Meet Tango, our resident vampire

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Word count: 1088

Summary: Vampires can't be in a house without being invited first.

IM SORRY WHO WROTE THIS AT 3 AM? -pepper editing this


"So, umm... Doc? Nice house you got there. Would I be invited to come over someday?" Tango asked the creeper hybrid with light awkwardness.

"Sure," Doc said bluntly, picking up his enderchest. To Tango, it felt like he was punched in the stomach by how blunt the creeper hybrid was being.

"G-great. So when can I come over?" He tried to hide his stutter from the bluntness of Doc.

"Soon." Doc replied with another blunt answer. Tango was ready to slam his head in between a piston and a block.

"Hey, Tango? Are you okay? You don't look too good." Doc said, noticing Tango's uncomfortable look on his face.

"Huh, I- Umm, yeah. I'm fine." he replied, not convincing Doc at all.

"Yeah, I'm good. So I can go in your base?" Tango asked, straightening up, feeling hopeful that Doc would invite him in.

"Yeah, sure." Doc said as he walked in. He turned to see that Tango didn't follow.

"Are you coming?"

"Y-yeah, so you're allowing me in your base?" Tango said awkwardly shifting at Doc's doorstep.

"Well, I did tell you that you can come."

"But... Can I come in..?"

"Of course you can come in!" Doc said. A smile spread across Tango's face as he stepped in behind the creeper hybrid.

They spent a while together in Doc's base, Doc showing Tango what he has been up to while Tango looked impressed. However, as time passed, Doc noticed that Tango was acting oddly suspicious.

Doc kept an eye on Tango throughout the rest of tour, but when he hadn't done anything when they reached the end, Doc let his guard down.

Oh, how he wished that he knew how badly he messed up.

Doc was walking Tango to the door when Tango pounced on him. The two fell to the floor, and before Doc could even register what was happening, sharp fangs pierced his skin.

Tango moaned. (my 5 year old brain went EWWWWW) Doc's blood was nothing like any of the blood he's tasted before.

Doc panicked at the attack and punched Tango off him. He somehow managed to get up and back off, one hand covering his wound.

"What the hell, Tango?! Why did you attack me?!"

Tango stares at him with a dazed look on his face. A small bit of blood is leaking out of his mouth.


A small laugh escaped Tango's lips that eventually became a loud and terrifying cackle.

"You sure are something else, Docm77."

"What are you talking about?" Doc asked, slightly confused. Tango didn't reply, but he did slowly wipe the blood of of his lip and lick it.

Tango simply walked up to Doc slowly. Doc backed up until he hit the wall. He got pinned to the wall, a blood-thirsty look on Tango's face.

Tango wrapped his arms around Doc's neck and pulled him closer. Doc could feel the vampire's fangs on his neck, ready for entry.

Doc twisted, trying to escape from Tango's tight grip. "Let go of me!"

"Man, Creeper hybrids sure taste good. Are there any more of you?" Tango's voice had a odd twinge to it as his sharp fangs sank into Doc's skin.

Doc's knees buckled as Tango's fangs entered him. A sharp pain shot from his neck and he let out a short gasp. He gripped onto Tango's arm for support, already feeling immensely weak.

"Not talking, huh?" The vampire's words were muffled as he drank the blood of the half-creeper, giving into his thirst. He didn't want to suck him dry - but he had been hungry for so long, and the sample he got earlier was driving him crazy...

Doc could feel himself start to pass out. He was weak and exhausted. Dark spots started to cloud his vision and his grip was loosening on Tango's arm. The last thing he saw before he passed out was the smug, joyful luck on his vampire friend's face.


Doc woke up somewhere new. He was feeling lightheaded, and had to take a moment to register what was going on.

He recognized it as Tango's place. Tango...

Doc suddenly remembered what happened and shoots up, only to find something on his left arm.

It was some sort of red mark, possibly from the events that had happened last night. It formed some sort of picture, but for the life of him Doc couldn't make out what it was supposed to be.

"Oh. You're awake!" Tango's voice made Doc sit up straight. He wanted to punch the demon for what he did.

Well, Doc didn't know if he was a demon or...

"You're a vampire!"

Tango chuckled, "Yeah. Maybe."

"And you did this to me?!" Doc pointed to the mark on his arm, frustration coursing through him. Once again, Tango laughed and shrugged, making Doc even more annoyed.

Doc tried to push himself up, but felt a wave of lightheadedness and almost fell backwards. "Woah..." he murmured, dazed.

"Don't try to get up. You're gonna be exhausted and you need to rest." Tango's voice was almost... caring.

"After all, you're going to need to feed soon. Vampires get quite hungry, and you have to drink quite a lot."

"What?!?!" Doc shouted, shocked.

"Look, I might've went a little too far, and accidentally drank a bit too much of your blood. It was either this or you'd be dead. You don't have to feed from a live subject, you can just use my blood." Tango said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

At Tango's words, Doc's eyes opened wide and a blush appeared on his face. "Wh-what?" He stammered, his other hand subconsciously feeling the mark on his arm.

"Yeah, um..." Tango blushed too. "I'm sorry. I hadn't eaten in ages and I was thirsty-"

"You WHAT!?" Doc shouted in surprise.

"You're a Creeper-hybrid-vampire now...sorry about that..." Tango sounded awkward, not anything like the demon/vampire Doc had invited into his house last night.

Tango climbed in the bed beside Doc.

"Look, I'll explain in the morning. It's 4 am and you need to rest. Go to sleep." Tango mumbled. Doc obliged, laying down beside Tango who snuggled up beside him.


The end


my god this shit is a mess
so i've been doing not a lot and decided to edit, hahah exciting i'm pepper btw hi
i guess i'm an editor now


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