Festive Felonies

692 20 33

Written By: ClownyAlter, helicopter-stannie, WhoopsIJustDied, BirdLover345, BreakfastVibes, and Cuteunicorn4639
Art By: WhoopsIJustDied (If you'd ever like to do art for Hermitfics, DM us :D)
Edited and Proofread By: helicopter-stannie
Characters (In order of appearance): Ren, Iskall, Impulse, Stress, xB, Jevin, Doc, Etho, and Grian
Word Count: 4124

Peaking through the window, Ren saw Iskall hauling up his Christmas tree, stringing lights around the dusty branches. Ren took a step back, admiring Iskall's well decorated base. A Christmas party was going to start soon, and the resistance is hosting it. Well the guise was a "Christmas Party", but we all know its really the resistance's way of celebrating their victory, and still being able to invite HEP. Everything was going great, the lights, the foods, the wreathes, everything was perfect, but they'd forgotten one small thing... the tree. Ren's approach to this problem was to st- no, borrow a tree from someone, that someone being Iskall.

Ren heard a cough from behind him and he turned around. His team were behind him, Impulse, Stress and xB. xB grinned shyly. "What's exactly the plan...?" "Yeah, we haven't exactly discussed that..." Impulse trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. He did his well known crackle and smiled nervously, glancing to the ground. That reminds him. They haven't really thought this through, have they?

Jevin glided down, landing softly on the glistening white snow. Doc and Etho were less graceful and crashed sideways into the building. Grian floated down behind them, rubbing his temples. "I don't know if you two know this, but when you break into a Christmas store, you break in quitely." Jevin snorted, ignoring the now bickering hermits behind him and turned his attention to the locked door to the store. They had to get a Christmas tree and fast, before the party started, and before Ren, Stress, Impulse, and xB got it. There had been a silly bet that occurred when they realized they never got a tree, and Jevin knew the other team would get caught by Iskall soon enough. It may not be the best idea to split up the resistance like this, but it's too late anyways. In the mean time, it's time to break into a Christmas store.

Ren, to be completely honest was panicking. It was Christmas Eve and they didn't have a Christmas tree. Impulse stepped forward, noticing his friend's panic. "Hey, we're here at Iskall's, right? Let's just grab the tree and go! How hard could it be right? We'll be back before the other team in no time!" Ren blinked, shook from his thoughts. He smiled "Yeah- Yeah! That's a great idea impulse! ROLL OUT GANG!"And without second thought Ren, Impulse, xB and Stress took to the skies.

Accomplishing this was easier said than done. Despite the dense covering of leaves scattered across the area of Iskall's base, there wasn't much room for the group to hide. Ren didn't understand why the hell Iskall even had a Christmas tree- why not just shove some lights onto his base or something? He shook his head. That wasn't important right now.

He swiftly moved around the large base, careful to avoid being detected. Why the hell was this thing so open-? Whatever. He motioned to the others to follow him. They carefully navigated the tree to where the christmas tree stood. Retrieving the tree would be tricky- especially with Iskall standing around.

Maybe a distraction would be convenient...

Doc ran forward and kicked the door, falling backwards almost immediately. Loud laughter could be heard from above him as Grian helped pull him up.
"Amazing Docm77, absolutely amazing." Etho chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. Doc snorted, looking slightly embarrassed as he dusted the white powder off his coat.

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