Chapter 6 - Calling in Backup

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(Your POV):
Peter sprung into action the minute my fist made contact with his skin, kicking my feet out from under me. However, I easily flipped backwards in a back handspring to avoid him getting the upper hand. Peter took that time to prepare his next attack, starting to send a wave of bullet-like webs at me as I landed back on my feet.

My eyes widened at the sight, but I easily overcame my shock and sent then flying back at him with my telekinesis. He created a shield-like web to protect him while I hit him from behind with a sign off of a nearby building. He fell forward and I took his moment of weakness to advance upon him.

I straddled him and unsheathed a dagger, my heart starting to raise. You only have to make it look like you were putting up a fight, you don't actually have to hurt him too badly, I reminded myself as I brought the blade down to his body. However Peter decided that he didn't want to be stabbed and attached webs around my wrist to flip me off of him. I quickly severed the bond and leapt back to my feet, feigning a knife throw to his left, but then sending the blade to the right. He easily sidestepped and caught the blade's handle, sending some of his webs at me.

I allowed them to attach to me, but instead used them to pull Peter down before he could do that to me. As he scrambled to get up, I moved the fallen sign so it rested on top of his chest to pin him down. With his super strength he easily lifted the sign off of him, but it was the delay that I needed to place my foot over his neck. He collapsed against the ground, as though in defeat, before webbing up my ankle and sending me crashing onto my back.

I groaned as he climbed on top of me, webbing my right hand to the roof. However before he could pin down my left hand as well, I fastened it around his throat and threw him to the ground next to me, supporting myself on my right forearm. While he writhed beneath my grasp, I telekinetically cut through his webbing on my hand and just in time.

I felt the bullet hit my leg and had sent a bolt of electricity into the helicopter immediately afterwards, causing it to lose controls. Peter took advantage of my slackened grip and escaped while I assessed the situation in front of me. While I never actually wanted to do serious harm to Peter, I had no qualms about picking off the Avengers. In fact, I believed that the world would be a better place without them. But I also knew that, even with all of my training that I had undergone, I didn't have a chance at beating them when they were all together.

As I rose into a ready stance, I found myself determined to take a few of them down today, even if I could not get everyone. Iron Man caught the helicopter and landed it safely on a nearby roof across while the other Avengers not in the helicopter began to advance on me. Having to fight them all at once was not the ideal situation, but I was able to land a few solid hits on them. However, I sustained more injuries from them in that time.

I was pulling out all of the stops: telekinesis, combat training, and my electric powers, but nothing seemed to be awarding me with enough of a dent. If I were to get off of the roof alive, then I needed to run for it. Of course, that raised the question of if I would not just rather die here, end my servitude to H.A.M.M.E.R. and die with honor.

But as I glanced over to Peter, who was still putting up a hell of a fight against me, I knew that if I were to fight to the death here, then he would discover my identity. So I took a deep breath and channeled all of the energy I had left into my electricity powers and sent shocks to each of the Avengers to keep them occupied while I made my escape. But before I could leave, I dragged myself over to Peter and knelt down next to his twitching body.

"Sorry, Spidey-Kid, I never wanted to hurt you, but you had to call in the Avengers and things got messy. You'll be fine in a few minutes though, I promise."

With that, I rolled myself off of the roof, catching myself with the grapple as I almost hit the ground. Pain burst from my shoulder and I cried out, tears welling up in my eyes. Knowing that the shoulder was dislocated, I mentally prepared myself for the agony of relocating it and grabbed my wrist, moving the shoulder back into its socket. An immense pain shot out of my shoulder as a response and I let out a small cry, but I knew that the Avengers wouldn't be stalled for long so I needed to act quickly. I severed the grapple and searched for a way to escape.

I was too weak to run, I could barely stand with my exhaustion and injuries, so that meant I needed to hide. My eyes landed on the fruit stands outside of Delmar's and I quickly crawled myself behind one of them, using the shadows as my cover. I could hear the Avengers chasing me almost immediately after I got behind the stand and held my breath as I listened in to what they were saying.

"Where'd she go?" A male voice asked, one I believed belonged to Captain America.

"She can't have run far with those injuries, she didn't seem able to stand well," Black Widow assessed, making me curse her mind.

A third voice spoke, "alright, let's split up, search the area. She has to be here somewhere."

Using my enhanced hearing, I continued tracking the teams as they began to scour the area for me. However it was getting harder to fight my lids from dropping and succumbing to my exhaustion, eventually falling back into darkness.


I was surrounded by noise. As I returned to consciousness I could pinpoint cars driving by and horns blaring, the chatter of people around me, their footsteps on the concrete. I managed to pry my eyes open, met with the dazzling sunlight of above. My entire body hurt, I found myself unable to move due to the intensity of it.

"She's supposed to be around here, according to the tracker," I heard a voice speak, causing my interest to pique.

Another voice replied in annoyance, "maybe she just left her phone as a decoy, ever think about that? She seemed to be getting weaker and sloppier, maybe she decided to run away before the bosses decided to finish her."

Clenching my teeth in hopes that I wouldn't make a noise as I moved, I used the back of the fruit stand to hoist myself up. Still hidden by the stand, I peered around the corner and saw a handful of people who were clearly H.A.M.M.E.R. agents, despite the fact they weren't dressed in uniforms in order to avoid suspicion.

Knowing this was my way to medical attention, I deactivated my suit so as to not bring too much attention to myself in front of civilians and used the stand to steady myself. I limped over to one of the agents and asked, "were you looking for me?"

His eyes went wide, "Void? You're younger than I expected. And you look-"

"Like hell? Yeah, that tends to happen when you get ambushed by the Avengers. Now get me back to base and none of you are allowed to share what I actually look like," I ordered, limping towards their car which was undeniably H.A.M.M.E.R.'s.

"Um, ma'am, would you- would you care for some assistance, you looked pretty banged up," another agent offered and I, despite my pride, immediately collapsed against him, allowing him to practically carry me to his car.


(A/N): I apologize for not posting this yesterday, school is really only starting and I'm already overwhelmed, but here is the chapter (finally!) Unfortunately, you were not captured because I have a different moment in mind to reveal your identity to Peter (like it's basically the first idea I had for the book so y'all better be ready for it even though it won't happen for a while). Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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