Chapter 21 - Worthy Enough

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(Your POV):
The doors of the elevator opened, allowing me access to the basement. I quickly scanned the area for anyone else, although I knew that everyone was up at the party. However I didn't want any surprises so it didn't hurt to keep a watchful eye out for others.

Careful not to leave any trace of my presence behind, I used my telekinesis to open the door to the records room and turn on the light. Knowing that I needed to get out of there and back to Peter as quickly as possible, I tried to be speedy in my search for files starting with S. I could only hope that Stark's filing system was normal so that I wouldn't need to waste time locating the file.

By the labels on the filing cabinets it did seem as though the files were arranged alphabetically, which was a relief. I still had to search two drawers for me to finally relocate the file labeled STARK, HOWARD. A smile spread across my face as I telekinetically raised the file out of the cabinet and opened it to check to see that the content matched the label. Satisfied by the documents within, I dropped the folder into my bag and then left the basement, leaving nothing to indicate that I was ever there except for the empty spot in the cabinet where the file had once sat.

As I got back in the elevator, I turned off the beacon connecting me to H.A.M.M.E.R. and deactivated my suit. I was once again simply (Y/N) (L/N) and I now that my mission was complete, I was going to enjoy the rest of the evening with my boyfriend.

It took me quite a while to locate him in the crowded lobby, having to weave my way through what felt like hundreds of people. I finally found him in the corner of the room talking with someone who looked suspiciously like Bruce Banner.

"Thanks, Peter, and if you ever need any help with a lab report or project, you can usually find me in the labs here. That is when the other guy isn't making an appearance," Dr. Banner was telling Peter when I arrived, Peter's eyes filling with relief when he saw me approaching them.

"That sounds great, Dr. Banner. I mean, I would love to just come over some time and talk about your work, it's really incredible. I don't think I've gone a year in a science class without your name being mentioned at least ten times. My girlfriend, (Y/N), is obsessed with your work with bio-organics, right (Y/N)?"

Not expecting to be suddenly put on the spot, I could feel my face flush, "y-yeah it's really cool. Um, my parents are actually geneticists and when they were working for Oscorp, they were also researching something akin to a super soldier serum like you had. Of course you had ruled out gamma radiation for them and then Harry shut down the company before any real breakthroughs were made."

"That's probably for the best," Dr. Banner replied. "I used to think recreating the serum used to create Captain America would help humanity, but I ended up creating a monster instead. Human experimentation can be really educational, but it's also incredibly dangerous."

I shrugged, "well my parents always say that nothing extraordinary is accomplished without a bit of danger."

"Your parents certainly sound like dedicated scientists. I would love to meet them sometime, maybe a monster will help them become disillusioned with their ideals. I have to go, but it was a pleasure meeting you, Peter and (Y/N)," Dr. Banner replied, disappearing into the crowd.

I turned to Peter, "you didn't tell me that you knew Bruce Banner."

"That's because I just met him. He's been MIA for years so I haven't had the chance. But apparently that's what this party's for. It's a welcome back for Dr. Banner and Thor. They're keeping Thor's return on the down-low, however, because he's trying to relocate Asgardian refugees and it is easier done without a lot of media coverage so they can sneak them in," Peter explained.

"That doesn't really sound legal, but I guess since they're the Avengers they can do whatever they want," I huffed, my conditioning to hate the Avengers surging forward. But I quickly shoved down those feelings and changed the subject, "I'm sorry it took so long for me to come back, Mr. Stark interrogated me for a while and then I had to hunt down a bathroom, not to mention it's so hard to find anyone in this crowd."

"Yeah, I was starting to think that you ditched me. But I'm very happy to have you back here with me," he smiled, taking my hand in his and pressing his lips fleetingly against mine.

We spent the rest of the party at each other's side and chatting with the few other Avengers who came up to say hi to Peter. I was surprised how many people seemed to know him as he had downplayed his connection with them. Even though I knew it was wrong, I started to feel a little guilty that I was targeting his friends in my work with H.A.M.M.E.R. However, it was better them then Peter. Besides, the Avengers did pose a threat to humanity and the amount of power that they possessed was too dangerous to be left unchecked.

As the party began to wind down, Tony Stark came back over to us and invited us upstairs where the Avengers were all meeting for an after-party type thing. I hesitated, knowing that I had stolen intel just sitting in my bag just waiting to be discovered, but Peter seemed excited to be invited to join the Avengers so I hid my concern and supported him.

They were all assembled in a sitting room with drinks, including Thor who had been notably absent at the party. We seemed to be the last ones to arrive, which drew everyone's eyes to us and, to make things worse, Stark decided to bring attention to me.

"I don't know if everyone's had the chance to meet her, but this is (Y/N), Pete's girlfriend, who's finally able to accept an invitation to meet us all," he introduced, immediately embarrassing me with the unwanted attention.

Thor was clearly still trying to catch up with the events he had missed and clarified, "So she's the courting this Spiderling? And is she worthy enough for the boy who can stick to walls?"

I glanced nervously at Peter, disliking all of this attention, and he came to my rescue. He took my hand in his and turned to Thor, "yes, she is definitely worthy enough, I just don't know if I'm worthy enough for her."

My blush only deepened with his public confession, but a smile spread across my lips nonetheless. Stark told us to grab seats, which meant taking the only remaining place that we could sit together- on the couch next to the very intimidating Black Widow.

The Avengers drank heartily throughout the gathering, Thor also trying to push the alcohol onto Peter and I. For the most part, Stark was quick to police us but he soon became too drunk to do anything. That's when Pepper stepped in, allowing us to drink a little but making sure that we watched our intake. Of course I was doing that anyway, especially since these people were my enemies and I had many secrets that I had to keep from them.


(A/N): Ok so I predict a trend that every Wednesday this note will include something about Agents of Shield because that show is just so good that I cannot help myself. Daniel Sousa is finally going to show up in the next episode and I'm so excited but at the same time terrified that they're going to have his story impacted by the events of Endgame (I'm sorry if you enjoyed Steggy at the end, but I feel Peggy deserves so much more than just to be Captain America's love interest and the way they returned to the relationship was both disrespectful to the Peggysous relationship built in Agent Carter as well as to the show as a whole, illustrating that the spin off shows do not matter. Both Peggy and Steve moved on and I will never stop being salty about it)

Apologies for the small rant, I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter and are happy that you've made it through the party alive!

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