Chapter 22 (Edited)

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Chloe's POV
I spend the night in Ryan's guest room. I decided that as soon as I woke up, I will leave.

The sun rays are falling on my eyes because of the open curtains and wake me up. I slowly wake up and look at the time, it's 7 o'clock. It's pretty early so I get out of the bed and go to the  washroom. I find the extra brushes in the left cabinet. I freshen up and decide to leave.

I leave the room and was walking downstairs when I heard noises. I ignore them and continue. As I reach the landing, I see Ryan. With his messy hair and half naked glory. How can someone look so good when they just woke up? His hairless chest shines because of the sunshine falling on it. I stop ogling him and inform his dad that I'm going.

"Thank you uncle for letting me stay", I say with a small smile.

"The pleasure is all mine dear. You are always welcome here and, of course, surely visit us when you are free", He replies.

 After that I take my leave. As soon as I reach home and I rush straight  to the shower and wear the first pair of jeans I get my hands on and just put on a light sweater. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and wear my spectacles. Usually I wear contacts but I want to sport the nerd look today.

I go downstairs for breakfast which I find is kept on table. After mom's announcement of divorce, it's been like this for all the three meals. I quickly finish it and leave for school.
I enter the school and look around for Lilly, I find her standing near her locker. When she sees me she runs towards me and screams.

"Do you know what it is tomorrow night?!"

"Nope, but I guess you do, because you look like a cat who just caught its prey after a long time."

"It's prom night. How can you forget that, Chloe? Where have you been?!"

"Sorry, it must have slipped my mind. It doesn't matter though. What's important is, did you find your dress?"

"No, I didn't. That's the reason I wanted you. Let's wear the same colors. Like a group of four. What do you think of the idea?"

"It's great, now I just need to find a dress that's blue. Blue really compliments me. No problem babe", I tell her. We reached our class while we were talking and enter.

Lilly goes and sits with Harry while I search for a seat and with my luck the only one is bedside Ryan, I don't have any other alternative so I go and sit there.

"Hey, I'm sorry for behaving like I did yesterday night. I had too much to drink", he says quietly.

"It's not a problem. Anyways, I got to meet your dad and he is a great guy. So nothing's wrong", I tell him.

A look of confusion comes over his face but again his face becomes impassive. I ignore it and turn my attention to what is being taught in the class. It's the physics lecture so naturally I don't understand anything.

"So for the prom, who's your date?", Ryan asks me out of the blue. He is speaking to me but he is facing the professor.

"No one. Whose yours?", I reply.

"No one."


"So.....why don't we both become partners and go?", he asks. I turn towards him forgetting that the lecture is still going on and look at him, aghast. He looks nervous as if he is afraid that I will reject him. It's cute. I subconsciously smile at him.

"Okay, that's a good idea", I replied after a few minutes. As soon as I say that a breathtaking smile blossoms on his face like a flower. I smile at him and we turn our attention back to our work. As soon as the class ends, I stand up to leave. Ryan calls me before I've left.

"Hey, so... are we back to normal?", he asks uncertainly.

"Yeah, no problems. We are friends", I say.

"Not longer", he murmurs and leaves, thinking that I didn't hear him. I let him think that.

"I don't want it to", I tell myself quietly. Soon Lilly comes to me.

"No more secrets between us. Can you please tell me what's going on between you and Ryan? And don't tell me it's nothing. I've observed the tension around you guys", Lilly asks without any preamble.

"We are mates", I mutter under my breath.

She looks so shocked  as if I told her that the sun and the moon have been blown away.

"What?! Really? Are you being serious right now?"


"But wait, how do you know about mates? You're not a werewolf." 

I tell her everything that's happened over the past few days and she looks speechless.

"Why are you looking so shocked? This could be a Wattpad story, you know right?", I smirk at her.

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