Turn Off The Heat

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Written by: p3pp3r_, ultimatebookworm12, Mumbo_Banano, AjexxanAlterline, CasuallyAFangirl, thebirdfantasy, and hxrmits

Word count: 1527

Summary: Carrying a cat and escaping from a storm, Jevin finds himself in the one and only Ice Queen's base, though today she seems more hot than cold.

A/N: We got a request-ish? From HermitcraftSnake , who wanted a Jevin and Stress ship. Jess? Strevin?


Jevin was wondering through the shopping district, rushing to the Nether portal when he saw something shivering under a tree. He looked at the nearby portal and debated to leave whatever it happened to be but ran and grabbed it, holding it to observe what it was before running back to the portal.

The animal was sopping wet, and once he could see it better than under a tree that didn't have very good shelter, he noticed it was a kitten. He glanced around at the portals and ran into one of them, being met with stone floors and walls. "Hello? Anyone home?"

Jevin pressed the shaking kitten closer against his chest, stroking its small head gently with two fingers. "Hello?" He called out again, cautiously taking a step forward.

"Who is it?" A cheerful and inquisitive voice called from another room.

"Uh, Jevin. Mind if I hang here for a bit?" He walked to the direction of the voice, seeing a small person with a pink jacket apear from a corner.

"Are you cold?" She asked, her eyes trailing down to what was in his arms. "Oh gosh, what did you find? Is it ok?"

"Its a little chilly, I think, but other than that it's not hurt." Jevin stated, holding the kitten up with a hand wrapped around its waist to not drop it.

"Poor baby!" Stress cooed. She reached forward, gently patting the small animal. "She looks so thin! Let's get her cleaned up." She gingerly took the kitten from Jevin.

"Can I help?" Jevin asked, following her.

"Of course!"

Stress ran into a spacious room with two couches near a fireplace, a rug in between the couches with a coffee table on the rug. She opened a wardrobe near the fireplace and pulled out some towels, handing one to Jevin and wrapping the kitten with one.

The kitten gave a happy meow as Stress sat it gently on the couch next to Jevin. "I'll bring some hot beverages, just a second."

She rushed off into another room, and quickly came back with a bowl and a cup filled with warm milk. "Drink up."

She put the bowl on the coffee table and gave the cup to Jevin. "Anywho, Jevin, what were you doing in that storm anyway?"

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