Chapter 11(Edited)

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Chloe's POV

After all the fighting, I finally agreed to sleep with Ryan. It was the most peaceful and the best sleep I've had in a long time. I finally woke up and turned to face the said man. 'How could someone look so good even while sleeping?', I mused. He held to me tightly even while sleeping, as if his life depended on it.

For the first time ever, I felt like my life was completed and beautiful. I realized one thing, I had a crush on this guy. But I wasn't sure that if it was just a crush or maybe something more.

 I just continued to stare him. 'I'm staring at him more now-a-days', I thought. He suddenly opened his eyes as I was gazing at him. 

He caught me staring at him again! Wow I just had the feeling of deja vu!

I swiftly turn around. My cheeks must be looking like molten lava. OMG!! His hands leisurely wraps around my waist and turns me to face him.

"Good morning sweetheart, you don't have to hide from me, you know?"

"Well, for your information, I was not hiding. I have to go to school and so do you. Thank you for  dropping me at your house yesterday even when I really, really didn't want it." He doesn't reply and just chuckles.

Oh God, the butterflies in my stomach have me wondering if I have more than just a crush on Ryan.

I stand up and look around for my purse.Retrieving it, I head towards the bathroom but I realize that I don't have a brush. I ask one from Ryan and he gives the spare one to me.

'Why does he have a spare brush?', the thought pops in my mind but I put it on the back burner for now and quickly brush my teeth, freshen up and come out. I find him sitting on the bed and busy looking at something on the phone. I quickly blurt the question which had been burning in my mind.

"Are you a virgin?"

He turns towards me and starts laughing. What? Does he think that I cracked a joke because it's not funny.

"No, I am not", he replies smoothly after recovering from his fit of laughter and heads towards the bathroom.

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