Chapter 39 - Morning After

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(Your POV):
I woke up long before Peter and decided to use that to my advantage. There was a bathroom connected to the guest room that I utilized for its shower so that I could freshen up before dealing with the hangover that Peter most definitely had. Unless being Spider-Man had more perks than I realized.

After showering and putting my dress back on from the night before, having no other clothes with me besides my suit, I ventured out into the tower in search of my list of items to help Peter. After wandering around a bit, I managed to find the kitchen, where Natasha was sitting on a countertop drinking a cup of coffee. Black, I assumed.

She looked up as I came into the room, "wasn't expecting to see you up so early, though I suppose you weren't in nearly as rough of shape as your boyfriend."

"I've been to enough high school parties to know how to manage my alcohol intake. But you wouldn't mind helping me find some things for Peter? I have a feeling he won't be feeling too hot once he wakes up and I kinda have to whip him into shape before May comes to get us for Christmas at her house," I explained my situation, knowing I would be more successful in my task if I had the help of someone who actually lived there.

"Already got you covered," she replied, slipping off of the countertop and handing me a bag of things. "Everything that he should need is in there. Although I would also recommend making sure he gets a good breakfast."

"Thanks, Ms. Romanov, I'm sure he'll be very appreciative of your help."

She cringed at my words, "Ms. Romanov makes me sound like I'm an old lady. Just call me Nat, if you want. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of you. You might need training if you plan on continuing to date a superhero."

With that she left the room, before I could defend my own capabilities as a fighter. That was probably a good thing, though. I certainly did not want her getting suspicious as to why I was so skilled in hand to hand combat. Lying to Peter about self defense classes was one thing, I had a feeling Romanov would see right through my lies.

I put those thoughts aside as I turned my attention back to the kitchen, looking to see what I could whip up for Peter's breakfast. There were plenty of eggs in the refrigerator so I chopped up some vegetables and made him an omelet. Once that was finished cooking, I made my own and added whole wheat toast and a banana to Peter's plate.

Thankfully, there was a platter complete with a cover that I could use to at least trap some of the heat of the omelette, not knowing when Peter would wake up. I then looked at the contents of the bag that Romanov had given me. There were the things that I had been anticipating: pain killers and a water bottle. However she also included red ginseng tea as well as change of clothes for the two of us. Surprised by the Black Widow's generosity, I quickly brewed the tea before returning to the guest room Peter was waiting in.

He was still sleeping when I returned so I placed his breakfast on the bedside table and then went back into the bathroom to get changed into the clothes that Romanov had given me. They were a surprisingly close fit and I assumed from the style that they had been taken out of Wanda's wardrobe, whether wittingly or not. I was hoping for the former.

Peter started to stir not long after I returned to the bedroom, his first sound being a groan as the hangover made itself known to him. I sat down next to him on the bed and placed my lips against his cheek, "morning, sunshine. I have some things that might make you feel a little better."

His eyes fluttered opened but immediately squinted when he was met by the sun beaming into the room. I got up to close the blinds, trying to keep him as comfortable as possible as he fought off the hangover. He was still uncomfortable, but with the majority of the light blocked out, he was able to open his eyes without causing more aggravation.

"I made you breakfast and Natasha supplied me with some liquids for you to take," I informed him, returning beside the bed. "But first, I suggest taking some pain meds, it is definitely the cure that I trust most."

I handed him the pills and the bottle of water, hoping that he would recover enough not to let May know what had happened. To be completely honest, I was terrified of what her reaction would be. Besides, Peter was just having a bit of fun, which he sorely needed with how stressful his life was due to balancing being a high schooler with being Spider-Man. Not to mention I was there to monitor him and would have stepped in had the situation called for it.

"Thanks, (Y/N), I really appreciate this," Peter mumbled as he began to eat his breakfast.

"Of course, what are girlfriends for?" I smiled, placing another kiss on his cheek.

We were suddenly interrupted by the door bursting open, causing a loud bang as it hit the wall and ricocheted off of it. Both Peter and I jumped at the sudden noise, a sense of dread washing over us as we realized that it was caused by Tony Stark, now sauntering into the room with an enraged look upon his face.

"The Avengers stopped me from reprimanding you last night, but now I trust that you are sober enough to comprehend what I'm saying?!" He spoke at a volume that caused Peter to wince, making me immediately stand up for him.

Before I had a chance to speak however, Peter piped up, "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, it won't happen again, I promise."

"You bet your ass it won't! I am not going to invite you to any of these parties again if you cannot act responsibly! I cannot believe that you would do something so foolish, you're not even legally allowed to drink!"

"Tony, would you please lower your voice?" I stepped in, keeping my voice calm and collected. "You of all people know what a hangover feels like, do you really want to increase Pete's pain? Besides, it was only one night, let him live a little. I'm sure that you weren't following the legal age to drink when you were younger."

"And that's exactly why I am stepping in now! I will not allow my s- superhero recruit to turn into an alcoholic!"

"I understand why you are upset, but it was only one night. He's not going to turn into an alcoholic. In fact, this may have turned him off of alcohol altogether. Well, at least binge drinking. I promise, if he seems to be heading towards a reliance on alcohol, I will be the first to let you know and intervene. All he wanted to do last night was feel a part of the team. And I'm sure the Avengers wanted him to feel welcome as well. And nobody got hurt, unless you count the hangover Pete's nursing. So why not let this one time slip?"

Tony grumbled for a moment but then ultimately decided not to berate Peter any further. He left the room, although making sure to slam the door behind him, leaving Peter and myself in peace. I encouraged Peter to resume his meal and try the tea, hoping that Natasha's remedies would get him in good enough shape to face his aunt.


(A/N): Guys I'm so upset, I made my dad a cake for his birthday and one of the layers broke so I put it on top so that it wouldn't ruin the structural integrity of the cake but then the piece that had broken off started sliding off so I secured it with toothpicks. And then within 30 minutes before serving it, the piece toppled over (thankfully it landed on the paper towel I had set out in case that happened). But like it was doing so well but had to fall right before I brought it out. But at least it still tasted good (not that you can really go wrong with the chocolate and strawberries combo)

Anyway, enjoy some Dad!Tony for Father's Day! I was so tempted to put in "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed" but he would highkey be freaking out and Steve's definitely more of the disappointed dad type change my mind

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