Chapter 10(Edited)

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Hey new update!!!
Ryan's POV 

This girl is going to be death of me, I swear. She keeps on kicking me as I carry her to my house.

When she said I was ugly, I even believed it for a second, but when we were in the car and she was staring at me like that, I really had to control myself from pulling over. 

GOD!! Why can't she just simply agree to be mine? I know I have an effect on her, then why can't she just agree to be with me? Why does she have to play soooooo hard to get? 

From today's events I got to know one thing, and that is: "WOMEN ARE HARD TO AGREE WITH" and I will always remember that.

The moment I saw her in the Cafe, I was fascinated by her. She was the light which keeps  shinning brightly in my gloomy life. I knew I had a effect on her because she was blushing like hell in my car when I caught her.

I think she did not even enjoy the "date"(as she prefers to call it) because she was already in a bad mood when I saw her in the Cafe. Harry was in hysterics, like he was literally laughing his ass off.  After all, he is the beta and I can't do anything or, trust me, he would be dead by now.

I am brought back from my reverie by a kick in my stomach.  

I put Chloe down once we reach my room. I thought of bringing her here because I can still smell Harry's scent on her and that really ticks me off.

"What the hell?! Why did you bring me to your bedroom, Ryan? If you try anything I swear I'm going to kick you where the sun doesn't shine and you won't be able to get up for days!" 

GOD! She can be so violent sometimes. Just like me,my sweetheart.

"Babe, if you keep on shouting I won't be able to control myself, so stop talking and listen. I won't do anything to you until and unless you want it. Oh and, you will be spending night here", I said in a no-nonsense voice.

"No way. Stop calling me babe, I don't like it."

"I said it and you have to agree with it. Topic closed, okay? Now wait for me and then we will sleep together in the same room and in one bed", I said going to my attached bathroom and her scream of frustration that followed gave me a great sense of accomplishment.

Hey, I was free so I thought,'Why not update?'

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