Chapter 16 - Honesty

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(Your POV):
After all of my work in catching Captain America, it had not taken him long to escape. However, H.A.M.M.E.R. was successful in acquiring blood and DNA samples to help them try to recreate the super soldier serum. After my father's small outbreak as a result of the Captain's escape (which continued long after he returned home), the scientists began running tests on the data collected, praying that they would be the ones to recreate the serum that people had been trying to recreate since Captain America's birth.

But there was more resting on the success of this serum for H.A.M.M.E.R. If the scientists were able to recreate it, not only would we have more super soldiers with which to take down the Avengers, but we could also prove to our new funder, Mr. Erksine, that we were an organization worth supporting.

But while all of that happened at home, I also had to focus on my life at school and make sure that I didn't slip up and let anyone grow the least bit suspicious of me. At the same time, there was still a bit of tension left between Peter and I even after our talk. Perhaps it was just my guilt from the knowledge that I had hurt him, but I wanted to return to the state we had been in over the summer. Where I had spent my days by his side, pretending that we were the only ones who existed. There was no Spider-Man, no Void, no Avengers, and no H.A.M.M.E.R. Just two teenagers living their lives and enjoying romantic love for the first time.

Hoping to erase my guilt and assure myself that Peter had forgiven me for accepting the mission, I decided that I was going to start pampering him. It was something that he deserved but I had always been a little to shy to do. I didn't want to overwhelm him, but now I was willing to take that chance to apologize and prove to him just how much he is worth to me.

So that's how I ended up in his apartment with a box of chocolates, having been let in by May who claimed that Peter was in his room. I didn't know if Peter had just snuck out but he certainly wasn't there when I walked in the room. It was getting late so I knew that he would return soon, I mean he did have school the next day, and I decided that I would just wait for him.

I didn't have to wait long because five minutes later he almost tumbled into the room, fully dressed in his Spider-Man outfit and pulling his mask over his head as he landed. He froze as he saw me standing there, his expression the epitome of a deer caught in the headlights. His reaction, however, is what reminded me that his girlfriend wasn't supposed to know that he was Spider-Man and I needed to act shocked.

"(Y/N), I-I didn't know that you would be here. I- this-this is not what it looks like, I promise," he began to stutter, desperate to keep his poorly hidden secret.

"Holy shit, you're Spider-Man," was what I chose to exclaim, my hand covering my agape mouth.

At this point Peter seemed to be peak desperation, "no, no I'm definitely not Spider-Man, this is just-this is just a costume."

"Yeah, the costume that you wear as Spider-Man." I suddenly remembered the anger that swelled up when I first discovered that this innocent little boy was going around risking his life. I let that anger channel through me as I tossed the box of chocolates on his bed, "you absolute idiot! How can you do this?! Peter, do you realize that you are going to get yourself hurt, or even killed?! You're a teenager, Peter, why do think you can save the world?!"

He looked taken aback by my sudden outburst, but didn't defend himself as he wrapped his arms around me. Trembling slightly, I let myself return his embrace, holding him to me as though he would disappear if I were to let go.

Peter began to run his fingers through my hair to calm me as he finally spoke, "its going to be ok, (Y/N). I promise that I know how to handle myself out there. There are times when I get my ass kicked, but I'm still here and I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon."

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