Chapter 9(Edited)

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Chloe's POV

So that's how my date got ruined. Now he is going to drop me home because Harry just blindly agreed and left. Really?! That coward!!

I stare at him. He really is a masterpiece. He is handsome like an angel but not the innocent one. He is great in studies as well as in sports. How did I get to know this you may ask? Well, that guy is literally treated like he is the king of the school or something. Looking at Ryan now I can declare that it's the best view I've seen. But I am not going to tell him that, he already has a gigantic ego, he doesn't need an ego boost any time soon.

"Babe, if you keep on staring at me like that I wouldn't be able to control my actions", Ryan drags me out of my reverie.

"I am not staring at you. I am just observing how ugly you are", I retort cheekily.

"Honestly, babe you are a bad liar", Ryan says with a chuckle.

 Wow, that's not what my mom used to say.

"How can you say that I am lying?", I ask him.

"First of all, when I told you to stop staring you started blushing. Secondly, people don't stare at ugly people they stare at special people. Thirdly, you voiced your thoughts, so of course I heard it." 

First one was true, I was blushing. Second one, I had not heard of that fact so I don't believe it. Third one.... SHIT!!! I have no words to describe him.

This time I make sure I said it in my mind because this guy is damn dangerous. I have to be careful around him.

While I was thinking this, Ryan had stopped the car and was unbuckling the seat belt.

Wait!! This not my home.

"Hey, where are you taking me? I knew it! You are a kidnapper, aren't you? Where have you brought me? I knew you were in some mafia gang!!", I burst out.

Next time I should focus on the road more than the driver.


He comes to my side and opens the door."Come on its late."

"I am not going anywhere with you."

"OK let's make this easy,"Ryan says with a sigh.

I am about to ask him how he will do that but he pulls me out and carries bridal style to the door. I instantly start thrashing in his arms.

To be continued....

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