Chapter 37 - Attending A Party

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(Your POV):
"This better prove useful," my father warned as he saw me emerge from my room, already donned in my long deep red gown for the party.

I knew that this would be harder than it seemed. Retaining the facade that I had up whenever I interacted with my parents, I replied, "I cannot promise results tonight, my main focus is just to rebuild their trust in me. I expect it to be harder after having broken up with Stark's favorite intern. Hopefully Parker will play his part well, I can befriend everyone, figure out what each person's kryptonite is, and then stop having to sleep with Parker. God, are all teenage boys that bad at sex?"

"It's something that you should learn now rather than later," my mother put in, seeming slightly annoyed with the fact. "I just don't understand why you don't just take the boy hostage, clearly Stark cares for him."

"Because then I would have to fight all of the Avengers at once. If it were just Stark, I would have no problem defeating him, especially in an emotional state. But then again if each Avenger was on their own, then I wouldn't have to worry about finding their weaknesses, I would just pick them off one by one. If I don't make it back tonight, I'm either having disappointing sex or trying to make friends with my sworn enemies."

With that I left the apartment, taking a brisk pace so that I could get as far away from them as possible. I had arranged that I would meet Peter away from the apartment to prevent my parents from seeing his face as always, meeting him at the train station before making our way to Avengers tower.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," Peter admired, the look of adoration in his eyes causing a light blush to wash over my cheeks. "I don't know why I am always so astounded by you, but you cause butterflies in my stomach every time I see you."

A smile broke out across my lips as I wrapped my arm around his, "I think I know the feeling, I get it whenever you look at me like that."

His brows furrowed, "like what?"

"Like I'm the only person in the world. It may be a bit cliché, but that's how it makes me feel," I confessed, hating how gushy I was being. I had once been a hardened assassin but Peter had molded me into someone I wouldn't have recognized two years ago. I would have considered myself a failure and probably kill Peter in a heartbeat. Yet here I was, more in love with him than anything.

The security was as high as always at the entrance to the tower and I felt myself getting rather nervous, although I knew I had no reason to be. The only concealed weapon I had on me was my suit, which I had stashed my my purse for safe keeping as it clashed with the necklace Peter had given me a year ago which I know wore proudly for everyone to see.

Neither Peter nor I had gotten any more comfortable at social venues, so we had decided to stick together throughout the night. We weren't to spend more then 10 minutes apart from each other, just in case we lost each other in the sea of people.

And of course that was exactly what happened. Not long into the party, Peter went to get us drinks and promptly got lost in the crowd. I stayed in place, hoping to help him find me, knowing that both of us moving would just make it harder. However, I grew tired of people pushing past me and instead retreated to the back wall, hoping to avoid as many people as possible there.

I watched the crowd for a while longer, wondering if these large numbers were even legal to have to have in this space. It must have been against the fire code. I never understood how Tony could stand it, but I supposed I had grown used to the shadows, it was the only way that I could survive.

"You know, I don't think attending a party really counts if you just hang out on the sidelines all night," I heard a voice address to me, causing me to whip around and find Sam walking over to join me.

I smirked at him, "yet here you are, coming to do the exact same thing."

"Nope, I'm just coming to collect you and Spider-Boy. Avengers are gathering upstairs, it's really only Tony that likes this. And Thor, but we've kidnapped him too and he doesn't really care where he is as long as there's alcohol."

Sam began to lead me through the crowd, parting the guests and managing to find Peter far quicker than I had ever imagined I would be able to. Of course I wouldn't have had the courage just to charge through the sea of people the way that Sam was. Peter was still holding our two drinks and seemed as relieved to see me as I was him.

"(Y/N), I've been searching everywhere for you, here is your drink. I was starting to think I was never going to find you. Thanks, Mr. Falcon- um I mean Mr. Wilson- Mr. Sam-" Peter broke off as he grew more and more flustered and I kissed his cheek in hopes of reassuring him.

Sam rolled his eyes at my adorable boyfriend, "yeah, whatever, now come on."

Peter looked at me quizzically as I grabbed his hand and followed Sam towards the elevators, desperate not to get separated from him. "Um, where exactly are we going?"

"Upstairs. You've been invited into the VIP party."


Sam ushered us into one of the elevators and used his voice activation to bring us up higher into the tower and I quickly stopped my conversation with Peter, a little afraid to say something embarrassing in front of an Avenger. Not that I cared about the Avengers at all, but if I wanted to keep my cover then I couldn't let any of them dislike or distrust me. So instead I just sipped on the drink Peter had gotten me and remained quiet throughout the ride up to where the Avengers had gathered.


(A/N): Ok this ended up being a little bit of a filler chapter, but I am trying to give some you and Peter having fun before shit goes down so I hope you enjoy!

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