Chapter 38 - Don't Let Kids Drink

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(Your POV):
The Avengers were already making quite a racket when the doors slid open- although I had to admit most of the noise was caused by Thor's booming voice. Still, everyone else seemed to be having fun, except for Thor's brother who was lurking in the corner, looking mildly annoyed. His eyes twitched up upon our arrival and for a brief moment I could see confusion wash over his face, but it soon steeled into his resting mask.

"Alright, I grabbed the Spiderboy and his girlfriend, can I get a drink now?" Sam asked, sounding a bit annoyed and prompting Peter to mutter "Spider-Man" under his breath.

I wrapped my arm around his as a response and gave him an encouraging smile, knowing that he hated being undermined by people calling him Spiderboy. Natasha handed Sam a drink and Thor called out, "make sure to give them some as well."

"Well, we're not technically old enough to-" Peter began to refuse, despite the fact that I had seen him drink at Harry's parties before. But I supposed that he was probably trying to seem more responsible in front of the people that he admired.

Thor was having none of it, "you are a growing boy, in Asgard you would be given at least two tankards of the finest ale at your age."

"Well, we're not exactly in Asgard. But if you think you can handle your liquor," Natasha corrected Thor, but offered us the drinks either way. We both politely accepted them, but I could tell Peter was a little uneasy.

"You're just in time for some games. Let's see, what would you kids know?" Clint spoke up from his spot on the couch, pausing briefly in thought. "How about Never Have I Ever?"

Sam groaned, "seriously? Not only is that childish, but it's also an easy win for (Y/N), she's probably the only person here who hasn't even killed a person."

"Well, Peter hasn't actually killed anyone. He just sort of webs people up," I interjected, kind of curious to see the Avengers playing such a ridiculous drinking game. I mean they were the Avengers, not some teenagers at a party.

Regardless of Sam's hesitation, the Avengers agreed to play. Although I did make note that Loki refused to join the group, even for this, but instead observed the game from the sidelines, no doubt gathering information to use later on. I tried to do the same while simultaneously watching how much I drank. While I didn't drink too often, my parents had made sure that I knew how much alcohol I could handle, numbers which were seared into my mind.

Peter, however, did not have that same knowledge, nor did he try to lie strategically to prevent from drinking. It wasn't surprising when he began to loosen up next to me.

The game, however, was interrupted after a while by Tony walking in, seeming slightly upset that we had all abandoned the party, "you know, most people come here for the chance to meet one of you guys, I mean they've probably all met me a thousand times. But no, every single time you hide up here and drink by yourselves! Do you care at all about how much effort it takes to plan a party of this scale?!" As he spoke, his eyes scanned the Avengers, his voice cutting off when he saw myself and Peter. "And you let the kids up here?! What the hell were you guys thinking?! Do you know how young they are?! They haven't been drinking have they?!"

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter piped up, despite a death glare from Natasha which was clearly telling his to stay silent.

"We should probably get going," I quickly interrupted, hoping to smuggle Peter out of there before Tony got too upset. However, Peter no longer seemed to have any sense of balance and I had to take all of his weight so that he could stand.

The sight only infuriated Tony further, "who the hell lets kids drink?! Am I the only responsible person here?! Cap, Natasha, I though you would at least have some sense. And Vision, I know I made you to be better than this!"

"Tony, are you really going to tell us that you weren't drinking way more than they have when you were seventeen?" Natasha asked, folding her arms over her chest. "It's not like they have school tomorrow or anything."

"But that's not the-!" Tony burst out, but was interrupted by Cap.

"You should probably head to one of the guest bedrooms up a floor and down the hall, I don't think you'll make it all the way back to Peter's apartment," he told me, receiving a nod from me in response.

"But I'm not done with you two yet!" Tony cried out in frustration as I began to lead Peter away.

"With all due respect, Tony, I don't think Peter's going to remember a word that you're saying right now so you might as well save it until he's sober. Have a good night everyone and thanks for inviting us," I replied respectfully before practically carrying Peter to the elevator.

"You're really pretty, you know that?" Peter asked as he tried to kiss my cheek, but missed and ended up kissing my chin instead.

"Easy there, Pete, all of those smooth moves are going to make a girl fall in love with you."

"So it's working? Because I-I really like you."

"Wow, you really like me, I'm flattered."

I closed the door to the first bedroom I had managed to corral him into and eased him onto the bed, but Peter pulled me down on top of him, bringing his lips to mine. The kiss was sloppy, Peter's drunken mind causing him to lack his typical incredible way he would move around my mouth. I pulled away as he reached for the zipper on the back of my dress.

"Pete, I don't think this is a good idea," I spoke, standing up from the bed. "I know that we've done this before, but you're drunk. You're not in control of your actions."

"But, (Y/N), I need you," he tried to convince me, slurring his words.

I placed a kiss on his cheek, "sorry, Pete, but I promise to make it up to you when you can actually give me your consent."

"I can give you my consent, I'm giving it to you right now," he slurred, running his hands down my body.

As they lingered on my breasts, I pushed them away, "then I won't give mine."

Peter huffed, but did back down, much to my relief. He did however stand up from the bed, "I think I should go back to the party."

"No, Pete, you are doing anything but go back there, Tony would actually kill you. Now why don't you just get some rest, we have to celebrate with May tomorrow so the best thing you can do right now is sleep this off, ok?"

Peter ignored my words and continued for the door, causing me to roll my eyes at him. I quickly pulled him into a sleeper hold, causing him to fall unconscious, taking advantage of the fact that the alcohol had dulled his spider sense. I then removed his shoes and suit jacket and carried him to the bed. Knowing that he would not remain unconscious for long, nor did I want him too, I tied one of his legs to the bed with his shoe laces, despite knowing that it wouldn't hold him if he really wanted to leave. With his super strength, he would tear the bed apart no matter how securely I bound him and I didn't have much in the guest room to work with.

Instead, I hoped that I would be able to keep him in the bed and from getting into more trouble. I removed my jewelry and stripped down to my underwear, knowing that the gown I wore would not be fun to sleep in, and curled up next to Peter, draping my arm over his body.

When Peter woke up, I pretended to have fallen asleep, and felt himself relax when he realized that I was sleeping on top of him. He finally gave in to the realization that he wasn't going to leave the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.


(A/N): Ok so this chapter turned out longer than expected even with a bit of cutting, but I do hope that you enjoyed it! Only a few more chapters left of this book!

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