Chapter 23 - Date Night

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(Your POV):
Peter and I returned to his apartment together after school, excited that it was finally Friday but wiped from the long week of school. I practically collapsed onto Peter's couch and buried my face in my hands, "why does senior year have to be so hard?"

Peter sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "(Y/N), you're the smartest and most time efficient person I know, you're going to get through this. I'm not in any rush for senior year to be over, at least in high school I could ensure that we will see each other everyday."

"You know that if we decide to go to separate colleges then we're still going to at least FaceTime everyday, right Pete?" I assured him, taking his hand in mine.

He looked down at our intertwined fingers and sighed, "it just won't be the same, though. I won't be able to do this." Peter leaned down to meet my lips and my eyes fluttered closed, my heart stopping as I felt out lips touch. His hand traveled down from my shoulders to the small of my back and his hand other continued to hold onto mine. The kiss was slow, yet articulated all of the love that we felt for each other.

Peter finally broke away, leaving me slightly disappointed that that was all I was getting, and cupped my face in his hand. He stared at me, as though trying to memorize every last detail on my face, "I think well have to attend colleges near each other because I don't know how long I'll be able to live without you."

"So you mean we both need to go to MIT? I think Stark will kill you if you don't and if I chose a nearby college, he would kill me as well because I would be at Harvard."

He broke out into a smile, "yeah, I suppose that is true, we certainly don't want to become his enemies."

"Well at least I'll have my Spider-Man to protect me," I snuggled closer to him, pressing our bodies right up against each other. Due to my close proximity, I could feel Peter tense slightly when I mentioned Spider-Man. Confused, I looked up at him, "what's wrong, Pete?"

"I just- how do you feel about me being Spider-Man? I know you worry about me, but are you ok with it?" He asked uncertainly, causing my lips to downturn into a frown as I looked up at him.

"Pete, it doesn't matter if I'm ok with it or not, Spider-Man is your decision, not mine. Yes, of course I worry every time I see you out there fighting. But you're fighting for good and helping those who would otherwise suffer. I'm proud of you, Peter, I really am. Besides," I added, slipping my hand underneath his shirt slowly, allowing him to stop me if he was not ok with it. When he allowed me to continue, I traced his muscles lightly with my finger, "I get to have these abs for a boyfriend."

I grinned at him as he mocked offense, "you're just dating me for my abs?"

"Of course, why else would I be here?" I teased, noticing how his eyes had darkened slightly.

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach as we met each other in a passionate kiss, a wave of excitement and nerves washing through me. I positioned myself on his lap for a better angle and then let my lips travel down from his, eliciting a moan as I reached his sweet spot on the nape of his neck. I remained there, sucking on it and licking it, clearly making Peter very happy.

"(Y/N)," he breathed his hands traveling down from my hips to my ass to keep from falling off of him. "I need you."

He froze as those words left his mouth, realizing what he had said. His hands left my body and he began to apologize, "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you are anything, it just came out-"

I cut Peter off by placing my lips on his. Once he was successfully silenced I assured him, "I want you too, Peter."

His eyes widened slightly, "are you sure? Because I can wait for you to be ready, we don't need to rush into anything."

"We've been dating for ten months, I don't think this is rushing, Peter," I laughed lightly, twirling one of his curls around my finger. "How long do we have until May comes home?"

He broke into a grin, "we have plenty of time." With that he stood up, supporting me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled me into a passionate kiss as he carried me into his room, placing me down gently on his bed.

I pulled Peter's shirt over his head and tossed it across the room. I found myself staring at his toned abs, something I knew wasn't typically found on a high school boy. Peter cupped my face in his hand as he pulled me in for another kiss, pulling me closer to him with his other hand. My heart was racing in my chest, but I knew that this was what I wanted. I had no idea what I was doing, but if it was with Peter then I was ready to try.

Peter removed my shirt, breaking the kiss slightly as he pulled it over my head. His lips then left mine to travel down my body as he reached around to unfasten my bra. I inhaled sharply as he made contact with the tender skin of my breasts, throwing my head back in pleasure. However Peter stopped and pulled away, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Peter?" I asked, taking his hand in mine as I wondered what was wrong.

"Your parents did this?" Peter's fingers brushed my skin lightly, tracing the scar that was left from my fight against the Avengers. I suddenly remembered how I had woken up late this morning and didn't have time to cover my scars and bruises and cursed myself for letting Peter see them.

I nodded, despite knowing that that particular one wasn't my parents, however it wasn't a complete lie as I had been working on my parents' orders so I guess, in a roundabout way, it was their fault. Nervously playing with my hands, I spoke, "you really don't have to worry about it, Peter. I'm fine, I promise. I'm sorry that I didn't cover them up today."

"(Y/N), you shouldn't have to do that, you shouldn't have to hide your scars from me, it just pains me to know that you go through this much pain. Are you sure that you don't want Spidey to intervene?"

I shook my head, "that will only make things worse. It's fine, Pete, I will only be living with them until I go off to college, if I've survived almost eighteen years of this I can survive a few more months."

"But that's more than a few months, (Y/N), look at yourself! It looks like you have been in a war or something, you don't deserve any of this."

I gave him a sad smile as I took his hand, "thank you, Peter, it means a lot to know that someone cares about me as much as you do. But I can handle my parents."

I picked up my fallen bra and put it back on, covering up the scars with my shirt afterwards so that Peter wouldn't have to see the scars anymore. He looked down at his hands, "I ruined the mood, didn't I?"

I shrugged, "yeah, kind of. But that's ok, we can just lie here and cuddle for a bit. I'm just happy to be with you, Pete."


(A/N): Ok so I actually wrote this chapter before quarantine and that whole thing about FaceTiming not being the same as being there in person just hits differently now. Also I hope you enjoyed your almost smut, but I am afraid that you will have to wait a bit longer (sorry!)

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