Chapter 24 (Edited)

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Ryan's POV
(The day he was drunk and Chloe dropped him home.)
I woke up with a very massive headache. It was as if someone was beating the inside of my head. When I looked around I realized that I was in my room. As far as I could remember, Chloe had called me and then brought me home.

After seeing Chloe go out with Steve, I was broken, not because she was on a date, it's because she chose him over me. I don't know whether it's the childishness or hatred towards me that made her choose but it broke my heart.

I wake up and brush my teeth and go downstairs. When I reach I see dad in the kitchen, cooking.

Now that's weird.

He never cooked. I ignored it and start speaking.

"See dad, I don't care whether you decide to make or not make me the Alpha. I can't mate with the girl you've chosen for me. I want to live my life with my mate. I don't care whether you make me or Harry the Alpha as long as I'm happy with my mate."

"Okay", he says simply. That's all the reply he has got for my great speech?!

"I'm serious here dad", I tell him.

"Yeah, me too." 

Now I have started having doubts whether he is real or not, or maybe it's my hungover mind playing tricks on me.

But an intoxicating scent coming from behind me distracts me. I look towards stairs to see Chloe coming down the stairs. 

She looks like an angel that is just reserved for me. I don't care whether she likes Steve or Captain America, she is all mine.

She comes and starts ogling me.

"Thank you uncle for letting me stay here for night", she says to dad, completely ignoring me.

"No problem dear, you can visit us whenever you wish."  

Woah!! He surely  has changed in one night.

And then she leaves. I look at my dad with narrowed eyes. And give him the tell-me-everything-that-happened  look. He just shrugs his shoulder and starts cooking.

"What the hell happened here?", I shout because I can't handle the suspense anymore.

"Listen son, I'm sorry for leaving you and your mum but I had no choice. I was always in contact with your mum and used to call her every day to check on both of you. The truth is that.... she was not my mate and I was forced to mate with her. After mating I thought I won't meet my actual mate, but I did. To add to my misery she was human and was already taken by a human guy and he was having an external affair. My wolf would not allow me to leave my mate in such distress; I had  to be with her. She was broken when she found out the truth about him and her daughter was too. She didn't have a clue about me, even though I always helped her mysteriously. Then I heard about your mum's death and I knew you needed me. But I  never thought you would hate me. I only wanted to spend some time with my mate and nothing else. After that I never went to see her and I don't even know what she's doing. I just hope that she's happy", he sighs sadly.

I look at my dad for the first time in my life with love. I love him. I can't imagine living without Chloe, but he did. I always thought he left us and forgot about us but no, he was always there for us and for them too.

I rush towards my dad and hug him.

"Sorry dad, I'm so so sorry", I say and start crying.

"Hushhh.. Don't cry, you didn't know. Chloe advised me to tell everything to you yesterday night."

"Does she know the whole story ?", I ask him

"No", he says. Relief washes over me after hearing that. I don't want her to know this.

Suddenly I smell something awful and I look towards the gas and I see black smoke emitting from the stove.

"Dad, listen-", I start to say but he interrupts me.

"I know you're sorry, you told me enough times."

"No, dad listen, it's-", he interrupts again.

"I know you won't mate with the other girl and I won't make you, too", he says.

"Listen dad, it's about-"

"I know you like Chloe."


He swiftly whips his head and looks at the stove and starts jumping around. I hand over the jug to him and he pours the whole water onto the pan.

Now we need a breakfast to eat.

"Let me order some thing", he says and goes to get his phone.

I change into some T-shirt and when the food is ready, I smile at him and start eating.

I hope you like the story, if yes please comment and vote.
Love you.

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