Chapter 29 (Edited)

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Harry's POV
God! I hated that son of b*tch Steve. I mean, how could he flirt with a girl who already has a mate?!

I know my past with Lilly is not great but she had forgiven me for what happened but after seeing her having fun together with Steve the insecurities inside me started acting up.

My wolf is constantly asking me to mark her and claim her but that's something I can't do because we haven't reach that stage yet. Ryan and Chloe are having their mating ceremony soon. I wanted us to be like them too, but my past record with Lilly didn't give me the right to do that.

I just want her to trust me again but who would after all that I did to her? Hell! Even I would never be able to forgive myself. But she did. And according to her we could only kiss for now. I just hated that she's more comfortable with that guy than she is with me.

I know now that it's not the time to be the Good Harry but to be the Real Harry. The one who doesn't fear to claim what is rightfully his, the one that is rough, the one that's very possesive and jealous. I know that she likes Bad Harry more than the Good Harry. I smirk to myself at that thought.

"Mr Jones, may I know what's so amusing that you're smiling while I am teaching? Please share it to the whole class too", the teacher calls me out.

What if I don't want to?

"Nothing more interesting than Math, Miss Juliana", I say and continue writing the equation as she turns back towards the board.

I look towards Lilly and find her already looking at me. Noticing that I caught her staring, she turns her head towards Chloe and Steve. After few minutes, she starts laughing at something that the Asshat said.

I control my anger and put my focus on the class till the end. As soon as class finishes I go to Lilly and grab her arm so that she won't leave.

"Hey", she looks up at me with innocence filled eyes.

"Hey, I've something to say to you", I tell her hurriedly. Chloe cocks an eyebrow at me but I just shrug my shoulders. I don't wait for her reply and drag Lilly away. I take a second to look at Steve.

He had his jaw clenched which made me angry. Why is he jealous?! She's my mate!!

Lilly's POV

After class me, Chloe and Steve had decided to go to the mall for shopping as it was the last class. As soon as the class was over, I picked up my satchel and saw the two coming towards me.

"Hey ready to leave, love?", Steve asks with a cheeky smile.

"I'm not your love, Mr. I don't understand English", I retort because after the tour of the town he keeps on calling me love, sweetheart, baby and other endearments despite me telling him not to call me any of that.

"Stop fighting guys, and yeah I've decided what to do in the mall", Chloe, the peacemaker, says. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm turned me. To my utter surprise it was none other than the Lucifer's incarnate. I mean Harry.

"Hey", I say, a bit surprised.

"Hey, I've something to say to you", he says rudely and before I could reply to this he dragged me away from Chloe and Steve. Chloe looks amused at the exchange and Steve is clenching his jaw. Now why is he angry?

Harry takes me to a empty classroom. Before either of us could say anything my phone rings and it was Steve calling me. I was about pick it up and tell them not to wait but no! Harry wanted to do it and it was not in a pleasant way either.

"Hey babes! Where are you? Don't tell me that you are with that psycho", Steve says.

After yesterday evening, Harry and Steve's hate goes both ways.


"Okay, that's not the way you talk my BFF," I say.

"What? He is your Boyfriend forever now?!", he exclaimes. If this was a cartoon, you might've seen steam coming out of Harry's ears.

"No, it's Best Friend Forever, you idiot. Any way what did you want to tell me?", I ask him.

Harry takes a deep breath and says," I want to complete the mate bond with you."


"I want to compl--"

"No way I'm going to complete it with you especially after the wonderful past we've had", I say with sarcasm laced in my tone.

"But..b-but you said you forgave me", he says with a confused look.

"Yes, I did agree but it was because I knew that if I don't, the werewolves that you kept around my home will harm me or Aunt June", I tell him angrily.

He atleast had the audacity to look sheepish.

"You know me so well. Now come on. Please move on from the history", he says coolly. Which only fuels my anger more.

"What?! You want me to move on and mate with the one who made my whole junior year hell. Do you know how many times I cried and wished I could just die! It was not my fault that your brother ran away with my sister. It was not my fault that my sister was your brother's mate. It was not my fault that your dad disagreed to the match and when it came to you he was as happy as a kid who got his first lollipop. You insulted my parents so much that they left me for my sister. It was your fault that they left me in care of Aunt June who cared for me like her own daughter. It was your fault that I was left alone without my family. And you want me to move on?! HELL I WON'T! You bullied me my whole life. You might've fooled everyone with your Good Harry act but only I know the devil inside you", I say poking him in the chest and tears flowing down my cheeks. I looked up  towards him and tears were formed in his eyes. I saw regret and guilt in his eyes.

"But I have always loved you I was scared of my dad and that's why I bullied you. Everything I did to you was forced because of my fear. In fact your sister came to me and pleaded me to help her and my brother to run away because my dad hated him and would never agree. I was the one who helped them run and be happy", he said.

"And your parents they were already thinking about leaving you and going to your sister without leaving you in Aunt June's care. It was me who forced them to do it. I fell in love with you since kindergarten but I'm bad at expressing my feelings." I look at him and all I saw was genuine compassion and concern for me in his eyes.

"I've always loved you", he said more confidently looking directly in my eyes.

I don't know what to say. I'd always had a small crush on him but when he started bullying me it was long gone. But now somewhere in my heart it blossomed again like flower.

"I love you too", I said quietly.
Do you want more of Harry and Lilly? Please comment on how it was. If, yes please leave a comment and vote.
Love you.

Falling in love with the enemy


He was the who would give sun and moon to the woman he loved but he would also destroy you into pieces if you betrayed him.

He waited and waited for the woman of his life but to his disappointment no one ever caught his eye and thus, he stopped his conquest and became the Billionaire playboy.

She's the happy-go-lucky girl with a high dose of sarcasm. She promised that the only aim in her life is to have a stable job. She would only decide about love after her life was secure and stable.

Now what would happen if they meet?
They become enimies who want tear each other into pieces but an invisible shield is avoiding it from happening.

And as it is said, 'You only hate the people who you love the most'.

This is my second book. Hope you enjoy it.

Love you

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