Chapter 14(Edited)

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Chloe's POV

Yep, me and Ryan had a teary confession. Most of which I cried through because I was afraid to feel the pain of rejection. Again. 

I knew that giving my heart to guy would be difficult because my first time was an absolute nightmare.

But people say that, our first time always teaches us a lesson. If the results of your first love are good, then person your hear trusted was good but if it is bad then we should know that we deserve better and they are not the one. 

My first love was a pure nightmare. If my second love turns horrible, too, then that's it. I don't want my emotions to be trampled upon. I know I'm over thinking. But the scar is still visible in my life that my ex left. And I promise my self that I won't let Ryan do that to me. Ever.

The way his face lit up like a Christmas tree when I said 'yes', made me trust him a little bit. It was as if he just found the missing puzzle piece in his life and I  was that piece that fixed the whole puzzle and he  was that puzzle which I fixed.

Something in me says that giving my heart to this guy was a good decision and I won't regret it later. But as you know, life is a bitch and you can't expect anything from it, whether it is good or bad and I have learnt my lesson.

I just hope everything turns out to be great, because I know he already became a great part of me and I hope it is the same for him.

I was thinking about him just when he interrupted my train of thoughts.

"May I know about whom you're thinking so much because that person is damn lucky."

"Yeah sure. Why not? Because he is the love of my life, the oxygen to my lungs, my heart beats faster for this guy. He is handsome just like an actor, cute like a puppy, do you want to know him?" I try to control my laughter as his knuckles turn white from gripping the table tightly.

"Of course I want to meet him, because this person is getting more attention from my girlfriend than me."

"It's you, silly and I love you more than you can imagine", I say with a slight smile.

Next thing I know, he grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss.

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