Chapter 33

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I sigh. This guy is the dumbest guy I have ever met. Period. I face towards him and whisper in his ears.

"Look if I still had feelings for that jerk, you wouldn't even able to hold my hands. So if I let you kiss me that means he is a history for me" he smirks at my answer and kisses me passionately. We both had to break cause of lack of oxygen. After keep on walking till he speaks.

"I know I'm being nosy but can you pleas tell why Lilly was crying?" he says giving me the puppy dog eyes. Awww.

"Nah. FYI, I hate your Beta/Best friend cause he is a really really arrogant ass."

"OK" I laugh at his answer. We both were sitting in a log near the bonfire. Most of the werewolf had left and now it was the Beta family, Alpha family and some warriors here and there. Lilly had left with Steve after her break down.

"Do you want to mate?" he asks. I look at him and see him staring at me.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"I don't know maybe you being with me for rest of my life." I smile at him. I stand up so does he. I walk and wrap my hands around his neck and tell him.

"I am gonna spend it with an annoying, arrogant, rude ass. So you see you dont have a chance. I am thinking of spending my life with that guy." I say smiling. He laughs and says.

"My bad. That guy is damn lucky to get you cause your a gem which cost more than trillions"

"Even I'm lucky cause he is the one who makes me feel so special. He is my star" I say. We both start leaning. I so much want to kiss him but I think universe dint want us to. We got interrupted.


"What the fuck!?! Can't we just kiss like a romantic couple!?! " Ryan screams at the person behind. I roll my eyes at him and turn. The instance I turn a scowl forms on my face.

"What do you want!?" I ask trying to be polite but it doesn't. In my defense, I tried.

"Woah! Are you on your Periods!?" Harry asks.

"Look I and Ryan are going to spend some private time. So we'll leave" without waiting for reply I take Ryan's hand and leave.

"Woah! I should not say this but when you scowl you look hot. Like damn hot! So about the privacy what do you want to do?!" he asks eagerly.

"Nothing. I simply said." I say nonchalantly.

"Really!?" he asks pouting.

"Aww is someone sad"

"Ofc, I wanted to spend some time with you"

"We can go on a vacation or on a double date"

"Double date!? With whom?"

"Lilly and Harry"

"OK" he agrees showing his thumbs.

We later decided to to sleep. I already had informed my mom that I would be staying with Ryan and she had no problem. The moment I put my head on the pillow I feel my eye lids flutter. And I go into a deep slumber.

Later on I wake up early due to the light coming from the curtains. I go take a shower and go to my side of closet. I had always kept a pair of my clothes here in case of an emergency. And now I needed it.

I wear a pair of jeans with a grew colored sweatshirt. I let my hair out as it is which is curls and wear a black sunglasses. If you ever look in my closet all I have are sweater and sweatshirt.

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