bikes au meets burning boats, and python the merman.

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Written by hapyhappiness hxrmits, Wolves_All_Around, Waffle-Ninja, helicopter-stannie, and Casuallyy
Edited by helicopter-stannie
3149 Words

Zed sped across the deck of the deck, Doc close behind him. The wheels of his bike screeched as he made a sharp turn, locking eyes with Impulse who stood at the finish line, waiting for them. Zed was ahead, he was winning. He was almost there! But, Zed would've made it if the ship didn't suddenly jerk, sending him overboard and into the sea below with his bike.

Zedaph drew in a deep breath as he hit the water. Shock hit him and he swam to the surface of the ocean, gasping for air. He opened his eyes, looking around for his bike, but his hopes fell when he couldn't see it - it must've sank to the bottom.

"Help me!" Zed shouted, looking up at those on the boat. They shouted his name worriedly, but turned away from the railings and continued on with their race. 


"Doc! Impulse? Xis-" He started, the water cutting him off and he was dragged underneath. "Please help!" Zed wailed at his friends after emerging from beneath the surface, coughing and spluttering. His lungs burned with seawater.

Zed was swept under the water again, this time it engulfed him in a salty wave of darkness, filling his nose and taking his air. He tried to escape, but the swirling water kept him down. Soon he felt arms around him, helping him through the water. Zed couldn't think anymore. The last thing he saw before he passed out was a red shimmering tail...

He awoke coughing and sputtering on sand, he was rolled onto his side as he took air into his stinging, burning lungs. He heard a voice from just behind him.

"Finally, you're up." He turned to look at the person to see a sight he didn't expect to see. A strange hybrid sat there, fuzzy red skin contrasted with a red fish tail from the waist down. "So, are you going to say anything? Maybe a thanks or something?" the mer-creature said, jolting the boy out of his daze.

"Th-" He started, but a coughing fit interrupted him.

"Ah, now I get why you aren't talking... well, anyway, I'm Python, for future reference."

He was about to respond when he suddenly remembered, "MY BIKE! Where is it?! Did you see it?!"  He looked around frantically before spotting it a few feet away on the shore. he let out a sigh of relief and ran a hand through his hair.

"Why are you so concerned about that thing?" Python asked, gesturing to the bike.

"Thank you, and because bikes are fun. Here, let me show you." He picked it up and helped Python into the basket on the front, hopping on.

He secured his feet on the pedals of his bike watching as the mer-creature settled itself in the basket securely and quickly took off across the beach, his wheels gliding above the sand. his futuristic bike went on as he rode around the area a few times.

The two speed off down the length of the beach, never straying too far from the coast line. Though he couldn't help think he was forgetting something. For one he wasn't quite sure how he got here, but for once he couldn't bring himself to care. Staying blissfully ignorant as he and his new friend python biked under the clear tropical blue sky. He shrugged the thoughts off, instead starting up a conversation with the mermaid sitting in front of him. however said red-tailed mermaid beat him to it. "So.. what's your name?"

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