Chapter 31 - Spending the Night

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(Your POV):
After stopping briefly at home to check on my own wounds, I quickly rushed over to Peter's apartment to make sure that he hadn't been banged up too badly. He had made the wise decision to retreat, but we were both being thrown around like rag dolls and I had to make sure that he was doing ok.

Peter's bedroom light was on when I arrived and I softly rapped on the window, a routine that had become normal for me as I acted as Peter's personal nurse. I slipped inside and apologized, "Sorry I'm so late, I only just found out about your fight and came over as quickly as I could."

"You didn't need to come over, I don't have too many injuries. Anyway, how'd you hear about me fighting Spidercide?"

"Pete, you've become a hero and that means social media will report if you've been spotted breathing. I keep alerts on some of your most active fan accounts that way I can be alerted to anytime I might need to come over to help you. You looked like you were being tossed around pretty badly, I have to say. Also did I see Void up there with you, are you two friends again?"

"No, we're definitely not friends, but we're allies," Peter spoke, echoing what he had told me earlier in the evening. "At least for now. We share a common enemy, although I don't know what she has against Spidercide, so we're going to work together and not try to kill one another in the meantime."

"You trust her enough to have your back?" I questioned, hoping to pull off the part of the worried girlfriend. "I just don't want you getting hurt and this woman is certainly capable of that."

He gave me a reassuring smile, "don't worry, (Y/N/N), Void will keep her word. Even though we're usually on opposite sides, I know that I can trust her word. She has saved my life quite a few times, even when we were battling each other. I don't understand her, it's like she doesn't want to hurt me, but she has too."

"Well, maybe she works for someone else but recognizes that you are doing good for this neighborhood and doesn't really want you getting hurt?" I tried to ignore the chill that ran down my spine as Peter began to start questioning my motives as Void. If he figured out that Void didn't hurt him because she loved him, it was only a matter of time before he connected Void back to myself.

I knew that I would be losing him at the end of the school year, there was nothing I could do to prevent that. But I couldn't bear losing him now, when I was supposed to have a little over six more months with him before graduation.

"She did mention that she worked for a secret group when they attacked or school-"

"Wait, that was because of Void? You never told me that! Why did she help defend the school?"

Peter shrugged, "she doesn't really talk much during battle, but she must have had a change of heart or something and turned on her own people. I don't know who she works for, but it seems to be really far underground. I've tried to do some digging into it, but I've found nothing."

"Well then they probably aren't too much to worry about. If they were really dangerous, they would probably have caused bigger ripples."

"I'm not so sure about that, I think they might be behind some of the enhanced that have been popping up in the city. Many of them treat Void like she's betrayed them, I'm pretty sure they work for the same organization."

Damn, Peter really had been making many more connections than I had realized. I was surprised he hadn't figured out the truth yet, it seemed he was only inches away from it. There had to be something I could do to stop him, to distract him from Void and who she was connected to, but now that I had agreed to be his ally, I didn't know how I was going to do that.

"Wow, that's really a lot to take in." While I couldn't distract Peter from his search into H.A.M.M.E.R., I could at least veer our current conversation from it. "But you mentioned, that you had a scratch? Can I see it, I just want to make sure that you aren't understating it."

Peter sighed, feigning annoyance, "you really have to be that stubborn, huh?"

I raised my eyebrow at him, "if you had been stabbed, would you actually tell me about it?" I paused briefly for him to respond, but as he opened his mouth, I continued, "no, I thought not. Now let me see this cut of yours."

Peter pealed back the bandage on his arm so I could see the small incision, but he had clearly already treated it properly and I gave him the ok to cover it back up. After the bandage was refastened, I pressed my lips against it then looked up at him, "there, that will make it heal faster."

The corners of his lips twitched upwards and the look of affection in his eyes caused my heart to flutter in my chest. I cupped his cheek in my hand and broke my lips gently down upon his. The kiss was slow and gentle, but made my body feel like it was on fire. I intertwined my fingers with his and moved to sit next to him on his bed, pulling away with a giddy smile on my face.

"Have I ever told you how good a kisser you are?" I asked, placing a quick peck on his cheeks, which tinged pink at my words.

"Well I've gotten quite a bit of practice with you," he managed to recover from his embarrassment as he returned the favor.

We exchanged quick kisses as we laid out on his bed, Peter wrapping arms around me and pulling me close to his body. I let my head rest against his chest as my thumb drew little circles on his arm.

Peter sighed, "I wish that we could just stay here forever."

"And why can't we?" I asked, propped my head up on my elbow and sliding my opposite hand up so that I could run my fingers through his curls.

"Well, we do have school tomorrow and that Calc test and you'll need to get back home so that your parents-"

"I can tell my parents that I'm staying over. I don't think they'll flip out if I give them warning instead of just not coming home."

"But they don't know we're dating, do you think they'll be ok with it?"

I smirked as I pulled out my phone, "Pete, I think they would be less ok with it if they knew we were dating."

Making sure that Peter couldn't see what I was texting, I sent a quick message to my father, Going to stay at Parker's for the night, hopefully it will encourage him to reintroduce me to his Avengers friends.


(A/N): Uh-oh, Peter knows more about you and H.A.M.M.E.R. then you realized? Do you think that he is going to find out the truth?

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