screen.

As Peter jumped at the next jump scare I whispered in his ear, "don't you have that Spidey sense thing?"

He shrugged, "I guess it doesn't work with movies? I've never been great with horror films to begin with."

"I can see that," I grinned in response, running my fingers through his hair.

Ned and MJ got up when the movie finished and brought their various bowls into the kitchen. I groaned as I watched them, not wanting to leave the position that I was in, "I suppose I'm going to have to leave too."

"I mean, I don't think May would mind if you stayed," Peter assured me, wrapping his arms around me to keep me from leaving.

"Yeah but my parents would," I sighed, placing a kiss on his lips.

I pulled away soon after our lips made contact and moved my hand down to his pants to tease him, my movements concealed by the blanket I had thrown over the two of us. As I was rubbing the emerging bulge in his pants, MJ and Ned announced that the were leaving.

I sighed as I removed my hand and forced myself off of Peter, "Pete, do you mind if I use the bathroom quickly before I leave?"

Trying to mask his disappointment, either because I had chosen to leave or because I had stopped touching him, he nodded and I went over into the bathroom, trying to fight the grin creeping up onto my face. I locked the door once I was inside and pulled out the bag that I had stashed there earlier in the evening. I quickly removed my Lady Macbeth costume and pulled this one on. I threw my hair into a ponytail and then braided it, placing the golden embellishments into my hair once I had finished.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, hoping that Peter would like his surprise. After stashing my other costume into the bag, I slipped out of the bathroom to find Peter in the kitchen, rinsing out the bowls. I patiently waited for him to finish, enjoying the way that his eyes widened upon the sight of me.

"(Y/N)," he spoke, his eyes trailing down the gold bikini that I was wearing.

"I thought I would match your costume a bit," I replied, moving closer to him. "Do you like it?"

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