Chapter 2(Edited)

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Chloe's POV

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Chloe's POV

Those eyes....they were capturing. I couldn't turn away from them. I felt a gust of energy like never before. I couldn't turn away. The person himself turned away.

Lilly slightly tapped my shoulder. I was bought back to reality from my trance, which was very uncanny for me.

"Yeah?" ,I ask her.

"Were you really just staring at Ryan?", she asks.

"Do you mean the guy with blue eyes?", I ask, unsure.


"What do you know about him?", I ask while walking towards our class.

"The whole school knows him. He is the bad boy of the school. He changes girls like clothes. Rude, arrogant and unknowingly rich."

"Oh", I say nodding my head. So he is the kind of guy whom I promised to stay away from.

I promised myself that this time, I'm going to avoid dating, drama and most importantly boys.

I just hope that our paths don't cross over, ever.

I enter my class and sit with Lilly in a corner near the window and wait for the teacher to come. I open my book and start reading the first paragraph.

Ryan comes near my seat and grabs my arm and drags me out of the class to the janitor's room. I start panicking once I realize that we both are the only ones here.

He pulls me and slams me into the wall and places his face near mine.

"What the hell are you doing ?!", I shout back at him and try pushing him away with whatever little strength I could muster.

"Stamping my claim on you", he says smirking at me and lowering his lips to mine. I push him away from me with strength even I didn't know I possessed.

"What the hell man?! Did you just try to kiss me? First, you make me miss my first class, then bring me to a secluded area in the school, then try to kiss me. Who the hell do you think are?!!", I shout at him like a deranged woman.

He pulls me into his hard torso and whispers seductively in my ear.

"Look darling, you're mine. Everything that is yours is mine, including your delicious looking lips and don't you dare ignore my claim", he says with authority and his description about my lips makes me blush. I pull his hand from my arm and walk towards my class. I hear a whistle behind me.

"Nice ass babe", he shouts. I grind my teeth together and control my urge to beat him to a plump.

I enter the class and see the teacher already teaching the topic.

"Why are you late?", she asks narrowing her eyes at me.

"Extremely sorry ma'am, I am new here and was searching for the washroom but couldn't find my way back."

"It's alright, no problem, but I won't tolerate this behavior again. Please take a seat and complete your notes with the help of Lilly", I simply nod my head and take the seat beside Lilly.

"Hey, you were with Ryan, weren't you?", she whispered but her eyes were glued to the board.

"Yeah, but how did you know?", I ask.

"Two ways.First: I am sitting literally right next to you. Second: His best friend Harry was alone in his seat and that never happens."

"Oh", I say and we stop talking and concentrate on the board.

Soon it is recess and as Lilly has some work to do, she leaves.

Again Ryan comes and pulls me takes me away.

"I've to get some things clear with you", he announces and pulls me away.

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