Chapter 25 (Edited)

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Chloe's POV
(Present time)
After a lot of arguing we finally settled on my clothes. Yep! Ryan, thinks that all my dress are either too tight or too small. But my whole closet consists of sweaters and leggings or jeans. But no! According to him they are tight!


I just had the epiphany that werewolves are a pretty jealous species. I ignore him for rest of the ride to school. As soon as we reach school, I get out of the car and rush towards the entrance. He easily catches up to me.

"Chloe", Ryan calls out.

"What?", I snap at him.

"Why are you running?"

"Why shouldn't I? You think my jeans and sweaters are too tight. You think I wear seductive clothes! I know you are jealous but you can't control me and order me what to wear!!"

"Okay, I'm sorry", he says with a cute pout.

"It's okay", I sigh resignedly and we end our fight. I hug him. 

I know it's cliché but I can't resist him. 

We had different classes so we part our ways. As soon as I reach the classroom, I look for Lilly but she's not to be seen. S, I take a seat in the middle and wait for Lilly to come. It's unusual for Lilly to come late for class.

After 15 minutes she comes looking like..... well, like she was kissed like hell. Her hair looks completely disheveled. Her dress had creases. She looked funny. I never knew that Harry had a rough character too.

She gives me the 'why-are-you-laughing'  look. I just take out my emergency mirror and showed her her face. Thank goodness she doesn't wear lipstick or else it would have been really funny.

She looks at her reflection and starts panicking. I comfort her and she again goes to washroom.

"Hey, how are you?", Steve comes up to me and asks.

"I'm fine Steve", I reply.

"Awww, you don't have to be that rude to my poor heart you know?", he says in a sweet voice while clutching his heart. I just ignore him.

I'm ignoring him too much these days.

Soon Lilly comes with a smirking Harry in tow. Why isn't the teacher here yet? Lilly throws a angry look towards Harry but he just keeps on smirking. Lilly comes towards me and says,"I hate him."

"Yup", I say nonchalantly.

"He is irritating."


"He is an asshole."


"He is a jerk."


"But still I love him."


We look at each other and start laughing. Soon the teacher comes and tells us why he was late and starts class.

After few more classes, it's lunch so Lilly and I decide to sit together. Soon Ryan and Harry also join us. Lilly sees Steve and calls him to sit with us. He sits between me and Lilly, which earns him narrowed eyes from both Ryan and Harry.

We were discussing about a project, when all of a sudden Steve shouts.

"You know what? Let's stop discussing about project."

"Then what do you want us to talk about?", Lilly asks

"As you know I'm new here. So why don't you girls show me around?"

"OK", we both agree.

"So when do we show you around?", Ryan asks.

"Sorry, but no men are allowed", Steve replies.

"What do you mean by 'no men are allowed'?", Harry asks.

"It means that you guys can't come with us."

"No way. We won't leave our girls with you."

"That means you think your girls will choose me over you and that you don't trust them."

"Wait! You don't trust us", me and Lilly yell together.

"No, that's not what we meant."

"I don't care. We are going and you're not allowed. That's it!", I tell them. The lunch break finishes. So me, Lilly and Steve leave.

We turn to look at the boys. They looked dumbstruck. We ignore them and leave.

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