Chapter 15 - I Want Things To Be Normal

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(Your POV):
"Void, our scans are showing that Iron Man has left the tower and is flying towards your location," my father informed me as I managed to pin Captain America down once again.

"Alright, can you send a chopper, this guy just won't give up," I replied, beating the shit out of him.

I could hear the helicopter closing in as I finally managed to weaken the Captain enough to restrain him. The helicopter lined up next to the plane and I pushed the beat up Captain America into it before jumping in myself. The pilots glanced back at me as I closed the door, looks of surprise flashing across their faces.

"What you didn't think I was going to be strong enough to take him down? Get me to one of the properties that the leaders of H.A.M.M.E.R. own, I don't think we can trust this one at our actual base," I ordered them, punching Captain America once again for good measure.

The pilots did as I requested and I informed my father of the change of plans so that he and the necessary scientists would be waiting for us when we arrived. I had no idea how long we could keep him subdued and restrained so we needed to work quickly. Not to mention the Avengers being hot on our tails.

We landed on the roof of the warehouse building, the chopper only touching down long enough for me to get the Captain out, carrying him over my soldier and entering the building through the rooftop entrance. He was phasing in and out of consciousness which made me a little nervous, but I did manage to get him down to where my parents were waiting for me. He was immediately strapped to a chair with scientists jumping to takes samples of his blood.

"I have completed the mission, am I released?" I asked my father, wishing to get back to my apartment so that I could get all of my notes from school and ease the worries that Peter undoubtedly had.

My father released me from my duties and, much to my surprise, informed me that I would have no missions for the night based on how banged up I was from my fight with Captain America. I had definitely returned how in worst states plenty of times before, but I was grateful for the reprieve. And it would be nice after having fought a super-soldier.

When I got back to my apartment, I immediately texted both Peter and MJ about what I had missed before starting on my homework. It wasn't long before they both had responded, Peter and I fell quickly into a conversation while MJ kept it short and simple. As Peter and I texted, I really how much I missed nights like these, where I could ignore all of my responsibilities and talk with someone I cared about.

The conversation eventually died out and I returned to my homework but was interrupted by a knocking on my window. I jumped at the sound and wrapped my hand around the hilt of the knife that I kept at my bedside in case of an emergency. My heart stopped when I looked up to see the familiar face of Peter, who looked incredibly nervous through the glass. How the hell did he find out where I lived?

"Peter, what are you doing here? How did you find me? I don't recall ever giving you my address," I ushered him inside after opening the window for him to squeeze through.

"Y-yeah you told me a while back, remember? Maybe you don't, but I really wanted to see you, I hope you don't mind me coming by without checking with you first. I-I just wanted to say, I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to pretend to be just friends anymore, I want things to be normal between us, none of this stupid tension or anything. What you did was wrong but I can understand why you did it and honestly at this point I think I would forgive you for whatever you did. You mean so much to me, (Y/N), and I don't want to lose that. So if you will take me back, I would be so happy," he spewed nervously and the fact that I never told him where I lived left my head completely, replaced by overwhelming joy.

A large smile spread across my face, "I said I'd be here waiting for you, didn't I? Peter, I don't know how to thank you for this second chance, I will never be worthy of it."

"But you are, (Y/N). You're smart, funny, beautiful, caring, encouraging, straightforward, incredible-"

"Just shut up and kiss me," I interrupted, desperate to feel his lips on mine again. He obliged, the kiss slow and sensual. He kissed me as though he was afraid that it would be our last and I melted into his embrace. My hands found its way into his gorgeous curls, my fingers running through the soft hair as I know he loved.

He was smiling like an idiot as we broke apart, no doubt a mirror to my own expression, and cupped my face in his hand, "I've missed this so much."

"You're only dating me because I can kiss well?" I teased, leading him to my bed so that we could sit.

Surprisingly, Peter caught onto my sarcasm, "yes, of course, why else would I stick with you otherwise?"

I lightly slapped his arm but my facade of offense could not last as Peter brought his lips back down to mine. He wrapped his arms around mine to pull me closer to him but ended up pressing on one of my forming bruises from my fight with Captain America. I hissed at the sudden pain and he pulled away with his face full of concern, "did I hurt you?"

I shook my head, "it's nothing, really."

"I thought you were going to try to be more honest with me?"

"It really doesn't matter, I said something to offend my parents while at the family emergency, that's all." Well at least I could use that excuse since I certainly couldn't tell him that I picked a fight with Captain America.

"(Y/N), you have to tell someone about what they've been doing! This is illegal and I hate to know that they are hurting you," Peter pleaded, rubbing his thumb over my cheek.

I looked down at my hands in my lap, "Pete, you don't understand, I can't tell anyone. Besides, I'll legally be an adult soon anyway, I'll just move out after graduation. If I have survived this long, what're nine more months?"

He sighed, "I just don't want you to be hurt anymore."

"I know, but I promise I can handle it," I assured him, pressing my lips against his gently. I smiled into the kiss, still not quite sure how I had managed to get so lucky as to date Peter.

After a light makeout session, we ended up lying on my bed together, just wrapped in each others arms. I was filled with an inexpressible happiness just lying there with my head resting on Peter's chest so that I could hear his steady heartbeat. Peter was lazily tracing circles on my back while we chatted about nothing at all.

"That bastard!" My father's voice roared as the door of the apartment flew open and by the sound of the crash that followed he was in a huge fit of rage.

Like a frightened cat, I lept up from my bed, pulling Peter up with me, and ran to my window. As I threw it open, I ushered him outside and whispered frantically, "hurry, he can't know that you were here." Peter gave me a quick peck on the lips before slipping out of the window and I managed to close and lock it before either of my parents even acknowledged my presence.


(A/N): So I finally figured out what to do with one of the upcoming scenes (and when I say upcoming, I mean like way in the future but like for some reason I was thinking about it in the shower today and it suddenly hit me) and honestly I'm so excited but I'm going to have to restrain myself and not skip forward to that moment in the story ah

But until I can give you that wonderful scene, I hope that you enjoyed reconciling with Peter!

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