Chapter 28 (Edited)

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Ryan's pov
It's been one month since me and Chloe are in a relationship. I want to move forward in our relationship and start a family. My wolf has been reminding me every time I see Chloe that I should mark her soon. I wanted to give her time but after last night I know that she too wants me and trusts me.

I call Chloe and tell her to meet me in park near the school. From the reaction I got from her, I can't tell if she's nervous or if it's just what I am feeling. My only hope is that she's okay with it.

I reach the park and sit on one of the benches. After some time I see her coming my way. I notice that she keeps on fidgeting with her hand which is a huge sign that she's nervous.

"Hey. Why did you call me here?", she asks me, her eyes not meeting mine. I lift her chin and make her look at me.

"Don't worry it's not something bad; at least not from my point of view", I say the last part quietly. Hearing the last part, she narrows her eyes at me. It just makes me squirm.

"What is it?", she asks in a serious tone.

"Okay! Look we've have been dating each other for a month. I know it's not a long while but I can't wait anymore. You are my mate and spending one month is more than enough to decide whether I want to spend my life with you or not", I tell her, looking deep in her eyes which are filled with confusion.

"We werewolves are partially animals. The main instinct of an werewolf when it meets its mate is to reproduce." 

"So you want me to bear you a child?!", she exclaimes, her eyes widening.

"No, no!! You got it wrong. What I want is that, I want to complete our mate bound. When a werewolf meets their mate he marks and mates with her. Mating here means having sex. I just want us to complete the mating bond and secure our relationship. Which can be only done with your answer to this question..... do you agree spend your whole life with me?", I ask nervousness clearly evident on my face.

"Staying with you means bearing your annoying, possessive, arrogant and rude ass which seems a tough job", she says while tapping her index finger against her chin as if she is actually contemplating this.

"Well, what can I say....despite everything I still love this annoying ass", she says rewarding me with her beautiful smile.

"So that means you will complete our mate bond?!", I ask again to confirm because it seems too good to be true.

"Of course, but only on one condition", she replies.

Uh-Oh. I hate conditions!

"What is it?", I ask, nervousness taking over me once again.

"We can only start a family after I secure myself a job", she says looking directly into my eyes.

I think for while and I understand her. She wants to live her life and college time and so do I.

"Okay but you have to choose me and only me after you finish college and we will marry the next instant", I say to her and give her my infamous smirk.

"You are crazy", she says shaking her head and smiling.

"Only for you, baby", I say picking her up and swirling her around.

"So when can we mate?", I ask excitedly.

"When you stop being annoying", she replies monotonously.

"But that's never!", I exclaim.

"Right", she retorts. I pull her towards me.

"I'm serious, princess", I say.

"Well, I don't know", she says shrugging her shoulders.

"We will be having a mating ceremony coming weekend where I will introduce you to the pack and complete our mate bond. Is that alright with you?", I ask her, it takes some time for her to reply.

"Will your pack want a human Luna?", she asks with innocence filling her sentence.

"They will and if they don't they will have to deal with it because they don't have any other choice because I am not letting you go", I reply seriously.

She just hums, thinking deeply.

"So we're having the ceremony coming weekend. Wear something white as it's like a wedding for werewolves", I say.

"Okay", she replies but I can sense the uncertainty in her tone. I turn towards her and put my hands on shoulder.

"You are great, Chloe. Everyone is gonna like you even if your a human. Trust me and stop being soooo nervous", I say stretching the so. She smiles at my attempts to relieve her stress. Which is what I wanted.

"I'll make you laugh like this your whole life", I say looking directly in her eyes which are filled adoration and love for me.

"I love you", I tell her looking deep in her eyes. These three words spoke every emotion I had in me.

"I love you, too", she says and smiles. I smile too.

For me girls were only for one night stands and I would discard them like clothes but after meeting Chloe every thing changed. I wanted to make her smile, make her laugh, spend time with her and get to know her. I wanted to spend my life with her. She really changed me. I was no longer the boy who would see a girl and bang her.

"Now stop staring at me like a creep", Chloe says with a laugh.

"You are all mine to stare, princess", I tell her and peck her sweet lips.

And we spend the evening in each other's embrace cause I know after mating ceremony I will be the Alpha and we won't spend as much as time we used to. But that won't stop me from loving her.
A/N: Hope you all are fine and liking my story. If yes, please vote. If no, please comment on what you didn't like. I am looking forward for your response. Please don't be a silent reader. Thank you for reading my story.

Love you all!

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