Chapter 2 - Simulations

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(Your POV):
"Get up, you're coming in with us," my mother spoke as she ripped my warm sheets off of me, walking me up almost instantly.

I rubbed my eyes groggily as I sat up, not quite in touch with reality yet, "what?"

"You have something to do at base today so get ready, we're leaving in fifteen minutes and don't be late," she replied, giving me no further explanation before leaving the room.

Knowing that my parents were not going to excuse me if I didn't get my ass out of bed, I threw my legs over the side and stood up, allowing myself a moment to stretch out before dashing to the bathroom. I was used to quick showers, my parents were never ones to allow me much time to get ready, but today I felt a desire to remain under the warm water beating down on me. However, I managed to clean myself as quickly as possible and shut the shower off, quickly drying myself with a towel.

While still in the bathroom, I applied makeup to my scars and bruises that could be visible then went back into my bedroom to throw some clothes on. I grabbed my watch and ring for when I needed to change into Void and ran to the front door of the apartment, where my parents were about to leave.

My mother looked up in disgust, "you were almost late."

"My apologies, it will not happen again," I replied automatically although I knew that her request had been unrealistic.

I received no response, merely a cold look, as they left the apartment with me in tow. It was not a long walk to the new headquarters, the former base that I had treated Harry in. As I walked through the hallways, wisps of memories returned to me, the pang in my heart returning once more. Just when I thought that I had stopped feeling pain and guilt for Harry's death, I would have a nightmare or think I saw him in a crowd and it would return once again.

We passed the med bay and he was lying in the isolation chamber once again, appearing almost real. He stood from the bed and walked over to the edge of the cell, watching my movements as I walked with my parents, fully outfitted in my suit to protect my identity. I knew that Harry was just a figment of my imagination, that he was dead, but he seemed so real.

"Void!" I heard my father's strict voice call out, snapping me out of my trance. I didn't even realize that I had been migrating towards the isolation chamber until he called out, having to look back at where my parents were waiting for me. I glanced back up at the chamber, Harry no longer standing there.

"My apologies, I thought I saw-" I cut off as I couldn't come up with an excuse. "Never mind, let's just keep going."

"You are distracted, Void," my mother noted as we continued our way through the base.

"It was just for a moment, I can assure you."

"I'm not sure about that, you have not been yourself for some time. While you are off from school, we have decided that we are putting you back in training. Your failures with Spider-Man have proven that you are not as ready to be in the field as we thought you were. Once you've proven to us that you remain strong both mentally and physically, we will send you back out. Until then, you will only be doing one or two essential missions a day," my mother explained as we entered the training room.

For the rest of the morning, I fought against various agents that they had sent in for me to fight and easily defeated them all. My parents had not restrained me from using my powers so they were easily knocked down one after another. It wasn't until after refueling with a quick lunch that things got a bit more complicated.

"We've taken videos of various superheroes so that we may simulate their attack patterns. You need to be able to beat whoever and whatever gets in your way. Inside this simulation you will find out whether or not we have succeeded in creating the most powerful assassin," my father explained as he led me into a large empty room. "Do not fail us."

As soon as he finished speaking, he closed the door behind him and I could hear the click of a lock. My heart rate began to quicken, unsure of what I could expect from this simulation. Suddenly the room darkened and all I could hear was my own breathing as I awaited for it to start.

I was suddenly thrown off balance, flying across the room. Realizing that the simulation must have started, I picked myself up off of the ground and found myself staring back at the notorious Black Widow.

"Well at least they didn't start me with a God," I muttered, charging at the illusion, trying to land a roundhouse kick but she easily caught my leg and flipped me over again. We sparred for about an hour longer, but I couldn't get the upper hand. Just when I thought I could finally pin her down, the stimulation faded away and I was left in the empty room again.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that that was a complete failure," my mother noted as she walked into the room and I leaned against the wall in exhaustion.

"What'd you expect putting me up against one of the top graduates of the red room? It's going to take more than one sparring to learn how she fights, but I promise with a bit of practice I will easily be able to take her down," I promised her, knowing that giving up would not be an option in this moment. I needed to prove my worth once again, to show her that I was good enough.

"You're free to go for today. I expect you here at six a.m. tomorrow morning."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, giving her a nod and leaving the simulation room. Once out of the base, I let my suit dissolve away and checked the time. My heart nearly stopped when I realized that I was supposed to be meeting Peter in three minutes.

"Shit," I muttered, breaking out into a sprint as I made my way to the deli-grocery that he had requested to meet at for our date.

Peter was waiting inside, talking to the owner when I burst in, my breathing heavy and probably covered in a thick layer of sweat. Well at least now I had an excuse as to why I was so exhausted without having to mention training.

"Pete, I'm so sorry I'm late, I got here as quickly as I could," I immediately apologized, kissing his cheek. I then pulled away and blushed, "sorry I'm so gross, I was actually at the gym and lost track of time, I kinda had to run here."

"(Y/N), catch your breath," Peter smiled at me, brushing some loose hair behind my ear. "You ran here? And since when do you go to the gym?"

I frowned at him, "how did you think I got these guns?" I flexed my biceps for him, knowing that he must have realized how muscular I was and at least this would explain my physique to him.

"Well, I've been late to my fair share of dates, so I guess I'll forgive you. Now, are you ready to have the best sandwich of your life?"

"Ah, Mr. Parker, you really are my best customer," the owner spoke, turning my attention onto him. "And you must be, (Y/N). He's talked about you a lot. To be honest, I was starting to wonder if you were even real."

I could feel my face heat up when he said that Peter had mentioned me before and I found myself at a loss for words, "Well, I-I am real."


(A/N): kind of an abrupt ending but the chapter was getting long and I needed to end it. But I did want to throw in some Delmar's because they have the best sandwiches in Queens! Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this chapter and your new daily activity!

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