Chapter 26 (Edited)

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Ryan's POV
I can't believe my mate didn't allow me to accompany her when she herself is going with that dumb ass. The moment Dad told me that Steve was coming, I could smell danger from miles and miles.

I look at Harry who is sitting beside me and find his mouth open. Like literally--his jaw might fall on the floor any moment--open. I close his mouth and shake his shoulder.

"What the hell just happened?!", Harry asks me incredulously.

"I wish I knew", I reply.

"We can't let that guy just go out with our girls", he tells me.

"Thank you for stating the obvious", I reply sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes and avoids me. What's with everyone ignoring me? But now I have more important things to think about, like the girls going out with  Steve.

I think and think and think.

"Hey, I have a plan", Harry shouts

"What is the plan?", I ask eagerly. He comes near my ear and whispers the plan.


"That's a great plan. I never took you to be a mastermind, good job bro! Now let's make their great outing into a disastrous one", I say, rubbing both of my hands together and smirking. 

Chloe's POV

After we leave the boys in canteen, we head towards our class.

"Hey Chloe, do you think this is a good idea?", Lilly asks me nervously.

"Of course Lilly, now don't sweat too much. Let's head towards the class", I reply breezily.

We both have the same class, so we reach and take a seat in the front. Harry and Ryan too have the same class but they don't come until the teacher has started the lecture.

They both come together. I swear I can literally see the gears turning in his head. 

The teacher allows then in the class. After that he goes and sits far away from me. Now that's weird.

I don't dwell on it too much and keep my focus on what is being taught in the class till the period ends. I take my books and leave the class along with Lilly but we part ways because she said that she had to meet the principal for some reason so I left without her.

I went to my locker for taking out my chemistry book. All of a sudden I was pined to the lockers by none other than Ryan.

"You can play the game as long as you want but in the end you are, you were and you will only and always be only mine."

He says in a husky voice. Stressing on the mine word. The blue in his eye gets dominated by the black. His mouth comes near my earlobe and he sucks on it. I bite my lips to stifle a moan. His mouth leaves my ear and goes towards my neck where he sucks and bites my skin. Before I could register a thought, a moan left  my mouth. I look at him and in his eyes which are pitch black.

A/N: Sorry guys for the late update. I was having a headache. And the online class needed full attention. So I had to delay the update. I just want to till May updates may be irregular. Please comment if there are any problems.
Love you.

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