Chapter 26 - Saving Spider-Man

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5 weeks later

(Your POV):
There was a tap on my window, causing my head to snap up from my homework sprawled across my bed. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Peter outside my window, although there was a bad feeling in my gut, afraid that he was there for something serious otherwise he wouldn't risk coming to my house. The smile soon faded from my lips and panic set in as I noticed the blood covering him and I hastily threw the window open.

"Peter, what the hell happened to you?" I asked, trying to keep calm despite the surging panic within. He stumbled into my room, barely able to stand.

"I fought myself," he replied in a weak voice as I ushered him to my bed, laying a towel over it before lying him down to try to prevent blood from staining my sheets.

I tried to make sense of his words but got nowhere. "What do you mean, Pete? How could you fight yourself? Who did this to you?"

He gave me no response and I realized that he had lost consciousness. I quickly checked his pulse to make sure that he was still with me, finding only a weak heartbeat that worried me.

"Shit, Pete, don't do this to me. You're not allowed to leave me," I told him as I stripped his suit from his body and began to tend to his wounds, trying to stop the bleeding. He must have already lost an unhealthy amount of blood based on the depth of some of the cuts. I could stitch him up easily, but what I was afraid of was internal injuries that I could not see.

I had to fight back tears as tried to at least stop his bleeding, but decided that the equipment I had at my house wasn't going to be enough to help him. And of course the abandoned base I had used to help Harry was now in use, but I doubted I had the doctoral experience necessary even if that space was available to me.

Peter was most likely going to die if I didn't get him help, I had to do something. There was only one place that I could trust to fix him up and not discover his double life. The winter air was going to be brutal, so I wrapped him gently in a blanket so that he wouldn't get cold. I activated my suit and began to swing him across the city, using my grapple to replicate his movements with the equipment that I had available to me.

I arrived at the tower and changed back into my bloodied clothes I had been wearing when Peter got to my room to avoid suspicious, running into the tower like a crazed woman with Peter in my arms. Desperate for medical aid, I ran to the reception desk, "what level is the med bay?"

"Do you have an appointment?" The woman behind the desk asked, her words enraging me.

"No, this is an emergency, what level is the med bay?!"

"I'm sorry, but if you don't have an appointment, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. There is a hospital not too far from here, you can bring your patient there."

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Get me Tony Stark on the phone, this is complete and utter bullshit!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but if you don't leave right now, I am going to have to call security."

"You don't understand, Tony needs to know that he's here and injured! If you don't let me upstairs, you are going to lose your job, mark my words!" I threatened him as she made good on her threat and called security.

I tried to defend myself against the agents as they began to ambush me, but it was hard to do with Peter in my arms and trying not to jostle him about too much. About to break down and use my powers, not caring if I exposed myself in my attempt to save Peter's life, we were interrupted by a man asking, "what is going on here?"

"Please, I need to get Pete to a med bay, he's dying," I pleaded with this newcomer, tears piercing my eyes. "You have to tell Tony Stark, we need to act quickly!"

"Pete?" He asked, a sense of realization washing over his face. "Parker?"

A glimmer of hope finally washed over me, "do you know him?"

"Come on, let's get him upstairs. Rachel, call Mr. Stark, tell him that he needs to get to the med bay immediately," the man spoke to the receptionist as he ushered me towards the elevator.

Once we were inside I nodded to him, "thank you for that, I couldn't get that woman to see reason. I'm just hoping that it's not too late."

He placed his hand on my shoulder, "you're his girlfriend, right? I saw you at the party a while back."

"Yeah, I'm Y/N) (L/N). And you are?"

"Happy Hogan, I work for Mr. Stark and I'm Peter's liaison with the Avengers," he introduced himself.

His gaze moved over to Peter and I could see his face twitch in worry. He was clearly trying to seem indifferent to Peter's fate, but it was noticeable how much he cared about him. Thankfully the doors of the elevator soon opened and Happy rushed me into the med bay, calling for everyone to clear out except for a Doctor Palmer.

I placed Peter gently down onto a bed and unwrapped him from the blanket, checking to make sure he was still breathing. A woman ran into the room and began to examine Peter while I explained what I knew, grasping his hand as though that was going to help him stay alive.

Tony Stark was the next to enter the room, his face going pale at the sight of Peter. "What happened to him?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, he mentioned that he had fought himself, but lost consciousness before I could extract what that meant."

"He came to you for medical help?" Stark questioned me, seeming to disapprove.

"I don't think he realized the extent of his injuries, I usually go over to his apartment to patch him up when he needs it. I like to think I'd make a pretty good nurse."

"I'm going to need everyone out, he's going to need surgery," the doctor informed us, ushering us outside.

Stark held his ground, "I'm staying here, this is my tower."

"And if he's staying, I am too," I added, refusing to let go of his hand.

She huffed, "listen, Spider-Man is dying and if I don't operate then we're not going to save him. So please, just cooperate with me and wait outside until we are done."

"Come on, Tony and (Y/N)," Happy spoke, opening the door. "Let the doctor do her work."

Stark was the first to relent, turning to the door with a huff. Knowing that I was going to be kicked out whether I would like to or not, I brought my lips down to his forehead and squeezed his hand. Reluctantly, I followed Stark out, my anxiety rising the second the door closed between Peter and I.


(A/N): So you thought nothing bad would happen to Peter in this fanfiction. Oh boy how wrong you were. (Just kidding, I doubt anyone thought that everything was going to work out smoothly and no one would ever get injured on the job). Anyone have any guesses as to what he meant when he claimed that he fought himself?

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