Chapter 32

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Ryan's pov

This is the moment I would treasure my whole life. I look front to see Chloe smiling happily while telling her vows. I had told mine before. I never was sure that Chloe would be mine but now I would even change the future to make her mine. I love her.

We had told our vows and everything had been done, I just had to mark her which I would only do if she's willing to. Soon the Gamma, Beta and warriors came to meet Chloe as their new Luna and Me as their new Alpha.
It was time for us to meet the pack.

I looked towards her and saw her fidgeting with her fingers. I took her hand and place it in mine.

"You are goona be alright. Just be yourself and they'll like you" I assuringly say looking directly in her eyes.

"Thank you" she says smiling.

"Now let's go?" I ask her and she nods her head.

We enter the stage and dad starts the ceremony with his speech and introduce us to the pack as Alpha and Luna. Then he looks at me signaling me to take over.

"I'm your new Alpha Ryan. I'll be give justice and punish the wrongdoers. I hope all of you are happy with me being the Alpha." I say and take my vow as an Alpha.

Soon after that, I go near Chloe and pull her forward.

"Chloe Christopher here will be your new Luna. She's a human but as an Alpha I don't have any problems with it. It's all planned by the moon goddess. She's all what I wanted in a Luna. I don't think you have any questions. If yes please feel free to ask" I say I turn towards Chloe and see her looking at me with love and admire. I smile at her genuinely.

"I have question." A adolescent boy asked.

"What is the question?" I ask.

"Are you sure she will be loyal to us?" he asks looking at Chloe. I suddenly felt a burst of anger inside me. Suddenly a hand squeezes my shoulder. Chloe.

"Let me answer" and takes my place.

"I know it's not easy to trust a new member when he's not even like you. I am not even telling you to just blindly believe what Ryan. Yes! I can assure you my loyalty and Love towards Ryan and his pack. If still you've some doubt please ask. I would love to answer them" she says confidence clear in her voice. She turns her head towards me and gives me an assuring smile.

I smile back at her. After few more questions, I could feel them slowly giving her a chance. I could feel their trust and hope as I'm their Alpha. I slowly go over the mic and ask them

"So do you trust her?" it took some time to get a reply but we did get one.

"Yes" mostly everyone said and nodded their head. I look towards Chloe who had the most charming smile in her face. She turn towards me and hugs me. I hug her back.

The ceremony was coming to end and everything was perfect. I was talking to dad while Chloe was with Lilly. I look towards them and notice that it's not something good they are talking about.

"Don't break her heart, son" dad said.

"I won't dad I love her more than you can ever imagine"

"Good" and he leaves. I go towards Lilly and Chloe. I reach them and see that Lilly is sniffing while Chloe is trying to calm her down. Lilly senses me and leaves giving Chloe a last look.

"Hey babe, what happened" I say stroking her cheeks. She sighs and shakes her head.

"Nothing important" hmm

"You know right you can tell me anything" I say raising my eyebrows at her.

"Ya but this is something between me and her."

"OK" I smile and kiss her cheeks. She blushes bright red. I chuckle at this. She narrows her eyes at me which I reply her with a smirk.

"Chloe?" A male voice called her. She turns her head, a look of shock passes over but soon goes away too.

"Louis? Is that you?" she asks.

"Yup! It's me. Woah! This not how I thought I'll be meeting you" he says looking at the gown.

"Hello. I'm her MATE Ryan Reynolds" I say putting my hand forward for a shake.

"Alpha, I'm her ex boyfriend, Louis Jackson. Nice to meet you" he says taking my hand. I control mine and my wolfes anger when he said the word boyfriend.

"So what are you doing here?" Chloe coming closer to me. I look at her and she smiles.

"I'm here cause I'm ex - Alpha's ex - best friend's son. So Uncle invited me" Oh! dad never mentioned him to me. Wow! His family are full of exes. I look at Chloe and she to was trying to control her laugh. Why?

"You said it loud" she says.

Uh-Oh! I look at him for a reaction and he dint like my comment much.

"Sorry" I say. Which I'm not.

"So wanna catch up later?" he asks Chloe. I feel my body going stiff. She too understood it.

"Nah maybe later. I wanna spend some time with him. Our high school is gonna end soon too. So maybe when we have our break during that time. You will be here right?" She tells him though the last part I'm not agreeing to it.

"Ya. OK" he says but doesn't show any sign of leaving and keeps staring at her. OK That's it!!

"Hey! keep your eyes away from her, if you don't wanna be blind forever " I say shaking from anger.

"Hey Louis, I think you should leave" Chloe says putting her hand on my chest.

"Ya! Bye" he goes away reluctantly.

"I hate him" I tell her.

"The feeling is mutual babe" she tells me.

"Why did you breakup? Just curious" I ask her.

"It's OK I'll tell you. He and me started dating in junior year. I had a crush on him and he too had. We got to know and started dating. Everything was flowers and rainbows. Soon his birthday came I thought of surprising him. So I went to his apartment as his parents weren't leaving with him.
As I came near the door I heard his sound along with a girl's voice. I put my ear and heard what he was saying.

"Why are you with her?" the girl asked.

"I don't know she has a good body but she doesn't allow to have sex. So I need a release from her sometimes."

"Don't worry I'm here for you" the girl replied. I opened the door and found him and that girl who turned out my best friend naked in each other's arm. She used to bully too. So I decided to leave the school and come here with mom" she says

"Do you still have feelings for him?" my insecurities asked. I look at her and wait for the reply.
There was a silence.

That's all for today. I hope you like it and please comment and vote.
Love you

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