Chapter 36

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Harry's pov

I saw my life leaving me. It was like as if my life was shattering in front of my eyes and I was frozen. My dream of having a family of six was broken. My love is going to make a family with someone. My mate, with someone else. That thought broke my heart.

After she left, I couldn't even stand and control my tears. I broke down then and there. That was not it up of that my one night stand got pregnant. I wanted to believe that it was not my child but she had even brought the papers and those papers were real and proving that it was my child that she was carrying.

I no longer wanted to live but thinking of that child made me strong. My Lilly is no more mine. I left the class the instant she rejected me. I'm sitting inside the cave I had found when I was depressed. After finding Lilly, I never visited this place but for the first time I feel all alone. It's like every single person I know left me. Ryan thinks what I did was unforgiving but still gave me false hope. Chloe avoids me like a plague. Lilly just smiles at me but kisses Steve. Julie is now no more bitch she became more caring. Maybe it's because now that she is a mom.

Only I was the one who should start acting like a father figure.


This is my future, I should start accepting it slowly. I go towards my car and start it. While driving I could only think of things I had wished to do with Lilly, in which one of the things were having children. How I wish that things weren't like this!?. Her wolf hates me.

As soon as I enter the pack house ,  I rush to Alpha's chambers and open the door. Ryan and Chloe had their tongue down in each other's throat. I clear my throat and they slowly detached themselves from each other.

Chloe giving Ryan a final peck in lips and leaves, completely ignoring me. I go and sit in the chair opposite to the table. Ryan had a cheeky smile on his face.

"What's with that smile bro?" I ask

"Chloe wants us to meet each other's parents. She wants me to mark her."


"Wow! That's a great news. I'm happy for you"

"You don't have to, man" he says touching my shoulder comforting me.

"No, I'm really happy for you guys. You both deserve each other." I smile and say.

"I will be marking her next Friday. So I want you to arrange a marking ceremony but remember it should be only Alpha family , Beta family , Lilly and Steve. Clear?"

"Why Steve?" I ask a little bit harshly.

He sighs " If Steve doesn't come, Lilly won't come and if Lily won't come, Chloe won't like it"

"OK" and leave the office and go.

After that I go grab my car keys and go to visit Julie.

I knock at the door and wait for it to open. Julie 's mom opens the door.

"Hello mam" I say.

"Hello son. I know why you are here" she say with a smirk. I think she's the only one whose happy with the news. She always wanted to come in the higher ranks and now with this, she easily fulfilled her dreams.

"Hmm. Is Julie there?"

"Ya, she's up in her room." I thank her and go to her room. I knock and 'a come in' is what I heard. So I enter and find her sitting in the corner of her bed with her arm wrapped around her tummy.


"Look I'm not gonna abort this innocent life. You don't have to be in the child's life. I can manage all alone"

"No, don't abort it!! I just came here to ask how are you?" I ask her.

"Oh.. I'm fine. Thanks. By the way I heard Lilly rejecting you. I'm sorry for what I did" she gulping

"It's OK, we both were in the deed. It's not only your fault. As about Lilly, I've broken her so many times that I've no idea how I would've reacted if I were in her place." I say. It hurts thinking about her.

"I know. But I want to make a thing clear and that is that I've already found my mate and he has no problem with the child but he doesn't want meand you to stay as a family. So we would spending with him/her equally but not as a family. You don't have a problem right?" she asks.

This is little but tough to digest but she just wants to spend time with her mate who has no problem with my child. What can I do in this, she's right.

" No, I don't have a problem with that "I say smiling assuringly.

Atleast let someone be happy in this situation.



Chloe was about to leave Ryan's home and was seated in her car when she remembered about girls night. She messaged Lilly that she's coming soon. She started the car and was driving that, suddenly fog started to appear on the road. She dint know what to do. She stopped the car and called Steve as Ryan was busy with Alpha duty she dint want to disturb him for this small work.

"Hey Steve can come towards the road near Lilly's home. I'm not able to see anything clearly due to fog"

"Fog?" Steve asked as pout formed in his face cause there's never fog in Westchester. He said he will be arriving soon and cut the call.
After some time Steve's car was planted near Chloe's car and neither of them could understand the situation. Suddenly there was some sound coming from bushes. And

~whoosh~ a bullet flew and hit Steve on his chest and Steve fell down. Chloe on other hand was so shocked that she was frozen.
Unknown Men suddenly surrounded her from all sides while Steve laid unmoved on the ground. She went to Steve's level and shoke him but no answer. Her hand fell on his chest which was now bloody. His breathing slowly stopped and then it was only his body lying there lifeless. The last thing he whispered was

"Take care of Lilly for me please" This broke Chloe down but she was stopped as a man covered her mouth and the next thing was that she was in her own land.

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