Chapter 3 - Visiting Graves

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(Your POV):
I found myself in the simulation room for the seventh day in a row. I had finally managed to beat Natasha Romanov and had easily beat Hawkeye (it was quite an easy feat when his main weapons could easily be deflected with my telekinesis). Although I had only won against two Avengers, I had begun to look forward to the simulations so that I could learn how to beat the next one. Also, I knew that I wasn't going to die or get captured in these fights, so it was much better than fighting the real people.

I took out my gun as the room darkened, curious to see who would be my next hero to fight. The image came into view and I found myself webbed up to a wall. Panic began to settle in as I easily sliced the webs with my dagger. I looked up into the eyes of Spider-Man and my heart stopped.

It's not Peter, it's not actually him, I desperately tried to remind myself as I readied myself for another attack. He tried to land another web on me, but I quickly dropped to the ground to avoid and knocked Spider-Man off of his feet. As I heard the body hit the ground, I was overwhelmed with a desire to make sure that he was alright, to make sure that I hadn't hurt him too much.

He picked himself back up and attached a web to the ceiling, swinging from it to kick me in the chest. However I was anticipating this and I moved out of the way and severed his web, causing him to fall flat on his face. After fighting a bit longer, I finally got him cornered and summoned a fallen dagger to my hand. I had to end the simulation, show no weakness, so I gripped the handle in my shaking hand and, fighting back tears, plunged the blade into his abdomen.

The illusion remained up as I looked down at my knife in Peter's body. In that moment I was afraid that it was actually him, that somehow my parents had captured him and put him in this room to fight me. Finally the illusion did melt away and a great weight was lifted, but the knowledge that I was actually capable of killing Peter lingered like a dagger to the heart.

"That was a rather easy win, don't you agree?" My father asked as he walked into the room. "So then why haven't you brought Spider-Man to us yet?"

"These simulations are far too easy," I replied, sheathing my dagger. "Spider-Man is much harder to beat in real life. Now I wonder if I would actuality be able to take down Black Widow if I tried. Although I beat your little simulation, that fight against Spider-Man was nothing like the real thing so I'm not sure the ones for the Avengers are either."

With that I pushed past my father and left the base. Deactivating my suit once I stepped outside, I began walking with no real destination in mind. The scene of stabbing Peter, even if it was just an illusion, kept playing through my head and each time I felt as though I had actually killed Peter. I needed to talk to someone, but I knew Peter was out of the question. How was I supposed to explain what had happened without revealing my identity?

Instead I found myself in the cemetery, kneeling before Harry's tombstone. "Hey Harry, I know it's been a while since I last visited. I suppose I've been hoping that by not visiting you I would finally move on, but not a day goes by when I don't think of you. I still have the nightmares, you know, of that night. I still don't understand why you did it, it should have been me that died. You had so much life ahead of you and I- all I have is the life of an assassin."

I sighed, running my fingers through the grass in front of his grave, "you know, today my parents made me fight Peter. It wasn't actually him, just an illusion created to test my skills, but it felt so real. The way the he moved, the techniques he fought with, it was all Peter. And in order to beat him, I-I stabbed him. God, it felt so real and I thought I was going to break down right in the base. It hurts, Harry, knowing that one day we could be in a fight that not both of us will walk away from. But I will honor my promise to protect him. I will protect him with my life.

"I just wish you could be here, I could really use your comfort right now. I mean, I could always go to Peter, but it would be hard to explain the situation to him without telling him who I am. It's getting harder to keep him from knowing, it's getting harder to lie to him. I care for him so much, what will he do when he finds out that I have been his enemy this entire time? Don't worry, I'm not going to break up with him, not after you scolded me the last time, but I just wish there could be no more secrets between us if we are to remain together. I have been thinking a lot about our future- well, my future, but I do want to share it with him, if possible. I cannot continue serving my parents, I think I will turn myself in to the Avengers. I'll do it after graduation, that way Peter can go off to college and forget about me once I allow my identity to be known. But until then, I will keep my parents under the impression that I am still a faithful servant and Peter can remain oblivious to my other life.

"I do miss you, Harry, more than you must realize. You were my rock, the one person I could talk to about my life. I've never been as open to anyone the way I was to you and I really miss that. You were my best friend and the brother that I never had, the only person I could actually call family."


(A/N): This was a rather short chapter but I wanted to show more of you dealing with Harry's death and of course facing Spider-Man in the simulation room! I hope that you enjoyed it!

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