Chapter 37

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Chloe's pov
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My eyes were feeling like stones were put upon them. I blinked few times and tried to open my eyes. The only light in the room was a small bulb which was above my head. There was no one in the room except me.

I try to remember what happened and then yesterday's memory comes flooding back. Steve, car, fog, girls day, dead.

Steve...... is no more because of me. Only if I hadn't called him for help,he would have been alive. Tears starts getting collected in my eyes and I remember his last face and how he asked me to take care of Lilly.

Would Lilly ever forgive me?!

I silently cry. I don't have any idea what to do. I don't know who took me. I don't know if I'll ever see Ryan again. I don't know...... anything!.

The door to the room creaks open and a man comes in. His jaw was covered with beard and had worn rockstar jacket. He actually looked like one. Behind him there was a woman. Next thing what I saw shocked the daylight out of me. It was Rey, my dad's wife. You know what I mean!!

"What are you doing?!" I ask.

"Listen, your mother stole your dad from me and now you are stealing Ryan from Alie. I won't allow this happen. Ryan only belongs to Alie. I will even kill you for this." she says glaring me.

"My work is done. Give me money and I'll go" the rockstar guy says. She gives him money and he leaves.

She comes near me and puts a tissue in my mouth by force and next moment I go to a deep slumber.
I wake up thinking this all is a nightmare but to my disappointment, I wake up to the same habitat. The dark one. I'm tired of this.

I know Ryan will come and save me. The door opens revealing Mac.

"Please don't hurt me" I beg.

"Husshh little sister, I won't hurt you. I've already informed Ryan about our place. So don't worry he will come soon" he says hugging my back. I cry then and there.

"Steve he was killed because of me" I say crying.

"No, none of this is your fault. OK?. It will be OK"

"Hmm" that's all I reply.

The door bursts open and Ryan stood there. His eyes pitch black,claws extending from his fingertips. He charged towards Mac and would have slashed him if I wasn't there to stop him.

"Ryan!! Stop!!" I shout. He turns towards me. His eyes soften but doesn't leave Mac. I run and hug him. I cry on his shoulder like a child who had lost his parents.

"I missed you" I say hugging him tightly as of he will vanish.

"I nearly killed Harry" he says.

"Steve..." I say on the very of tears.

"I know. It's not your fault and Lilly is not angry though she has locked herself in his room"


"If I hadn't called him for the help he would.."

"Shh" he says putting his finger on my lips. Groaning sound from background brings us back to the real world.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"Atleast you should've settled with someone less powerful"ac says catching his head.

There was a loud growl from none other than my dear mate.

" How do you know werewolf? "I ask him.

" Because I'm one, my mom was one "he says clearing all my doubts at once.

From the look Mac and Ryan are giving I can say they are gonna be really great friends. (Note the sarcasm)


We reach the pack house where dad, mom and everyone were there except Lilly. I feel sad for her. I don't know what happened to Alie and Rey cause both Mac and Ryan don't want to say anything about it. So, I just agree to them cause arguing with them is like having an argument with a brick wall.

Everyone goes after a while and it's only me and Ryan. I go to him and hugg him.

"Thanks for saving my life"

"No, I saved my life" he says kissing my forehead. I smile at him and kiss his lips. It was like my soul was returned back to me.

He takes me in the bridal style and takes me to the bedroom and places me in the bed.

"Sleep tight, love"

"Please sleep with me" I plead him. He removes his shirt and sleeps besides me. Soon sleep overcomes us.

The light peeking from curtains wakes me up. I turn to find myself alone in the bed. I find a note in table beside bed. I open it and read.

👋Hey sleep tight I've some Alpha duties. Love you.

Your Ryan ❤️💕😍.

I smile at his cuteness. I have to go to meet Lilly today. So I just take a random thing from closet and wear it.

I am not sure whether she will allow me or not but giving a try is not costly

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I am not sure whether she will allow me or not but giving a try is not costly. So I jump in the car and go towards Lilly. I knock on the door three times.

The door opens and her Aunt stares back with her eyes filled with tears. Lilly used to talk a lot about her Aunt and how caring, lovely, motherly, beautiful she is. And I totally agree with her whenever I used to visit her.

But today instead of welcoming
in she gave an unwelcomed aura.

"Hello Aunty, is Lilly there?"

"Why?" she asks harshly.

"I want to meet her" I say

"What do you people want from that poor child!!?? First her sis, then her parents , then Harry and now you too. I expected more from you but no you too were same. We are leaving this town and going. I don't care about the Beta and the Alpha anymore." she says on verg of crying.

" But.. "

" Please just leave "she says looking down and tears running down her cheeks like waterfall. I could not hold my tears, I turn back and leave.

I give a one last look at her window and see Lilly staring at me. Her eyes lifeless and cold not the Lilly I had seen at first. I smile weakly at her. She nods her head there's no smile, no emotion, no feelings in it. It's like a robot nodding his head.

I go back to the pack house. All the way back I was only thinking about Lilly and our friendship.

Will it survive?

Will we be normal like before?

Will we have a happy ending?

This question were embedded on my mind.

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