Chapter 20 (Edited)

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Chloe's POV
After yelling at Ryan, I rush away from him. I could feel the tears pricking my eyes. My throat feels as if something is stuck in it. I don't want to admit it, but it is true that I still have feelings for him. How can someone become so important in your life in just a short while?

I was walking deep in thought, not really paying attention to my surroundings. Suddenly, I crash  into someone. I look up to meet a pair onyx eyes. They were really exotic. I take a step back to see the person. It was a boy. He was not really buff not skinny either. He had a lean built and at a  closer look, he had six packs. That's when I came back to my senses and realized that I was checking him out.

I come out of my trance and look at him. I saw him smirking and knew that I was caught.

"I am really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and accidently bumped into you", I apologized.

"I don't if I should believe you because I just saw you checking me out", he said, still smirking. 

"Dude, I said sorry. If you are too arrogant for your own good then I don't wanna converse with you either. Bye."

I had reached the classroom just as the class was about to begin thankfully the professor was not angry. I quietly enter and sit in my place. The seat next to me was empty.

The door opened a few minutes later and two people stood in the doorway. It was Ryan and the new guy I had met earlier. Professor scolds Ryan for being tardy but allows them to enter. Both of them walk towards me. There's only one empty seat near me and only one of them can sit. I hoped that either of them didn't sit in the empty seat.

Both of them reach me. However the new guy is quick and he sits in the seat next to me and smiles triumphantly at Ryan. Okaaay, now that  was something. Ryan's face remained impassive jut I saw his jaw tick slightly.

"Hello, nice to meet you again", the new guy says cheekily.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too", I reply. Ryan doesn't spare us a glance but grabs a chair and sits behind us.

"I knew we would meet again", he says.

"Wow, so basically you can see into the future. So may I know your name Mr.Psychic?", I ask him.

"My name is Steve and may I know yours, Senorita?"

"I am Chloe."

"It's a pleasure to meet you", Steve says and I cordially smile at him and turn my attention to the professor and he does the same.Behind me, I could feel Ryan burning holes in my back with his stare. Oh, if looks could kill. I could feel his irritation; he was scribbling something on paper, crushing the paper, tapping his pen, etc.

As the class finished I got up and was about leave the class when someone grabs my wrist. Thinking it was Ryan I was about shout at him.

"Listen Ryan if you touch me I swear I'll-"

"Calm down it's just me, Steve."

"Oh! Sorry. Come on, how many time should I say sorry to you?"

"Okay then let's decide that now."

"What do you mean?"

"Go on a date with me?", he asks giving me a cheeky smile.



"Yeah. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Nope. Nothing."

"Okay then my number is 23xxxxxxxx text me when you've decided upon the place and time."

"Alright, see you later, Chloe."

As soon as I enter the house, I hear shouting. It's not a big mystery who it is. My parents.



I ignore them because I know if I try to intervene it'll just become worse. I go to my room to get ready for my date. I shower and get dressed up.

(The outfit is in the pic above)

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(The outfit is in the pic above)

 I put on light makeup. And I'm ready.

The doorbell rings and I open it thinking that Steve is here but it is the last person I want to meet right now, Ryan.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know how this concerns you but I have a date."

"What the hell?!" 

Just at that moment, Steve also comes there. He wore a white T-shirt and denim jacket with black colored jeans while Ryan wore plain black jeans with a light blue shirt. They both stare at each other as if they're both offended by each other.

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