Mischevious Flirts

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Word count: 1542

Summary: Keralis decides to flirt endlessly with Xisuma. End of story. Oh, and there's Twister involved too.

(There's about 700 spellings of Shashwamme because nobody spells it the same and we wanted it in the final product lol so enjoy)


"Hey Keralis!" Xisuma shouted, waving to him. The Englishman grinned as his friend turned around and waved back.

"Shashwame!" The Polish man shouted back, waving him over. He murmured something to Grian, who just smirked up at him.

"Hi! How's my one and only doing? Hey, Grian!" Xisuma greeted them, smiling and pulling on his t-shirt.

"Hello!" Grian said hi Xisuma, waving. His communicator then rang and the prankster checked it. "Sorry, gotta go! Sahara calls!"

"At least I'll get to spend time with Shashwammi here," Keralis gestured to Xisuma, then waved at Grian just before he rocketed into the air.

"Are you sure you guys aren't dating?" Grian called out as he flew away. However, there wasn't a reply because Grian was already gone.

"Well, can you show me around, Sheshwamy? I don't really know much about the old lands and I want to see your base!" Keralis said, metaphorical stars in his large doe eyes.

"Of course, angel," Xisuma grinned. He lead the way, his hand at Keralis' lower back. "To get to my base, we're gonna have to fly. It's just past Mumbo's base, so it's not far."

"Okay, sure." Keralis smiled, thinking about Grian's question. They weren't dating. Or were they?

"Let's go then," Xisuma spoke, "Go ahead."

"After you, my Shashwammi," Keralis gave an over-exaggerated bow, motioning for X to go first. Xisuma gave him a look.

"You do realize I have better control of flying than you, angel, no offense."

"I know, but of course, ladies first!" Keralis purred and Xisuma slapped his arm.

"Don't be like that," X laughed, but he took off anyway. Keralis quickly followed suit, shaking slightly in the air.

"We're going to have to teach you some flying lessons!" X called back over his shoulder.

"I got this!" Keralis yelled as he dipped a few dozen blocks down. He tried to right himself. "I'm fine."

The pair arrived at Xisuma's base. Keralis ended up squinting to see a little since it was so dark. "Ooh Sashwammeee! It looks great on the outside!"

"Thanks, angel. You look great on the outside too," Xisuma shot back, laughing when Keralis groaned. "This is my storage system. It's somewhat organised..."

"This looks very organised Shashwame. It's a little bit dark, but... ahhh. The floor is made of glass!" Keralis exclaimed in excitement, smiling. He opened the ender chest, rustling through his items.

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