Hissy Fit

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Written by: Waffle-Ninja, p3pp3r_, AjexxanAlterline, hapyhappiness, ultimatebookworm12, largefrenchbread, Ash_InTheFlames, and hxrmits

Word count: 1803

Summary: In which Doc goes from less creeper to more creeper's worst enemy.


It's not everyday that Docm77 becomes his worst nightmare. A feral monster a quarter of his usual size. They're terrifying, fur covered beasts, equipped with razor sharp claws and senses far superior to his own. For some absurd reason he had woke up as the most horrific thing possible...he was a cat.

Doc screeched a shrill scream. What the? What is this man?! Ren walked in from the other room, laughing at the strange sight on the bed.

"Awww, what's a cute kitty like you doing here?" Ren cooed at the cat, "I'll take you to Scar. He absolutely LOVES cats." Doc attempted and failed to tell Ren that, 'no, he's not just some kitty cat,' but all that came out was angry cat hissing.

Ren chuckled, patting the kitty on his head. "D'aww, upset, are you? It's okay, let's go see our friend." With that, he scooped up the Doc-cat and left the room.

Doc's eyes bulged out of his head. Ren was taking him wHERe- tHERE WAS NO WAY IN HECK THAT HE WAS GOING TO SCAR! He screeched, hissing violently, sharp claws shredding away at Ren's leather jacket.

Doc scrambled out of his arms, completely ignoring Ren's crestfallen expression. Doc jumped back into the bed, curling up in a pathetic ball under the sheets.

"Kitty! Cmon, don't you wanna meet scar? Pleaaaaaaaase? You'll love him!" Ren coaxed. Ren moved the covers and reached out to grab Doc again, but Doc just scratched at his hand.

"Where's Doc when you need him? I know he can deal with this cat," Ren mumbled looking around.

Taking his chance, Doc raced out of the room, unintentionally catching Ren's attention.

"Ah crap," he whispered to himself and began chasing the wild cat.

Doc ran far out of Ren's sight before finally slowing down, his paws pattering against the ground. He wasn't quite sure why he was running, or why he didn't want to see Scar, but it was too late to do anything else now.

Doc knew he had to move; even with his smaller size, the hiding places were limited and there was no way that he was being taken to the crazy cat man.

He slid under another bed, knowing that Ren couldn't come in. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a pathetic meow.

"Cmon, don't make me call Xisuma! Ugh whatever, I guess I have to." Ren pulled out a phone from his pocket and started pressing buttons. He lifted the phone up to his head and started speaking. Doc could catch only parts of what he was saying, but twenty minutes later the sound of rockets firing and elytra swooshing came from outside.

Another figure appeared. Xisuma. "Ren, what is the problem?" Xisuma sighed.

"That." Ren pointed at Doc from under the bed. "I would've asked Doc but he's nowhere to be found..."

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