Drunk and Funny

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Written by: Ariyaquila, hapyhappiness, largefrenchbread, AjexxanAlterline, Duskstorm1, CasuallyAFangirl, and Lucy_The_Llamacorn

Word count: 956



Parties. Some people enjoy them. Some people don't like them. It's a way to meet new people (and possibly become friends), or reconnect with old friends, or maybe find another bed to sleep in for the night. They're thrown for different reasons. Holidays, reunions, special events, etc, etc.

This party was a normal one. The only purpose was to hang out, really. The host of the party invited his old and new friends, and thought that no one knew each other. He believed it was a good way to make more connections, and become closer to all of his friends.

"Scar!" Keralis grinned as he saw his friend walk in.

"It's great to be here my friend! It's been a while." Scar smiles at the taller male. They'd been friends for a while now.

"How've you been?" Keralis asked as he wound through the crowds of people in the hot room. "Oh right, I wanted you to meet a new friend of mine. He should be... just over there." he raised his hand and waved at someone, who spotted him and headed over. As the newcomer approached, Scar inspected him more carefully. Wait- was that Grian?

Apparently Keralis didn't know that they knew each other, because he just smiled, "Well Grian, this is Scar, Scar, this is Grian."

Well, this wouldn't be too awkward, at least Keralis was still here-

"I've gotta go. They're having problems with the pufferfish tank- don't touch it!" Keralis began walking away. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other."

Shortly after Keralis left, an awkward silence washed over the two builders, suffocating them. If the silence was an actual murderer, they'll be dead where they're standing.

Scar couldn't take it anymore and attempted a conversation with a "Hi", only to be interrupted by a Grian who wasn't thinking clearly.

"The fuck you've been."

Grian seemed to stumble slightly. He seems like he must have arrived only shortly before Scar, but he was already wrecked. "Dude, are you okay?"

"Oh no, I'm fine..." Grian's words slurred together, and a stupid grin plastered his face.

"So you say..."

"Nahh, realllly, 'm ffinnne." Grian replied. Scar looked at him while raising a single eyebrow. He had not believed a single word he said.

"The party just started. How the hell did you end up like this?" he asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I dunno." Scar was concerned for his long time friend. Yes, Grian had a habit of doing this at most of the parties he went to, but it's never been this quick... or bad.

"C'mon, let's get you somewhere you can safely lay down." Scar said trying to lead Grian to the stairs, but Grian resisted.

"Keralis!" Scar called out. Keralis stumbled over looking slightly less drunk, but still pretty wrecked, "Can you help me take him upstairs?"

"Sssuuuure!" Keralis's speech was slightly slurred, but still cohesive.

Scar let out a sigh at the less-drunk-than-Grian Keralis but decided to let it pass for now. Once Keralis reaches the two, he tossed Grian's arm over his shoulder.

Scar gave Keralis a small smile.

"Lead the way."

Scar followed Keralis blindly, hoping the drunk man was actually leading them somewhere.

The three fumbled blindly through the dark for a few moments, before the hallway broadened out stretching into a quieter, dimly lit room, with three over-stuffed couches lining the permitter

Scar guided his two friends towards a couch, making sure they didn't trip over anything and injure themselves. Once they were settled, Scar sat himself on the last open couch, which happened to be between the other two.

"Well boys? Anything you'd like to say?" He asked, looking back and forth at Grian and Keralis.

"Peanut butter is the answer." Grian spit out.

"I ate my brother's goldfish when I was 9." Keralis said quietly before starting to cry.

Scar sat in silence as he internally facepalmed. Whatever happened to Grian in their long-time separation clearly wasn't good for him. Keralis certainly didn't seem to be much help to his state either. Thinking, Scar tried to remember the last time he had seen Grian. It had been months.

Scar let out a sigh as he sink into the sofa. He was not at all prepared for anything like this to happen, but it did, so here he is.

Laying on a couch, in a dark room with a crying Keralis admitting his deepest, darkest sin of shallowing a goldfish whole and a drunken Grian.

He let out a sigh and sat up, having made up his mind.

Grian suddenly broke down crying, startling both Scar and the drunk Keralis.

Keralis' own tears falter as he notice the real sadness in Grian's eyes as the sobs shake his shoulders. Scar shifted off the couch he was sitting on, tentatively moving to sit on Grian's opposite side, so the three were sharing the small couch, the sobbing Grian sandwiched between Scar and Keralis.

Scar and Keralis put their arms around the smaller man's shoulders. Grian burried his face in Keralis' shoulder while pulling Scar closer to them. Scar didn't fight. Keralis held Grian, squeezing him tight. Neither of the three protested at all. If anything, they enjoyed it.

They fell asleep on that couch that night in each other's arms. It was a cute sight to all who came across them, which was surprisingly a lot because many people went upstairs to find a place to do the do.

They soon entered a relationship together, Keralis finally telling Xisuma that he ate his goldfish, amd Grian stopped drinking. Scar was...well, Scar. He avoided alchohol and loved his boyfriends dearly. He was truly lucky.

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