Dogs and Adventures

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Word count: 1462

Mumbo walked around the animal shelter, hoping to find a pet that he could call his own. He was going to go in for a cat, but he felt that maybe a dog might be a nice change, seeing as they're more social animals.

As he walked into a room full of puppies he could go in and pet, he found one other person in one of the rooms. They had a pair of ears and tail protruding from them, which perplexed Mumbo. Suddenly the person turned around, and saw Mumbo staring.

"Oh, hi." He said after quickly leaving the room. "Can I, uh, help you?"

The man appeared to be an employee at the shelter.

Mumbo blushed lightly. "Um yeah actually. I'm looking for a dog.. or maybe a cat... I'm not too sure. I just want a pet," He stammered nervously.

The employee chuckled and pushed himself off the wall. He was quite slim and he wore a light blue and cream uniform. His trousers didn't quite fit him all the way to his ankles and he wore a name-tag with the name "Ren" on his breast pocket. He had dark auburn hair pulled back into a short ponytail with a few missed strands. The man had dark, chocolate brown eyes and a bit of a beard. Mumbo couldn't help but blush when he smiled; it played right on his heart strings. And; Ren was shorter than Mumbo!

Ren's ears flicked and his tail swayed slightly. "Sure! We have many puppies that would like a home, I can show you around the doggos? Unfortunately, I don't work with the cats, for obvious reasons.." Ren shot Mumbo a flashy grin, starting to walk him past the many playful puppies.

Mumbo let out a chuckle at Ren. "Yeah, I can see why." Ren smiled at the mustache man and offered him his hand, "Anyways, you want to see the dogs now?" Mumbo let out a tiny smile and took the man's hand. "Let's go."

Walking into the dog area, the scent of pee and poop instantly filled Mumbo's nose. The sounds of puppies barking and whining filled his ears, twisting his heart in circles. He looked at the dogs around the room. All of them looked adorable.

"Awwwww, puppies!" Mumbo cooed, heading over to one of the cages with a few puppies in it.

"They're cute, aren't they?" Ren asked, smiling at Mumbo's excitement. Mumbo nodded excitedly nodded his head as if he were a child, which Ren giggled at. Momentarily letting go of Mumbo's hand, Ren took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the cage that Mumbo had stopped at.

Mumbo stepped back, allowing Ren to open the door. He felt his heart melt and a grin fall on his face as one puppy stumbled over to him, tripping over its own feet. "D'aww!!"

"See, they're adorable," Ren mused, stepping back and watching. "You can hold them if you'd like?" He smiled, looking over to the Englishman and laughing as he nodded.

Ren picked up 2 puppies, handing them to Mumbo. He picked the last one up and cradled it in his arms, smiling and Mumbo fussed the two. "So, why are you thinking of getting a puppy?"

"Well, my boyfriend broke up with me and moved away, so I just really need something to fill the space. Plus, I've always wanted a dog," Mumbo smiled, sniffing one of the dogs. "Ew, You stink. Who's a stinky doggie? You are!" He teased, amusedly talking to the dogs in baby voices.

Ren chuckled. "I'm sorry about that, man. It's hard."

"It's okay. It was a mutual thing," Mumbo explained, petting the puppies in his arms. He smiled sadly as he thought back to his old love.

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