Chapter 27 (Edited)

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Chloe's POV
To be honest, the only reason I agreed to go with Steve and Lilly was to make Ryan angry, which was what I had already accomplished. Even though I want to show Steve around, I don't feel much excited, especially after the encounter with Ryan near my locker.

I dig inside my closet to find something to wear. As far as I know Ryan, he won't allow this tour to go well. So let's wear something that he doesn't like. I decide to wear a white top with peach colored shorts and the same colored bag to carry my phone. And for accessories, I wear simple necklace and pair it with a bracelet.

This dress is surely going to make Ryan fume

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This dress is surely going to make Ryan fume. I spritz little bit of my favorite perfume and leave my hair in it's natural state.

While waiting for the call from Steve, I take my phone and play Subway Surfers. After 20 minutes, my phone rings and I rush down the stairs. I think I should see mom before I leave. She's going through a lot recently. She doesn't even eat anything nowadays.

I go to her room to see no one, I look at the time. She must be in her office. I was about to leave when I see a figure moving near her cupboard. I look closely and I find out that it's Dad!

What is he doing here? I go a bit forward to hear muffled cries. I see dad looking at one of my childhood photos and crying. I immediately escape from there.

I don't understand... if he wanted us so much, why did he go and have another family? He just left us and went away and now he wants us, but I'm not going to go soft on him because he did not see mom taking sleeping pills, he did not see mom crying herself to sleep every night, he did not see mom almost on the verge of suicide. It was after 4 to 5 months she had forgotten about him and finally moved on. But no!He had  to come and make everything go wrong.
I forget the topic as soon as I see my friends. Lilly looked really nervous. I walk towards her and ask,"Hey,what's with this nervous face?"

"I don't know, I feel like something weird is going to happen!", she tells me. I tell her to ignore the feeling and have fun.

She smiles and takes our both hand and starts blabbering. And our old Lilly is back! 

She tells Steve about practically every single detail of the town. Steve would make jokes in between which would anger Lilly and both will chase each other until Steve had to literally carry Lilly because she had used all her energy. It was really hilarious to watch them.

After a few more chases, we were feeling really hungry.

"So, where should we eat, miss tourist guide?", Steve asked Lilly.

"Look mister Donald Duck, I don't have the energy for another chase. I'll let Chloe decide for us", she states. The look on Steve's face upon mentioning him as the Donald Duck was hilarious.

"You could have called me Captain America too", Steve says with a pout on his face.

"But you're not that handsome, little man", Lilly states.

"You know I can show you how much of a little man I am", he says thrusting his hip forward.
Lilly face was like forty shades of red and she did not speak till we reach the restaurant.

As we enter the diner, it looked pretty full and there was only one table which was already occupied by two people, but their backs were facing us.

"Hey, let's ask them if they can share", Steve says. Me and Lilly followed him. As soon as they turned and faced us, we had the shock of the day.

It was none other than Devil Senior and Devil Junior sitting at the table.

Harry's eyes were only directed towards Lilly and even Steve noticed it. His hands turned into fists and he  clenched his jaw.

Even a blind person will know that he was angry but the suspicious thing is why?

I turn to look towards Ryan and he smirks, making me remember our little "session" in the school near the locker. A blush creeps onto my face and I turn my face to look anywhere but at him.

"Come on guys, let's sit and have dinner, enough with the staring competition", Lilly the peacemaker says.

Lilly goes and sits in the corner and as Harry was going to sit beside her, Steve went and sat there. This guy surely has some kind of hobby to take the first seat.

Harry glares at him before going and sitting opposite Lilly. I sit next to Steve and Ryan sits next to me. Woah!! It's pretty much congested over here.

I look at Ryan and find him already looking at me. His eyes held feelings which I had only seen in movies. They were full of love, adoration and care. And top of everything it was directed at me. He loved me just as much as I loved him.

We were about to kiss when that asshole had to open his mouth. I turn my face glare at Steve.

"You know Steve, you should start dating", I say to him.

"It's not possible because the girl I like already has some shit as a mate", he says glaring at Harry. 

What's going on between them?

I look Lilly and she looked oblivious to this. Doesn't she see this tension? We ordered food and just focus on eating there's not much conversation around the table.

The time in  diner passed with me and Ryan trying to kiss without interruption, Harry glaring at Steve and Steve flirting with Lilly, Lilly blushing and giving him comebacks which makes Steve flirt and that in turn makes Harry glare and shout, interrupting our kiss. This thing kept on going on and on.

Finally, Harry had some work so he left and from look on Steve's face it told me that he was happy with it. Though Harry had asked Lilly hundreds of times whether she would like him to drop her to at home she declined his offers because she wanted to stay with us for some time.

Ryan thought of staying because he didn't trust Steve enough. I just couldn't argue with him anymore. Steve decided that he would drop Lilly. Ryan took me to his car.

The drive to my home passed in a comfortable silence. As we reached home, I exited the car and turned to face Ryan. His eyes were black with underlying lust. He pushed me against the door and started kissing me as if I was his oxygen which he hadn't got for a long time. I kissed him back and our tongues fought for dominance, I did not give up but when grabbed my ass I was shocked and the look he gave told me to give up already. He kept kissing me and exploring  every little part of my mouth till I really was out of breath.

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and whispered huskily.

"You're mine to ravish and mine to cherish. If anyone sees or touches you in a wrong way, his head will be hanging on my wall. You are my  queen and I'm your king. I only bow to you", he said looking directly in my eyes which widened at his words.

I smile at him and reply.

"You're the one I trust the most after my mom. You are my world", I'm not good with words but my eyes held emotions which told him everything I wanted to.

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