Phobia support group

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Word count: 2750

Zedaph stared out the window. However it wasn't by choice; he was sickly nervous. Acid crawled the inside of his stomach. Oh, how he hated needles.

Doc had told him to relax, saying 'it would make it hurt less', but that only furthered the nauseous feeling in his gut as he realised how tense and ridged he was.

When Doc had left to retrieve the needle, and to prepare for the injection, he wasn't sure how long he would have to wait. He had only been gone a few minutes when Zed came to the conclusion that it didn't matter how long he would take, the anticipation going to kill him. His gut did another flip at his expense as he held in the urge to gag. All he knew for sure was that if Doc didn't return soon, there would puke splattered all over the floor.

Earlier, he told himself that he wouldn't make a fuss. That he wouldn't be so petty about a small metal tube that supposed to help you. Well, it didn't work. No matter the situation; he always got so worried right before the shot. His heart always beat so hard, it was a wonder nobody else could hear it.

Zed was getting dizzy. He was shaking. The only thing he could hear was his heartbeat in his ears and he didn't even notice the door open again. His head was spinning, it was like the whole room was closing in on him, spinning... spinning... spinning...

He was suffocating, the room was getting smaller and smaller and tears welled up in his eyes. The twisting of his stomach got worse, shredding at his insides like a hungry beast.

Zed didn't even notice the hands on his arms, shaking him lightly.

He tried to get into a ball and make himself smaller, he shut his eyes tight and hugged himself. Doc stopped shaking him and watched anxiously. His friend was panicking this bad, so he decided to call one person that could calm Zed down. He heard the other person pick up, "Doc?"

"Hey Impulse, Zed is kinda freaking out right now. I think he's having an attack of some sort. I know you have experience with panic attacks and stuff so could you come by calm him down?" Doc said into the phone. He knew Impulse was in some kind of meeting right now because of the messages sent in chat earlier, but right now Doc didn't care, he just wanted to help Zedaph.

"Oh! Of course, I'll be right there!" Impulse said before hanging up. Doc took a weary glance over at Zed. This'll be fun...

It didn't take Impulse too long to get there. Once and when he did, he rushed into the room. Doc was about to speak before Impulse held up a hand and pulled Zed into a hug, patting his back and whispering things to calm him down. Doc had many questions but decided it would be best to wait.

Zed felt the shadows closing in on him. Wrapping around him, smothering him. But, a light appeared among the darkness, encasing him in a warm light.

Grabbing onto Impulse's shirt, Zed buried his face in his shoulder. He felt safe, like nothing could hurt him with Impulse there. He cried softly: out of relief or fear, he couldn't tell. All he knew was that he was safe.

Doc had turned away in respect but still felt awkwardness burning in his stomach. Once Impulse pulled away from the hug and looked to Doc, seeing the questioning look, he murmured to Zed that he would be a second and walked Doc to a different side of the room. "Needle?"

"I was going to give him a shot but he started freaking out, did I do something wrong?" Doc whispered back, watching Zed try to stop his crying.

"I knew Zed was afraid of needles, I mean who isn't? But, I didn't know it was this bad." Impulse mumbled, "You're fine, you did nothing wrong. You didn't know about his fear. You were just trying to help him."

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