Chapter 11 - Consequences

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(Your POV):
Don't bother coming by to explain your actions to me, I think it would just be better if we took a break

Disbelief was the first thing that I felt reading his text. Then came the pain and finally the rage, even though I knew that it was I that had broken his heart. But I couldn't let this be the end, not when this was the only time I knew happiness. Electing to do the exact opposite of what he had told me, I slipped out of my window and made my way to his apartment. The lights were off inside of his room and I figured that he was sleeping. However, his window was unlocked so I slid it open and invited myself inside.

Peter must have sensed my presence because the minute that my feet landed on the wood floor he lept up and turned on the lights. His wrist was pointed towards me, most likely ready to web up the intruder and his expression turning to shock upon the sight of me. "(Y/N), what are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come!"

"Peter, please, here me out. You were the one that made us promise that we would not break up without talking about it first. Please, just listen to what I have to say," I begged, taking his hand in mine.

He pulled away from me, refusing to meet my eyes, "I never said I was breaking up with you, I just said that we should take a break."

"I may not be well accustomed to dating, but I am not stupid enough not to know what 'taking a break' means, Peter." I paused, waiting for his permission to explain my actions but he didn't respond. With a sigh, I delved into my story, "I didn't have a choice but to seduce that man tonight-"

"Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds, (Y/N)? You didn't have a choice but to sleep with him? You just had to do it, didn't you? What, you think that it is too soon to sleep with me but you'll fuck a random guy so his father will employ your parents?!"

"Peter, it isn't like that, I swear. We didn't do anything and I have never- I'm still a virgin, Peter. I just- I brought him back to his apartment and drugged him. All of this was just so I could send a message to his father, that's all. You'd be amazed how willing to listen someone is when their son is tied up to a bed and at the complete mercy of a stranger."

"I still don't understand why. You didn't have to do any of this."

"My parents believe that I owe them. I mean, perhaps I do. They have raised me my entire life, given me food and shelter, supplied me with clothes. I do things like this to repay them. When Harry shut down Oscorp, my parents were among the many left without jobs. They discovered that most people would not hire them because of the necessary pay with the number of degrees they both have. While they are both employed at the moment, it is not where they wish to be by any means so to help them, they asked me to- I was tasked with seducing Jayden so that I could contact his father and secure their positions."

Peter shook his head, "this is ridiculous, your parents think that you owe them for supplying you with basic needs? How do you expect me to believe a word of this? But I listened to your explanation and now I can officially break up with you. I'm sorry, (Y/N), but I can't- I can't date someone who cheats on me and then lies about it."

"That's not what happened!" I fought, brinking on desperation. Tears pierced my eyes and a great pain welled up in my chest. "Please Peter, please just listen to me!"

"I have listened to you and now I want you to leave," he replied, his own eyes filling with tears as they looked anywhere around the room except for at me.

I opened my mouth to speak again, but I knew that it was not worth it. Peter had made his decision and, even if there was a chance to repair our relationship, I would have to wait until he had calmed down to change his mind. My gaze fell to the floor as a tear slipped down my cheek, but I turned shakily towards the window before I lost my resolve to do so. Once I had landed on the fire escape, I looked back at Peter, wanting to say something- anything. He must have seen my hesitation and realized my desire to say more because he stepped forward and pulled his window closed, locking it once it hit the sill.

"Peter," I whispered, my heart breaking as I stared at him through the glass. He was the first to turn away, switching off his lights and leaving me alone on his fire escape.

I sat down on the creaking metal, unable to take another step as my legs fell weak beneath me. The sobs came in uncontrollable gasps and sparks shot from my fingertips. I should have fought harder to gain control of myself, I was in the open without my suit with my powers out for everyone to see. But in that moment all I could think of was Peter and how happy I had become with him. He had been the only person I felt safe enough to let my shields down around and the only person who could make me laugh.

All of my most cherished memories began to flash through my mind, all of them including him, of course. The time that we built that stupid catapult together, the night at the party when he confessed his feelings for me, the first kiss we ever shared as well as all of the frustrating near kisses that could have been leading up to it, the late nights we spent together working on our stupid physics projects, the night that we had taken our relationship one step further. I didn't want them to end, I wanted to add new memories. But that wasn't going to happen now because I had screwed up. That one stupid mission had ended everything and I couldn't even tell Peter the whole truth in order to defend myself because if he knew what I was really doing, who I was, it wouldn't matter if the excuse was good because he wouldn't be willing to date his enemy.


(A/N): And it wouldn't be my story if I didn't have you torn apart by a misunderstanding and keeping secrets. Do you think Pete will one around to forgive you?

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