Chapter 7 - A Suprise Visit

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(Your POV):
"You failed," my mother commented as she entered the med bay where I was recovering from surgery. They had managed to dig the bullet out of my thigh and stitch together the large gashes that the Avengers had left. My right arm was now in a nice sling and I was confined to bed rest so that I didn't aggravate any of my injuries. I had turned out incredibly lucky in the sense that, although I could barely move my body, there were no fractures and nothing fatal, my body would heal within a week or so.

However now I had another problem to deal with. I looked up at my mother, trying to abate my anger, "I apologize, I did not anticipate the Avengers interrupting our fight. I had Spider-Man. I had him in my grasp, desperate for breath. I could have ended it. But then those heroes, those idiots in the ridiculous costumes had to spare his life."

"We do not tolerate failure."

"Then kill me," I told her, watching a slight amount of surprise pass over her face before dissolving into her mask. "I am one person, there was no possible way that I could take on all of the Avengers at once, even with my powers. And if you think that somehow that doesn't make me strong enough, then you should kill me. Otherwise I'll just keep failing you."

"No one is killing anyone," my father diffused as he walked between the two of us. "Void, once you get back up on your feet, you have permission to go after whoever you desire. This is the second time that the Avengers have attacked you with no provocation, it is only right that you get to take them down. However, we would request that you bring them in so that we may study their powers. H.A.M.M.E.R. will also aid you in keeping you updated if any members are spotted alone and without any backup."

I felt a smile spread across my lips, knowing that this would prove as a distraction from Spider-Man. If I focused my energies instead on the Avengers, I could save Peter without any suspicion on my parents' part. Now the difficulty would be to refrain from being caught. Clearly Peter had connections to the Avengers so if they were to capture me, Peter would most likely find out who I was.

"I'd be honored to finally knock the Avengers off of the pedestal that they have put themselves onto for so long."


I was stuck in the H.A.M.M.E.R. base for about a week and a half before the doctors finally agreed that I was fit enough to leave. The bruises were faded, the scratches gone, and only the scars remained. They added to a plethora of them that I had scattered across my body, reminding me of my previous failures.

Although I was cleared to finally leave the base, I could not return to my missions for the time being. My shoulder still needed rest so I was only cleared to do menial tasks and not the standard training or missions that I would go through on a day to day basis. But at least I could return to my apartment and go see Peter again.

I had lied that my family had surprised me with an impromptu vacation in order to make up for the time that they spent at work which successfully curved his suspicion. But I knew that we both wanted to see each other again. We had not spent more than a handful of days apart for ages, usually seeing each other during school or, while on vacation, we would plan dates. But now that I was no longer cooped up in the med bay and my injuries could be covered up with makeup, I was able to see him again.

I knocked on his apartment door, which was answered by a smiling May. "(Y/N), Peter didn't tell me that we were expecting you, but of course, you are always welcome here! I'm afraid that Peter stepped out for a bit, but you can wait here for him to return if you would like."

"Oh, I am sorry that I didn't call ahead, I probably should have done that," I replied, my heart sinking to hear that he was out, most likely being Spider-Man. "Do you know how long he will be? I just got back from my family vacation and was hoping to see him."

"I'm sure it won't be for long," she assured me, although I didn't think that she was actually sure of that. "In the meantime, do you want to bake some cookies with me while we wait?"

I smiled at her generosity, "I would love to."

We began to gather the ingredients while May began to idly chat with me, "so I hear that your parents don't know about you and Peter?"

"He told you?" I sighed, measuring out the correct amount of flour. I had turned quite the baker since making the gingerbread cookies with the Parker family. With my parents never being home, I was often found now either in the kitchen or at Peter's apartment.

May laughed lightly, "he kind of had to, I kept bringing up the idea of inviting your parents over for dinner. Of course, at first, I just assumed he kept coming up with excuses that they couldn't come over because Peter didn't trust my cooking, thinking I'd probably end up poisoning them or serving them burnt food. But he finally confessed the truth the other day."

"They, um, they don't like the idea of me dating anyone, not yet at least. I know it sounds ridiculous, I'm going into my senior year of high school. I mean, women used to be married at my age. But they are quite adamant about my remaining single until I am an adult."

"Which means that we only have to keep this secret for less than a year," she smiled at me, passing me a spoon to stir all of the ingredients together.

"Thanks, May, I really do appreciate your support of me dating Peter. If I had a kid that incredible, I would never allow someone like me to date them. And I don't think that your cooking is that bad. I mean, you do burn things every now and then, and sometimes ingredients are of the wrong proportion, but I can tell you that you are a much better cook than myself."

"Well then, Peter better learn how to cook for his sake. Going from one woman who can't cook to another, he'll never know good homemade food."

I blushed as I realized what her words meant, dropping the spoon that I was mixing with and stuttering, "well, I-I'm not sure about that. I mean, who's to say he won't end up with someone else who can cook."

"I've never seen a young couple as devoted as the two of you," May replied, finishing stirring the mix. "I wouldn't be surprised if you two end up married. Besides, I'm Peter's aunt, it's my job to bring up marriage to all of his girlfriends."

"Well, I think we are both more concerned about getting into college right now as opposed to marriage." I grabbed a baking tray as I spoke, lining it with parchment paper so that we could start doling out the batter into cookies.

Peter came back just as the first batch finished cooking, seemingly having been contacted by May in advance because he walked in the front door the apartment in normal clothes as opposed to his suit. He didn't notice me at first, smiling as he smelt the cookies, "May, it smells great in here. Did you really manage not to burn the cookies?"

May tossed a towel at his head, causing him to lay eyes on me. His smile widened, "I see that you had help. (Y/N), are you responsible for the first uncharred batch of cookies that I have had in months?"

"Well, your aunt did help," I smiled, wrapping my arms around Peter's waist. "But I hope this acts as an apology for leaving without any warning."

"You don't need to apologize, (Y/N), but I am glad to have you back," Peter assured me, placing a kiss on my cheek.


(A/N): A little bit of fluff to brighten up your day! But don't worry, this peacefulness won't last forever because you all know me and so you must know I always have something up my sleeve!

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