Chapter 23 (Edited)

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Chloe's POV

Today is the prom day. I am very, very excited today. It's not for the prom, but the guy I'm going to prom with. I've never been so excited to go to prom. But Ryan is...... different. I am never going to tell him that though. I can't be vulnerable again. Back to the prom topic. Lilly and I had decided that we were going to wear the same colored dresses.

We decided on sky blue colour so I decided to wear a sky blue dress with a pearl necklace.

We decided on sky blue colour so I decided to wear a sky blue dress with a pearl necklace

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Then the heels.

And for my hair, I tied it up in a bun

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And for my hair, I tied it up in a bun.

I wait for Lilly after I get dressed as she said that she will come to my home and the boys will come to our house to pick us up

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I wait for Lilly after I get dressed as she said that she will come to my home and the boys will come to our house to pick us up. We will directly go the prom together. After 25 years she finally comes. She wore an off-shouldered dress paired with a choker.

 She wore an off-shouldered dress paired with a choker

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******************************We both were dressed pretty similarly other than our hair, she had let hers down while I made a bun

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We both were dressed pretty similarly other than our hair, she had let hers down while I made a bun. We were waiting for the boys in the living room after doing our make up.

The bell rang after a few minutes. Lilly rushed to open the door. And there stood the boys who were both looking gorgeous. Girls must already be drooling on Ryan, which made me a tiny bit jealous. Harry wore suit which was the same color as us. Ryan wore a dark navy blue suit which fit him like a glove.

We left together to go to school. After 30 minutes we reached. It looked absolutely fantastic. Whoever had decorated the ball did an amazing job. Instead of looking at the decorations I just go in search of food. Food is always the first priority for me. After searching for a while I found it in corner where a table was set for food.

I took a plate of pudding and started eating it immediately. Suddenly Steve appeared in front of me. He wore a black suit and was looking handsome but he was no match for Ryan.

"Hey, what are you doing?", he asks.

"Any person who has the ability to see knows that I'm eating", I reply with a very obvioous fake smile

"Oooh.... Why are you in a bad mood?"

"Your face has the ability to do that."

"Oh, I'm so honored, Chloe", he replies sarcastically.

 We both start laughing after our light banter. We both were just talking when Ryan appeared out of thin air. He placed my plate on the table and took me to the dance floor. He didn't even acknowledge Steve's presence.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?", I ask him angrily. I was actually having a good time but he just can't see me smiling, I guess.

"What? I'm just making sure that my partner is with me not with someone else", he cheekily replies.

"You could have just called me but why did you snatch my plate? I was eating you know that?"

"So you're angry that I took your plate not because I took you away from Steve?", he asks me with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"No, why would I be angry at that?", I ask him with, no doubt, confusion evident on my face.

He just shrugged his shoulder and we start dancing. It was an amazing moment and I will never forget it.

I was staring at him with, dare I say it, love and looking into his eyes and if I am not mistaken, they held the same feeling too. We both knew that we wanted each other and he has even said it. It's just me who's left to confess and I will. Tonight.

After dancing, we decide to go outside in the fresh air. We were both walking silently, holding our hands. The silence wasn't uncomfortable as I had dreaded, it was actually peaceful. I decide that no other time was better to confess than now.

"Hey Ryan.?", I ask him hesitantly.

"Hmm?", he turns to looks at me.

"I love you", I say it in one breath. He looks shocked and taken back. But he smiles widely and takes me in his arms and swirls me, laughing.

"I love you too. I love you sooo much." I smile at him.

"Thank you for making this night so awesome and wonderful. I will always love you", I tell him with a smile and kiss him. This might sound cliché, but I have, I am in and I will always be in love with him.

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