Chapter 38

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Chloe's pov

I reach the pack house safely. As instructed by Ryan. They had found that that even some rogues had participated in my kidnapping and that was the reason rogues were seen more these days around the pack.

Everything is going back to normal except mine and Lilly 's friendship. She doesn't blame but nor does she want to be with me.

I have no idea how to deal with situations like this.

Ryan had even decided to mark before this weekend which was more like forced but I understand. If I was in his place, I would have done anything to make sure he so protected.arkong me is one way according to him.

Now I'm exhausted from all these dramas.
Ryan's pov

Just seeing Chloe sleeping peacefully filled my heart with love. When she was kidnapped my heart had stopped beating. I was cold and ruthless and now these rogues are gonna be seeing my worst.

Steve's funeral had just ended. Even we were not close but he was my family and I felt sad for him.

Everyone had attended the funeral except two people, Lilly and Harry. Harry dint want to attend and Lilly....she was in her room.

I could feel the tension between her and Chloe but that's not something I should put my finger on.

But all these thoughts are pushed aside that now I could mark Chloe and make her mine till death do us apart. She will soon be mine. That thought itself makes me soooo happy.
Harry's pov

I currently residing in my cave which is like my second home. I know I should have gonr to the funeral as the Beta but seeing makes my blood boil cause he had done everything to Lilly that I wanted to do and he still has a very special place on her heart. The place which should have been mine.

It's also because if him that Lilly is like this now. She is leaving us because of him.

Yes, Lilly and her Aunt is leaving the town and going to New York. But I won't let that happen. The only thing I can do to her is see her but now if she leaves I won't be able to do that. I won't let her leave me. Even if I have to be ruthless.

Be ready Lilly cause now your gonna be mine. Cause I'm not gonna leave you like that not until I give my fullest.

I smirk at thought how shocked and surprised Lilly is gonna be these coming days. I had enough of self-wallowing. Now it's time for some action.

I get up and drive to Lilly's residence.

I knock at the door thinking her Aunt would open but to my delight it was my Lilly. She looked pale and her eyes were swollen. It made me angry his death had caused her to be like this.

"What do you want" she asks her voice coming weakly.

"Did you even eat anything?" I ask.

"Why does it matter for you?"

"Cause your my mate" I say using duh tone.

"A rejected mate" it still pains.

"I dint reject you but... So we are still connected through mate bound"

"I don't care" she says and was about to close the door. I put leg in between and stopped her.

"We can talk after you eat something but we have to" I say.
She thinks for sometime but finally agrees.

"OK, so for starters you are gonaa eat something that's in the fridge" I go and search in fridge and find pasta. I heat it and serve it to her. She looks like she hasn't eaten anything for days. After washing the dishes I and her are sitting in sofa with awkward silence.

I can't bear it anymore.

"Look I want us to be mates again. I don't care if I have child coming on the way but if your not with me I'm just gonna be a lifeless body. Julia's mate already agreed to be mates even with the child and she wants to be with him. So why can't we?!. I wanna spend my whole life with you. My old age. My death bed everything with you beside me. I want see our children to be running around the house and shouting at them. I want to see you crying on the day of our wedding. I want see everything, positive or negative with you. I know what I did was a jerk move but your the only one who rules my heart. Please just give me one chance. I will make it up to you. "I say as big fat tears roll down my eyes as beg to her. I look at her and her eyes were moist.

" I'm soryy "I chant it like a spell.

" I know what you did is a jerk move and I forgive you but.... You have to prove it to me that. Can you? "

" I would do anything "I say as a smile form's in my face.

" Soo what about your child and Julia? "

" We are gonna be separately parenting the child. "

" Hmm. OK I don't have a problem with that but I feel somewhat sad for the child. He/she dint deserve this"

"Hmm. But if I win your heart will you be mine forever?"

"..... Y.. es" I could see the unsureity in her voice which disappointed me but what do you expect. I will make her mine.

"So I will be leaving. Be ready at 12:00"i say and leave cause if I stay longer I may not be able to control myself.

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